How For 4 1/2 Years Has 0bama Managed To Keep Unemployment Higher Than When He Was Elected

Donald Trump’s biggest accomplishment as President 2 years in?

He was able to appoint two SCOTUS:1. Neil Gorsuch2. Brett Kavanaugh3. Confirmed 26 U.S. Coury of Appeals judges. Obama appointed 11.4. Confirmation of 41 Federal District Court Judges. Obama appointed 30.5. Accomplished a tax relief for corporations by lowering rate from 35%-20%. But, MOST corporations BOUGHT BACK STOCK, not invest in wage increases or infrastructure building. And this increased the DEFICIT by a large percentage.6. Dismantled several Obama regulations that had been put in place to HELP REVIVE THE ECONOMY. Like Dodd-Frank.7. Redid NAFTA, but didn't really change much.8. Got out of Paris Accord. Which in the long run, will not be good.9. Got out of Iran Deal, which had been doing its job on keeping Iran from advancing nuclear proliferation of fissile material.10. Lowest unemployment, which had also been the LOWEST under Obama.11. Blacks and Hispanics enjoyed the LOWEST unemployment rate STARTED UNDER OBAMA and continued for 45.12. Made peace overtures to North Korea, Russia, China. Not very successful, since North Korea is still going ahead with missile research in secrecy.13. Stated that the ISIS Caliphate is crushed and troops can come home from Syria and Afghanistan. Not a good idea to remove ALL troops from Syria yet, because it will create a vacuum for other bad actors to get a strong hold again. Pockets of ISIS still survive. Will leave Kurds vulnerable to Turkish hostilities.14. Renewed the construction of the Keystone pipeline. Which isn't needed anymore.15. Tried to have WALL built. This is ongoing with Mexico not paying.16. Got out of TPP, which would have helped the U.S. by having us stay at the table with other trading partners to vent our feelings about Chinas unfair trade policies.17. Installed tariffs on China, which is hurting our farmers and end use manufacturers of RAW Steel and Aluminum. Our TRADE DEFICIT IS STILL HIGH AND CLIMBING.There are a couple more promises, but they arent likely to be realized by 45 in the next two years of his first term. And there may not be a second term.

What was better economically, the last 2 years of Obama or the first 2 years of Trump?

The President who reduce unemployment the most from there 4 or 8 year term.President Obama is number one in bringing down 9.3 % employment rate to 4.8%.The stock market crash of 2008 occurred on September 29, 2008On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama became president. He inherited a recession that was already well underway, which ended much earlier in his presidency than did the Reagan recession. Obama entered office just as the economy was about to strike the pavement losing jobs that unemployment rate reach 9.3 %. The economy bounce, though, has proceeded in agonizingly slow motion Because banks were not lending and were trying to recover from the market crash.President Trump’s First Year 2017 Of Job Growth Was Below President Obama's Last Term in 2016.Top Three President in creating the most Jobs.(Number One) President Clinton added 21.5 million jobs, a 19.6 percent increase. There were 131 million people employed in December 1999, the end of his term. That's 21.5 million more than the 109.5 million employed at the beginning of his term.(Number Two) President Obama created 17.267 million jobs by the end of December 2016, a 12.8 percent increase. Obama attacked the Great Recession with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It created jobs through public works. Many of those jobs were in construction. That successfully reduced the unemployment rate.(Number Three) President Reagan added 15.9 million jobs during his eight-year term, a 17.6 percent.The Job information I got from Forbes is below President that increase the Dow Jones the most By the percentage.(Number One) Bill Clinton 227 Percent(Number Two) Barack Obama. 149 Percent(Number Three) Ronald Reagan 135 Percent

President Trump said, "I was given a bad hand." What did you think about it? Was it bad or good?

Obama was given a bad hand. The economy was in a deep recession, due largely to Bush’s tax cuts and other classic Republican economic strategies that consistently ruin the economy. And yet, over two terms, he turned it around. Under Obama, the stock market improved, the effective deficit shrank, unemployment went down, jobs were steadily being added, and so on. By the time Trump came in, our economy was in a good place. It was far healthier at the end of Obama’s presidency than at the beginning. Trump can whine, but the truth is that Obama objectively improved the economy.And conservatives will lie about this up and down, but the military was also strong under Obama. Spending went up during his first term, and only went down during his second term because he was ending unpopular wars that he had promised to end (that the majority of Americans wanted him to end). His final budget requested an increase to the military budget, an increase which Congress reduced to a level below what Obama wanted (a popular tactic under Obama for the GOP was to intentionally sabotage the country in order to make him look bad; this was true even in the case of defense and national security). Even so, our military remains the most considerable force in the modern world. Obama left office trying to raise spending and increase our national security. Trump wants to raise spending in some areas, but he also wants to cut essential national security spending such as funding to the State Department. He may not understand national security well enough to know this, but the State Dept. is incredibly important to our security - not to mention our legitimacy as world leaders. He has also undermined Obama-era efforts to increase our cyber security. I wonder why…(guess he wants Russia to win him his re-election bid too).