How Has America Changed And Influenced Australia Via Telecommunication Links

How do women different from men in communication style?

Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, suggests that men and women communicate in such different ways that they seem to be from different planets. Men use communication to maintain independence, while women talk to maintain intimacy. Whether conscious or unconscious, men often talk to establish status from others. Women use words to connect themselves emotionally, to express feelings, or build rapport. Men often share facts and figures, as if in a report.

You can read more on this through the link given below. Thanks for the question, i could have a peek too into how men and women differ in communication.

Industrial revolution?

western Europe + netherlands + great britain exprience an agricultural change population explosion and a growth of industry. Help explain these changes.In what way are any of these three interrelated

Does culture affect communication and how?

Hi, Andri. Welcome to Yahoo Answers. In anthropology, the field of science that looks at human origins and development, and the development of societies and cultures, culture is thought of as something made up basically of institutions, which include, among some other institutions, government, education, energy use, technology, science, family, and communication. Communication is a component of culture. Communication is to family member as culture is to family. One way of looking at your question is to ask, "Does FAMILY affect an individual family member?" Also, try to think this question, too, "Does an individual family member affect FAMILY?" Communication, as a human institution, is so important, it has it's own field of study called, "Linguistics" Anthropology. Here is a link to get started: