How Long Can You Keep Wisdom Teeth In

Can i keep my tongue ring in to get wisdom teeth out?

my wisdom teeth are growing forward instead of up, they're like pushing into my other molars in front of them...the left side of my neck and head hurt constantly along with the spot behind the wisdom tooth that hurts really bad at times..

anyways, is it possible to put in a plastic retainer piece during the procedure? i've had it pierced for 8 months but i'm scared it will close up!

How long do i have to keep my head elevated after wisdom teeth extraction?

I can only sleep on my right side with one standard pillow, so I didn't change that when I had my teeth pulled, and I healed just fine, don't worry about it unless you are still having a lot of bleeding and swelling. In that case, call your oral surgeon and ask them.

How long after you get your wisdom teeth out can you eat more solid food?

soft cool food, mashed potatoes, soups, ice cream, yogurt, apple sauce, grits, eggs, (slim fast or ensure if you feel you can't eat!!) pudding, etc...think easy to swallow and soft!

They will be sore!!!!!! make sure to do warm salt water rinses as this helps it to heal faster and keeps it clean. Please be sure to eat even if you do not feel like it, taking pain pills on an empty stomach will cause you to throw up. you should be able to eat whatever you can tolerate the day or so after. it really depends on you, some people can't eat a burger the next day, others can. if you are still really sore stick to soft a few days you will be able to eat whatever you want. just please stay away from hard, crunchy things.

really its up to you and whatever you can tolerate. just keep the extraction sites clean.

good luck and rent some movies, lay in bed and relax.

Can you keep your wisdom teeth...forever?

If you chose to leave impacted wisdom teeth in, then at the very least, they should be monitored with an x-ray every 3-5 years. The reason for this is that it is possible for an impacted wisdom tooth to form a cyst around it. This cyst will very slowly grow and will be painless until it has gotten so large that several teeth and much of your jaw bone is destroyed. At this stage to remove the cyst and the affected teeth usually results in the jaw being broken and an iron rod placed to re construct the jaw. This does not always happen, but it can and the dentist needs to keep an eye on things before they get too bad.

Wisdom Teeth: How long does it take for gum tissue to close over an open socket?

That process should take up to 3 months, even four or five because you are healing by "Secondary intention". There are two types of healing, primary intention and secondary intention. Primary is fast, secondary is slow.In primary intention a clot forms in the hole and the gum grows across the top of the clot. This can happen in just 2 weeks. Later the enclosed blood clot turns into bone. Presto chango! In secondary intention the clot is lost and so the gum has to grow right down to the bottom of the hole and up the other side. Then bone comes in from the bottom and fills up the hole. This takes about 3 - 6 months. So hang in there are do your best and one day you will realise that it is done. All finished.

How long will swelling last after a wisdom teeth removal? What are some tips to reduce the swelling?

Swelling occurs as the body’s way to protect and splint the area of injury, in this case oral surgery. To reduce swelling, you need to first control the bleeding and then treat the body for swelling.Bite on the gauze pack for one hour with steady pressure. This controls the bleeding. Don't over treat the bleeding issue. This will cause more bleeding and more swelling. There is normally a small amount of blood in the saliva the first day. This will turn brown towards the end of the day. There is a difference between diluted blood in the saliva and abject bleeding with bright red clotting blood flowing into the mouth. Call the dentist if that occurs.When you remove the gauze, open, close and work the jaw around a few times to get the muscles working. Do this on a regular basis throughout the healing phase. If you keep your jaws together for three days, you won't be able to open your mouth. You will have a increase in swelling and muscle trismus that adds to your pain level. Don't worry about disrupting the sutures. The tissue is sutured in a passive position and should not cause a problem with movement.Do not rinse the first day but start the next day rinsing every four hours and after meals. Drink fluids and don't use a soda straw or smoke. These things cause bleeding.A soft diet is needed the first day, not a liquid diet. The second day start a normal diet. Chewing will keep the muscles in good shape, improve circulation and help to reduce swelling. The improved circulation will bring nutrients to the area to promote healing.Remain sitting or standing as much as possible the first day, keeping the head elevated. Keep the head elevated at night the first few days. Keeping the head elevated will greatly reduce the swelling.It was very easy to see who followed these instructions and who didn't at the suture removal appointment. Sometimes, those that didn't needed to be reappointed for suture removal because there was still swelling and insufficient access to reach the sutures.

How long after I get my wisdom teeth removed can I eat and drink?

While not always necessary, wisdom teeth extraction may be recommended to some extends - if one or more teeth have been damaged, or your wisdom tooth are impacted, meaning they don't have room to develop or emerge. Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure so it's important to understand the healing process and what you should and should not do after the intervention.  After the surgery, you will have thick gauze pads placed over the surgical site. These pads will need to be removed and discarded frequently for the first day. If you received IV sedation or general anesthetic, staying hydrated will be important. After wisdom tooth extraction, never drink from a straw, as it can dislodge the blood clot at the incision and cause more bleeding or serious complications. You can eat food right away as long as the food is soft and you chew away from the incision site.  For the first few days, avoid soda, coffee, alcohol, and hot beverages. You should also avoid hard or solid foods. There are many foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal that won't cause pain or dislodge the clot in your mouth. Soft foods like ice cream, applesauce, soup, mashed potatoes, yogurt, oatmeal, and smoothies can all be nutritious and help you keep up your energy without discomfort.  Along with a careful diet or soft foods, you can make the recovery period a bit easier by using an ice pack to ease swelling. Your oral surgeon or dentist may have given you a prescription pain killer to take for the first couple of days or you can use over-the-counter medication. Watch for serious symptoms like an increase in bleeding, severe pain, fever, or symptoms that may indicate a complication.

After a wisdom tooth extraction, do I keep the gauze in my mouth while eating?

No you do not.Keep the gauze in for about 30-60 mins after the extraction. Depending on the nature of the procedure the Dentist would have given you adequate post-op instructions. You show throw the gauze away after that.The gauze is in place to prevent bleeding. You shouldn't be eating anything 30-60 mins after the procedure as this could dislodge the clot that was formed and cause further bleeding. Besides you could get food debris into the wound.If an ice pack was provided then make sure to apply it externally over the area as this can reduce swelling and relieve pain.Avoid eating anything hot or hard to chew after the procedure, eating ice cream is something that is adviced. Keep the area clean and rinse your mouth with warm salted water thrice a day starting the next day from the procedure. Take any medication given diligently.One less tooth to worry about now!

What happens if a person doesn't get their wisdom teeth extracted?

If your wisdom teeth erupt fully in a desired position and bring you no trouble at all, you don’t need to remove them. However, because of the awkward positioning of wisdom teeth, they are susceptible to caries and inflammation. With symptoms showing up, you should schedule a visit to your dentist in time, figuring out if an extraction is needed. Left untreated, the condition will only get worse. Besides, the inflammation may spread to other teeth and cause damage to your other healthy teeth.

Do i sleep with gauze in my mouth after wisdom tooth extraction?

i just had my wisdom tooth remove today (9am) and i was not given stitches. i was told the gum will heal on its own (i dont know for how long!) i change the gauze every 15 mins. and now i need to sleep.(its 11pm) do i keep the gauze in my mouth while i sleep? im not afraid of swallowing it. im afraid i might sleep with my mouth open, breathe thru my mouth and dry up the hole in my gum! is that dry socket? i dont know how long a clot will form. i also dont know if i shud eat with the gauze in my mouth. ive heard of dry socket but im not sure what it is. all my dentist said is have a liquid diet and rest. help!