How Long Can A Person Survive Without Solid Food

How long can a person survive without solid food?

Medical Doctors Commonly cite 4 to 6 weeks without food

10 Political Prisoners in Ireland Lived 46 to 73 days before succumbing to lack of food

12 individual starvation protestors Two lost tongues, 1 lost feet, 7 on kidney dialysis

Many war prisoners Lived 28 to 40 days with no food

World War II concentration camps With only 300 to 600 calories per day, many thousands did not have enough food to survive more than a few months at best.

Terminally Ill patients Live 10-days to 3-weeks without food depending upon initial heath

Obese Can live from 3-weeks up to 25-weeks and more without food depending upon initial health and amount of fat

Mahatma Gandhi Survived a 3-week fast while in his 70's

Can a person survive without eating solid food? I've heard that in the long term it causes constipation, or digestive issues. Would your digestive system suffer from an all-liquid diet as long as it had all the nutrients required to survive?

Humans can actually survive crazy amounts of time without any type of food, liquid or otherwise, as long as they still have adequate water. A human can go for more than three weeks without food. Water is a different story. At least 60% of the adult body is made of it and every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning. Yes, you can get constipated if you don't have enough food to eat. If you start eating too much all at once, that can cause constipation. (IBS) Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition affecting the digestive system. It can cause stomach cramps and bloating. Symptoms can last for days, weeks, or months, and may not always happen after eating…eating meals at regular times and NOT skipping meals. You would surely end up with IBS among other digestive issues, should you stay without solid food and only be on a liquid diet.

How long can a 90-year-old person survive without taking solid food?

Oh whoops, I originally answered for water… sorry about that..For food: Just as I had said for water/dehydration, it will be a lot sooner… the average person can live 4–6 weeks without food.. So.. for someone 90, I'd say it could be anywhere from 4–5 days, to 2 weeks (depending upon how healthy the elderly individual is).. It really is dependent upon for one, if they had any deficiencies beforehand.. And also, if they have any health conditions and how much body fat they had before being starved.. Their metabolism will be lower, and so they already typically eat less.. That is why you see many frail elderly people. If the person is a diabetic, it can be a matter of a day- even a few hours.. We can presume they also wouldn't have their medications/wouldn't be taking them if they don't have access to food/are not eating.. And so.. It really can kill in hours if they also aren't taking their meds. They (diabetics) need food to stabilize their blood sugar levels, and they now have that in addition to a body that isn't as responsive and equipped to withstand improper care and neglect of it.. It also (for elderly people in general) is dependent upon their overall health, and how much their body has aged.(Original answer): Because elderly people's organs aren't as robust and proficient generally speaking, it would be less than 3 days. Dehydration would exhaust their fragile bodies much sooner than a young, healthy individual. In a healthy elderly person, I'd say 2 days max.. As far as a 90 year old with degraded health, less than 48 hours..

How much time can a 120kg person survive without eating solid food?

About 2 days. Quicker to walk Infront of a bus

How long can a person survive on just IVs and no solid food?

It has to do with the condition of the person on IV.In theory a healthy person could live 20 years or more.The problem is the heart will become weak over time and fail. An old person maybe a year if in good condition.

For how many days can a person survive without food?

I have personally known two people who decided to follow a 100% no food cleansing diet. It just happened to be two completely different people of different gender, different age and different health condition. They both believed that this will do them good and they will get rid of completely different health issues. I don't know if this diet did them good in a long run, but immediate results seemed to be somewhat positive. They both suffered serious health issues later in their lives, but it will not be fair to say that these issues were in any way related to these cruel experiments they put themselves through. They independently described their feelings at different stages of this dieting cycle and this is what they told me: in the first few days they felt very, very hungry and weak. Than the 3rd to 7th day were excruciating. They felt like this did not worth it and wanted to stop and go back to eating. After passing these few days they both described that the feeling of hunger went away and they no longer thought about the food. Needless to say that they kept themselves hydrated and did not do any heavy physical activity. The lady had to work but her performance (she was an IT specialist) decreased noticeably. After they reached their goal they had to get back to eating by starting with literally one to two green peaces per day and increasing their food intake little by little over the next month. Now back to your question: how long did they last without food? My male friend, who at the time was approximately 50–55 years old lasted for 43 days without any food intake. My lady friend who was in her early 40s lasted for 41 days. This is a real 100% legit story, but I want to stress once again that they both had serious health issues few years later so I don’t think that this really made them any healthier than they would be without putting themselves through this.

How long can a person survive without enough food (like barely eating anything)?

Conventional thought is that a healthy adult can survive about 21 days without any food at all. There are many people in the world who exist on two to three meals per day of nothing but about a half-cup of unseasoned cooked rice per meal. Although malnourished, they survive like that for a long time. However, because their natural resistance and immunity are severely hampered, it also means that many die from illnesses that a healthy adult wouldn’t be in danger of. That would be a secondary effect of malnourishment and starvation.

Without taking solid food, how can a 67 age old person live?

Over the short term - an extended fast - without difficulty. Over the long term, - well, that would be rather short-term …. called an early death.We are DESIGNED to eat solid foods - our whole digestive system evolved to do that and does it very well, from the enzymes excreted to break down the carbs, fats etc to the intestinal bacteria that take hat digestive process further - right down to bacteria in the colon. They don’t “feed” on water.If hospitalised, they may be able to provide a balanced liquid intake and one that might sustain life for years. My take - I’d rather just die.

How long can you live without eating solid food?

I've been consuming liquids since last October (Boost,yogurt and juices,soda,broth). I'm only doing this because I had choked last year and it scared me enough to go on an extreme 'diet'. Definitely do not recommend it! Has anyone ever gone through this and if so,how long? I sure hope I'm not alone :(
I hate myself and if I could, I'd go back in time to try to prevent that incident as well as many other things I've seen and heard, I would. :(

Can a person live without actually eating solid food? Can they actually live a healthy life strictly with natural vitamin supplements?

Can they? Yes, it’s technically possible to live without eating solid food. People live with that sort of situation every day. There are side-effects to not having any solid food, though - mainly that it’s going to cause some digestive troubles while your body readjusts to a purely liquid diet; once you’ve graduated from nursing to solid foods, your body isn’t really designed to switch back to a liquids-only diet.As for a healthy life on purely vitamin supplements of any kind - no, it’s not likely that they could. Even if you managed to precisely calculate the quantities you need every day, you still need to get enough calories to survive. And vitamin supplements aren’t really high in caloric value. Plus, they wouldn’t be very filling, so you’d still feel hungry even if you managed to create a set of pills that would satisfy your dietary needs. It’s why food pills haven’t really caught on, for all that they’re really good science fiction; there’s a psychological element to the act of eating, it isn’t purely physical satisfaction,