How Fast Is My Metabolism

How do you make your metabolism move faster?

Tips to increase your metabolism

-----Increase your protein intake : It helps in building muscle tissue. More muscles burn more fat and increases your metabolism.

-----Eat breakfast everyday : Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast is break the fast that we have done overnight. Skipping breakfast makes your metabolism slower and makes you hungry which you tend to compensate by eating a lot later.

-----Eat smaller, more frequent meals (eat 4-6 six small meals) - More frequent meals keep your metabolism charged .

-----Exerecise to fire up your metabolism and burn more calories - Try 30-60 minutes of physical activity a day. It increases your metabolism .

-----Take the stairs and park your car further away from the shops - You will end up burning more calories.

-----Interval training - great way to boost metabolism

----Eating foods that speed up metabolism -
more info

Can I lose my fast metabolism as I age?

It all depends on your diet.
Here's a list of yummy foods that speed up metabolism:
spinach (put it in a smoothie or mix it in with your eggs)
green tea (have 2-3 cups a day)
hot peppers
cinnamon (sprinkle it EVERYWHERE)
grape fruit
Brocolli (season it if youre not a fan)
water ( 2 liters to a galon a day)
soy milk
apples (an apple a know)
almonds (12 a day burns fat)
oatmeal (add bananas or apple sauce for taste)
Hope it helps!
Good Luck!

How can i know if my metabolism is fast or slow?

Your metabolism is a whole complicated process and there are fancy ways to find out more exactly how many calories you burn a day. A simple little thing that can give you an idea is here:

Cool device:

Fancy way:

My way (WARNING: not scientific, not supported, just what I think should work):

If you're staying at about the same weight, then just count how many calories you're eating in a day. Check over a few days (eat normally) and average.

Will my fast metabolism ever go away?

First, calm down, and be thankful you can eat whatever you want without any weight gain, at least for now. Most men's metabolism slows down in their late 20's or early 30's and we usually achieve our final height by age 21 or so, though most have most of it by the time they finish high school. I grew 3 inches after the age of 17, but I come from a long line of late bloomers. Ask your dad and uncles when they stopped growing to get some idea of what you can expect, though there are always exceptions.

I doubt you're going to be tall, but there are a lot of tall kids with short parents. There is very little you can do to promote growing taller, but you can limit your chances by poor diet and lack of exercise. Also, just because you don't gain any weight, it doesn't mean that a good diet isn't important. Junk food, high salt content, and saturated fats are still bad for you and contribute to high blood pressure, hypertension, clogging of the arteries, and stress on the body's organs and systems, so you should try to limit that stuff even though you aren't putting on weight.

I don't know if there are any signs you've stopped growing other than you seem to buy the same size clothes for a while. But since there isn't a whole lot you can do about it, it's probably best to try to control the other aspects of your life that you can and are more important anyway. You know, stuff like grades, relationships, criminal records, work histories, and not hanging out with Charlie Sheen or a Kardashian.