How High Would My Heart Rate Need To Be To Induce Death

Is a high heart rate dangerous in hyperthyroid patients?

100 is not ideal; I'd like to have a resting heart rate in the 60s or 70s, suggesting a conditioned heart. But you're being treated for hyperthyroidism and an elevated heart rate is expected. How much? Well, 100 is the upper limit of "normal," although I think they should change that. Your medicines may need more time to work to lower your thyroid hormone levels or you may need a beta blocker started or adjusted in the meantime. Ask your doctor. To put this into perspective, we do know a racing heart for a long time can weaken the heart muscle. This is one reason we've always controlled the rate in the arrhythmia "atrial fibrillation." But, we wanted to know how low was required, and a large study was done. Turned out that a resting heart rate below 115 was good enough. You've got a different condition but that tells us 100 is no emergency, unless you have symptoms like chest pain and trouble breathing. Get it corrected over the coming weeks and report progress and symptoms to your endocrinologist.

Does your heart rate speed up or go down when you have a heart attack?

Both can happen.In most, having pain, and the stress it causes, will lead to an outpouring of adrenaline, and an activation of the sympathetic autonomous nervous system (fight or flight response) thus inducing a high heart rate.On the other hand, in some, often those having a wound in the underside of the heart (inferior infarct), the parasympathetic autonomous nervous system will be activated, causing a slowing down of the heart rate.So it also depends on the balance between the activation of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic autonomous nervous system.

Can weed cause death, for example, heart attacks or cardiac arrest, etc.?

Cannabis exerts a vasodilatory effect systemically, which means you would have a large increase in blood flow to your head, especially with smoking and brownies, hence the headache.Cannabis also increases your heart rate, which causes people to feel palpitations.In terms of cannabis causing a heart attack, it's not really possible unless you have some pre-existing heart condition. THC actually relaxes smooth muscle, so it counters the effect of the abnormally high heart rate to some extent, helping protect your heart from things like heart attacks.If the patient already has a case of cardiomyopathy, it could be considered dangerous though, since it directly effects the heart.

What is the fastest the average human heart could safely beat without failing?

Hi although Adrien and others quote a maximum heart rate of 220+/min, this is normally the rate at which ventricular tachycardia would occur, i.e. a rate so fast that it would be not only pathological, but highly dangerous; a rate such as this would have the potential to progress to VF (ventricular fibrillation), where there is effectively zero cardiac output = equivalent to cardiac arrest [of which the only other cause is asystole = no heartbeat at all - a flat iso-electric ECG].Secondly, the quote of “160–30” of Adrien is impossible because a heart rate of 30/min, under any circumstances, would lead to either collapse due to a Stokes-Adams attack (following heart block) or death. The intrinsic heart rate of the fastest part of the heart determines heart rate, normally the sino-atrial node, but this so-called pacemaker functionality can be taken over by another part of the heart if the SA node is too slow for any reason e.g. third degree heart block (complete failure of passage of electrical impulse from atria to ventricles in the Bundle of His) - the slowest intrinsic rate belongs to a certain part of the ventricles and is just under 40/min, so 30/min would indicate the instigation of urgent emergency measures!!Thirdly, tachycardia is not a recognized cause of cardiac failure, which is defined as a state in which the heart is unable to sustain a cardiac output sufficient to meet the needs of the respiring tissues. The known causes of heart failure are:a) hypertensionb) myocardial infarction (heart attack)c) mitral stenosis [stenosis = narrowing like bottle-necking]d) aortic stenosise) aortic regurgitation [=leakage]e) pulmonary embolism (RVF - right ventricular failure)f) cardiomyopathyHope this answers your Q in perspective.

Why is cocaine bad for your heart?

Why is it bad for your heart if you take drugs that quicken the heart rate (cocaine for example), but good for your heart if you do activities that quicken the heart rate (jogging for example). Don't both exercise the heart?

Does anyone know how low a heart-rate can go before it's considered dangerously low?

The most important thing to consider is, why is your heart rate in the 40's? As previously mentioned it is possible to have a low heart rate due to your level exercise. However, if you are having dificulty with work outs, such as shortness of breath, you could say this is a problem. The way the heart conducts electricity could also contribute to a lower heart rate. In this case there would be loss of synchrony between the top and bottom part of the heart. It would be a worth a trip to the doctor to find the underlying reason for your bradycardia (brady meaning slow)

Fetal death, what signs if any?

If the baby HAD been kicking on a regular basis and isn't any longer, that can be a sign. Other than that, you would need an ultrasound to detect the presence or absence of a heart beat.

You are pretty early along for regular kicking, as well. If there is no cramping or bleeding, then your body isn't trying to expell anything. Only a doctor can tell you at this point, but it sounds to me like you have nothing to worry about!

Did my first fetal non-stress test today and the baby's heart rate was all over the place?

I'm 33 weeks and haven't had a stress test .. BUT I was in the hospital a month ago because of a car accident ... my water bag sprung a leak and I was flight lifted to a hospital 2 hrs away and was going to be kept for 5 weeks until I reached 34 weeks and they were going to induce, but the bag healed itself (thank God!) so I'm home and taking my baby to full term! :)
anyway .. no, do not stress about the heart rate being all over the place.
My baby is normally 145-150.
I was on a fetal monitor for 4 days (while in the hospital) and my babys heart rate dropped down to 120 and then jumped to 138 then 145 and reached as high as 170.
It scared me to death! but they said it was completely normal.
I was on a constant monitor and his heart rate kept jumping and falling and jumping and falling .. I kept asking the nurse if everything was ok and they said it was perfectly fine.
At one point it dropped to 118 which scared me because he's never been that low .. then another time it was up to 170 and he's never been that high .. I was a basket case .. and the nurses said it's all perfectly fine :)
don't worry ..their heart rate goes up and down like ours!
congrats on the baby boy! we're almost ready to meet our little boys!!!
God bless!

Ever know of a dog that died from eating too much chocolate?

Chocolate contains theobromine. It increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle. Symptoms include increase in dog's heart rate, which can cause arrhythmia, restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination or excessive panting. Now your dog would have to eat its weight in regular chocolate to die, but bakers chocolate, 1 oz can be lethal to a 20lb dog. I've seen many owners come into our clinic horrified because their dog ate a candy bar. That little amount of chocolate will give your dog a tummy ache at most.