How Is Jewish Nationalism Such As Zionism Racist Yet Arab Nationalism Is Not Racist Why Does The

How is Zionism racist and Arab Nationalism isnt?

Because there is a deep purpose behind the propaganda. When you look at the facts nothing makes sense, unless you understand the Goals of the Fabian Society and how the Progressive Movement they created in the US fits in.

Arabs kill gays, that's OK!
Arabs believe in NO rights for Women, that's OK!
Arabs hate doggies and will kill them all when they can, That's OK!
Someone steals food, Arabs will cut off their hands, That's OK!
Arabs took Palestinians into camps sponsored in the UN and brutally brain washed them and killed those who wouldn't follow the line, and trained them to do the same to those who spoke with less than pure hatred of the Jews ... That's OK!
Iran murders it's own people protesting the extremists cheating an Election, That's OK!

Christians believes you shouldn't murder babies ... OH THAT BASTARD! KILL HIM!
Jews go after terrorists who've been bombing their cities and targeting children ... OH THOSE BASTARDS! WIPE THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH

that's how the liberals have been trained by the Fabian Society which controls their Progressive Movement in the US

Which is most racist: Jewish Nationalism (Zionism), White Nationalism or Black Nationalism?

Zionism is the worst modern day evil.

Read Der Judenstaat -- before they wanted to take over Palestine, Mr. Herzl (i.e. the Father of Zionism) alluded to acquiring land from other places such as Argentina and Uganda.

Der Judenstaat also professes the requirement of causing political strife for the Jewish way. Many Jewish men and women oppose modern day Zionism, accurately describing it as an abomination against the Torah (refer: ).

Herzl's word's echoed throughout Europe, especially in Great Britian where Zionists terrorized UN embassies at the instant they sniffed Great Britain's hestiancy in the whole matter.

Anyone who knows anything about Judaism understands that Judaism is about the Jewish Nation first and foremost. The Bible is about the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob whose name was changed to Israel by God. The 12 sons of Israel and their descendants are the Nation known as the Children of Israel or Israelites. The son named Levi is the ancestor of the Levites and priests (Kohanim) thus all the Jews with names such as Cohen or Levy or Katz (abbr. Kohen Tzedek) and so on. The term Jew and the land Judea are named after son named Judah.The history of the Jews in the land of Israel is chronicled in the Bible and survived the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks before the Romans conquered Jerusalem in the year 70CE and the Jewish people expelled to become the ever persecuted “wandering Jews” expelled from country after country. The Arch of Titus, erected in Rome in the year 82 CE, commemorates the Roman conquest of Jerusalem.The Bible predicted the Jews exile. It predicted the Jews being scattered to the corners of the earth, and that they would retain their identity and their land would remain desolate. And that after a very long time God would gather the Jews and bring them home and the land would once again flourish.If not for the Reform movement “Jewish nationalism” would be redundant. Judaism is intrinsically nationalistic. But the Reform movement lost hope for the return to the Jewish homeland, and when countries began emancipating the Jews they decided to redefine Judaism along the lines of Christianity. They removed nationalism from their version of Judaism so Jews would not be accused of having allegiance to the Jewish “nation” rather than their country of citizenship.Zionism restored nationalism to secular Judaism. Zionism declared that emancipation did not solve the persecution of Jews. Only the restoration of the Jewish Homeland could solve the problem and provide a safe haven against persecution.

Is Jewish Nationalism racist? Is White Nationalism racist?

(1) IF Jews are a race and Whites are a race,…

(2) AND IF White Nationalists, you hold, racist,…

(3) THEN Jewish Nationalists, you should in good logic hold, racist.

IF Zionism = Jewish Nationalism, THEN : Zionism is, according to (3), RACIST.

IF Israel is a product of ZIONISM, THEN Israel is a racist state. ~ Does it follow?

THEREFORE, you must forfeit some of the following ideas :

• That White Nationalism and Jewish Nationalism are racist, in good logic.

• Jew as a race(or genetic thing).

• Zionism as race(or genetic thing) based position.

…IF you do not want the RACIST label. So which do you choose?

I am the unbiased party. I am merely the CURIOUS and GOOD INTENTIONED soul aspiring to bring peace and order to the world. I value science and scientific realism. I value knowing 'why' people hold as true the ideas they do.

And I have NO BEEF with Jews simply because of a label 'Jew'. You are people. You are humans. And thus I respect. But anything after is mere FLUFF and is open to criticism.

Why isn't pan-Arab nationalism considered colonialist and racist?

The Berbers in North Africa certainly think so. So do the Coptic christains in Egypt.

The middle East politics: Zionism vs Arab nationalism ?

if you look at the middle east, there is two main side that caused trouble in the world. one side is Arab nationalism which uses islam religious discourse, has tried to eliminate jewish state in there. there are also big race among Arab nationalism who will be leader for Arabs. For example, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Saudi Arabia. on the other hand, there has been zionist movement because of what happened for jews in the past. Jewish people had lived many trouble and they have strong Zionist feeling in order to remain in there.
for me, Arab nationalism is more danger than Zionism. because, most of Arab states were created by Britain and France as artifical . so, why not Israel ? in Europe, everybody did genocide for jews people. they have right to own nation state. However, Israel forget its past and Israel has done massacre against Palestinian. for me, both side have to give up their nationalist feeling and have to live togather. otherwise, we can always see trouble in there

White Supremacy is not parallel to Zionism. Zionism may be parallel to American patriotism, except that American patriotism is about loyalty to a country established about two hundred years ago by primarily English colonists, who herded the indigenous population into "reservations". Zionism is about a country established thousands of years ago by a people who had lived there over a thousand year before their country was conquered by the Roman Empire, and colonized about 500 years later by Arabs, who Zionists aspired to accept as equal citizens in a State with a Jewish majority.Zionism is not about Jews or Zionists being better than anyone, its only about Jews having the right to live as a free and independent people in their ancestral homeland. When the Zionist movement was founded there were 20 times as many Jews in the world as there were Arabs living in what later became Palestine. Zionists never had a desire or a need to subjugate or expel the Arabs, only to have a place where Jews could be a majority. With a majority we could be free and the Arabs could be treated as equal citizens, as no Jewish minority was ever treated in any Arab land.To even compare the aspirations of Jews to be a free people living in their own historical homeland, to the racist ideology of white supremacists, is in itself a manifestation of anti-Jewish bigotry.

Why is Zionism considered racist when it is just Jewish nationalism?

First, let's explore the history and roots of Zionism. Modern Zionism began in Europe in the 19th century, formulated in response to rabid anti-Semitism. The event that Triggered Theodor Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, to formulate the concept of a modern Jewish state was the prosecution and conviction of Alfred Dreyfus in France in 1894. Originally, Zionists were divided as to whether or not that nation had to be in the ancestral homeland of Israel/Palestine, but eventually that goal was agreed upon. In 1917 the League of Nations approved the Balfour resolution, which called for the ultimate creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. After WWII and the Holocaust, the UN voted to partition the Palestininan Mandate into Jewish and Arab states.

Religious Zionism dates back to the destruction of the second Temple and the Diaspora. It has always been a central Jewish aspiration to return to Jerusalem, and we are promised by G-d that when the Messiah comes, all Jews will return and the Temple will be rebuilt.

At the time of the UN mandate, the entire Arab world declared war on the nascent state of Israel. In the process, Jordan and Egypt gobbled up parts of what were to be the Arab state of Palestine. While Israel survived, Jews were expelled en mas from other Arab countries. Meanwhile, the UN, with the cooperation of the Arab countries, imprisoned the Palestinian Arabs in Refugee camps. No Arab country would accept them as citizens or even as normal residents. Even Jordan, which had a largely Palestinian population, insisted that the "West Bank" Palestininans had to be relegated to camps.

During Israel's struggle for survival, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem threatened any Arabs who failed to leave Palestine with death once the Arab armies achieved victory and destroyed the Jewish state.

Since its birth, Israel has been the subject of Arab hatred, wars, and vilification. The attempt to portray the Jewish national restoration movement as racist is just one example.

How is it racist and antisemitic to be against Zionism?

Why are you posting this again - it bothers you that Yahoo Answers deleted the last one as rant?

Many people make racists and antisemitic comments at Israel. Then use those to JUSTIFY why they're against Israel. Legit criticisms of a country, not based on antisemitic ideas, are okay.

Far too much anti-Israeli rhetoric sources from people who are antisemitic. Then it's gets white-washed so non-haters don't notice, but believe it anyway.

Pineapples aren't apples with pines - words have meanings. Antisemitism was coined by an antisemite to make his hate of JEWS sound more scientific. It refers to murdering Jews for begining Chris kilers, For the blood libels, and conspiracy theories such as "owning the media and money." Hate at Arabs does NOT have these aspects, and has it's own dynamic and it's own word, anti-Arab. It doesn't have a whole developed sense of a word, because it doesn't have the intense and long detailed history of antisemitism.

You say ""nazis" embraced our Pagan religion as our blood-religion and they rejected Judeo-Christianity as Jewish heresy"
Really, enough said. You stand by Nazism and are ignoring it's genocidal master race ideology at it's core.