How Long Do It Take To Loose 70 Pounds

How long will it take me to lose 60 pounds?

This is the question I asked myself 3 months ago, kinda off!First thing first. Why 60lbs? Because your BMI says it so?Go to your nearest Gym and check if they offer a 3D Body Scan. It usually runs for $50 if it's not included in your membership.i don't know your age, weight or gender.But with that you'll know where you stand with your body fat.A while back I asked, how can I loose 40 lbs. because based on my BMI i should weight between 135 and 145 something like that.Well it turns out (I'm muscle, bone and water) 140lbs - no way I can be at 0% fat. I'm a female the lowest I can her is 17% and that's me weighing 172 lbs.Did you know there's skinny fat people out there? Yes buddy!So have that checked out.Loosing weight is cutting calories, creating a calorie deficit. 3,500 calories= 1 lbs of fat.Example:Lets say to maintain your weight you're to eat 2,500 calorie a day.But you want to loose. So you gotta cut. By how much? That's up to you.I personally wouldn't go lower than 1,500 a day.But for this example let's say you decided to cut and do 1,500 calories a day2,500 to maintain -(minus) 1,500 to take a day instead= 1,000 deficit. 1,000 calories defict x (times) 7 days = 7,000 calories = 2 lbs Fat Loss a Week.when doing this kind of diet- protein is important, so that you don't get those crazy cravings.Plan to hit the gym? Awesome.If you do 30 minutes of Cardio you'll burn around 300 calories depending on age and weight.That means you can eat 1,800 calories not starving yourself and still end up with 1,500 a day, because you burnt 300 at the gym or whatever cardiovascular activity you picked.Consuming Protein helps with speeding the metabolism which helps burn fat, and for you not to loose muscle when exercising. You don't want to loose muscle but fat.Do like 20–30 minutes weights to- it helps building that muscle and becoming lean.I recommend Whey Protein.if you do the 1,500 diet probably in your 8th month. Loosing 2 lbs a week.

How long would it take me to lose 70 pounds?

I weigh 235 pounds at 20 years old. I am going to start eating healthier foods and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day 3 to 5 days a week. How long, an estimate, on how much time it would take me to lose 70 pounds? a year, 2? i know it takes time i just am curious how long

How long does it take to lose 70 pounds?

took me about a year to loose 80

How long would it take to lose 60-70 pounds?

Hello i'm 15 years old and i weigh 220 pounds my height is 5feet and 8inches...i just wondered how long would it take for me to lose about 60-70 pounds. And can somebody tell me how many calories do i have to eat each and everyday to complete my goal and what type of food should i eat.

one question more
Does ALLI really work?

thank you.

How long does it take to lose 1 pound of fat?

Your body can only oxidize fat at a rate of approximately 31 calories per pound of body fat a day, whilst this number may vary based on a whole range of factors, this is why it is generally advised when losing weight to stick to a daily caloric deficit of about 500-600 calories (If your deficit is too aggressive, the body will have to turn to other sources such as muscle to get the additional required energy). The more body fat you have, the higher your caloric deficit can be and still be burning fat. Generally you can lose about 1-2 pounds a week based on your body composition. Long story short - a deficit of 3500 calories in one day would not reflect a pound of fat loss. To lose one pound will take 3-4 days absolute minimum (at around 900 calories deficit a day for an overweight person), but generally is going to take 5-6 days at 700 calories a day deficit.

How long will it take to lose 70 pounds?

I'm sorry to hear that you have gotten so heavy at such a tender age. It may be too late to start in February to get a "good body" by this summer. You will have to change your entire lifestyle to really, truly lose weight and keep it off. Get going, you can do it.

Whatever the fastest way is, it may kill you. Most fast ways involve extreme water loss from you body, leading to elevated blood pressure and possible heart attacks, irregardless of age or fitness.

There is only ONE way to lose weight and it works the same way for every living being on earth. It is safe and continuous, guaranteed to give results:

Eat a little less and do a little more:

1 lb equals 3,000 calories. A day's intake is about 2,000 calories for a man, about 1,500 – 2,000 for a woman, So skip approximately one day's worth of food in a week and you have lost almost 1 lb. Do this regularly and you will lose weight safely, for as long as you keep it up.

Don't try skipping breakfast, though, that just makes you so awfully hungry that you will, guaranteed, overeat at some other time during the day.

Lose 70 pounds in 3 months ?

Don't listen to these people. I can tell you how to lose 70 lbs in 3 months. I'm working on that right now and I started on January 20 and so far I've lost 11.5 lbs. Although my way is considered unhealthy by most people, it is affective.
550 calories a day Max, no more than that. Taking in such little calories speeds up the weight loss, and you can drop a pound a day by doing that without even excercising. Eat things like fruit, granola bars, yogurt, soy milk, 1/2 cup of dry whole grain cereal, and not much of anything else. That's what my diet consists of. And also drink diet soda throughout the day, I drink so much of it because I get so many cravings and diet soda usually relieves them. I know people say diet soda is horrible because of all the chemicals and some say regular soda is better but I would take chemicals over calories any day. and like I said you don't have to take my advice if you think it's unhealthy, but it works.
As for excercising, I hate it but I force myself through it everyday for at least 30 minutes. I get on the treadmill and walk/jog/run at speeds of 3.7, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0 mph. In 30 minutes I usually burn about 330 calories on the treadmill. And when I get off of that I do 100 jumping jacks, 200 crunches, 120 leg lifts on each leg, and however many proper push ups I can do. That burns like maybe 200-250 calories for me and maybe 300-350 or more for someone your size. So by working out alone I burn around 530-570 calories. And what I found out that made me super happy was how many calories I'm burning a day is 2400 including my excercise :D For someone your height and weight without excersicing you burn 2198 calories a day...and you can lose weight without excersise by eating less than 550 calories a day but excersice is always a good thing.
and other things you should do, make a thinspiration book. In it write down everything you eat, how many calories you've had, how long you worked out and what you did, put pictures of skinny people in there like models and actresses, and quotes on how to motivate yourself and remind yourself on how badly you want to be thin.
If you screw up and binge or overeat that's FINE, just still do your workout for the day and correct yourself tomorrow. For me my binges are extremely likely to happen at night, so I made up a plan to prevent that, and you should too.

How long does it take to lose 70 pounds on a water fast?

i think instead of that, since you are going to fast anyways, you should just fast every other day, because your body will go into starvation mode, and the longer you do it the slower your metabolism gets, it's like your body's survival instinct, if it sees that your body is not getting enough calories it will slow down to try to keep from starving and preserving the fat. You could find more effective ways of losing fat if you just researched it for a few minutes on google.