How Fast Should You Drink Slim Fast

How many slim fast shakes can I drink in one day?

Thanks for everyone's' answers!!

To nikolia detienne: I'm really not trying to lose weight rapidly. I doing this more because I need to realize that food doesn't control my life and by fasting for a day it will be easier for me to control my eating habits.

To Katie: Please just shut the **** up! You sound so ******* stupid. Really you would overdose on vitamins just to be tan? Damn!

Is it ok for a 15 year old girl to drink slim fast?

Slim fast appears to work without chemicals and uses the following to reduce weight:

* Helps you reduce your calorie intake through portion control
* Provides balanced nutrition, including essential vitamins and minerals
* Can be mixed and matched with your favorite foods, so you won't get tired of eating the same old thing

So for a ten year old, no it will not harm you. Should you do it?

As a ten-year old you are still growing, and you will likely go through a growth spurt sometime soon. Your brain and body are developing rapidly right now. You don't need to worry about your weight unless you are overweight - a doctor is the only one who can determine this at this point.

Slim fast costs money, as all food. Its also aimed for adults.
It will not harm you, but it will probably cost extra money and not help you much either.
My advice is to exercise and eat healthy. Walk, jump rope, do push ups or some form of activity every day and fill up on vegetables and fruits. Avoid white breads.
Go to the mall and walk all around :)
You will get long term results and feel much better than otherwise.

If you want to try this, and your parents are aware, you can, but it is quite unnecessary and probably won't taste that good or be much fun. This is a time where you will try many things.

As a ten year old, you should not be focused on loosing weight, but on being healthy. Remember, weight isn't a measure of health.

Go for what you want, but remember to eat healthy and exercise!

Is it safe to drink slim fast while pregnant?

I don't see why not. It's full of vitamins and nutrients. However, Ensure makes a slimfast drink ESPECIALLY for pregnant moms. I think those are great and you know they are safe. If you go online and search google you can find coupons and freebies too.

I just checked slimfast's website and did not find the warning for pregnant women; in fact, this is what I found:

"Slim-Fast products do not contain any stimulants or drugs."

I've included the link below for you or anyone else who has this concern.

Should i drink a slim fast shake before or after running in the morning?

Drink half of it before and half after. The burned calories are still burnt don't worry about that. It will be like a reward and less likely that you will be hungry adn tempted to eat after your adrenalin stops. Good luck and stick to it :) Having something in your system right way in the morning is a great thing for your metabolism. so thats why half first.

Another thing you can try is use the powder and a blender and mix things into it. Like chocolate with a banana is yummy or chocolate and instant coffee powder...yummy. Or vanilla with fresh fruit. OH and ice! dont forget to blen ice in those!

Would it be harmful to my dog to drink choc. slimfast?

Not a good choice.

Give a good quality dog food. He'll get his vitamins from that. If he needs supplements, you can purchase dog vitamins.

Would taking hydroxycut and drinking a slim fast be too much for losing weight?

just taking hydroxicut dose not make you lose weight. what it does is give you energy and help you refrain from eating more than you should.

you still need to diet and exercise accordingly

Is it okay to drink Slim Fast shakes after the date printed on the bottom of the can?

Open it up, pour it in a clear glass and see if it pours out evenly. Smell it. Taste it.

Actually, slim fast contains milk. It should NOT be consumed after the date.

Good luck !!