How Long To Get 2 Grams Out Of A First Time Smoker

I smoked half a gram of weed. It was my first time in 4 months. How long will it take to leave my system?

To stop being high a few hours, to stop the foggy headedness the next afternoon, to pass a urine test 4-7 days, to pass a hair test as long as it takes you hair to grow out...

Why on earth would you people who are just guessing bother answering? Drinking water does nothing more than hydrate you, which is a good thing but has NO effect on any test or on the direct effect of weed.

Drinking tea? Seriously? People who have no idea attribute a lot to drinking tea. Again no effect in regards to removing evidence of cannabis from your system although the slight caffeine hit from some PG tips will help counter the stoned state slightly.

30 days? It takes 4-7 days for a light smoker to pass a urine test 1/2 a gram is on the light side of that.

If you don't know please don't just make it up in order to get 2 points out of a Q and A site, it's tragic that this seems to actually be an incentive for people to make stuff up just so they have an answer.

How many grams of weed should I get? (First time)?

If its your first time I recommend Edibles but smoking is easier and more safe. I would usually buy 10 a G (10$ for 1 gram) because my theory is quantity > quality but if you want your mind blown you should get 15$ which SHOULD be of higher quality.There are many different varities of weed but the two main kinds are Indica and Sativa, Indica will give you a body high (which usually makes you lazy but sometimes feels orgasmic) while Sativa will make you more hyper or uplifted (my favorite type of high but will burn out your energy by the end of the day so drink water). A gram a day will be good if you plan to smoke three times each day which will be about 4-7 bowls depending on if it is dense, fluffy or just flat out dry. It is best to get somebody with a medical card to pick up from a clinic in my experiences. I usually take small hits and hold them in because if you cough it makes you feel more light headed since you lose more brain cells for lack of oxygen. You should get 3 grams since most first timers enjoy getting stoned from time to time, enjoy your first 4/20 as I will enjoy mine :D

How long does 2 grams weed smoked in a 4 day in a row period, take to get out of the system?

Marijuana has a half-life in your system. How long it takes to leave your system depends on how much you smoke. But the time maxes out at around 45 days. One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean. Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on. The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean. So if you are maxed out and you wait about 2 weeks and then smoke again, you're basically back to 45 days.
Marijuana can be detected in urine for nearly a week after smoking. Blood tests can be more accurate, and it might take a month to be totally clear. Hair tests show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing - this is why you see so many drug addicts with shaved heads or buzz cuts, by the way. Also by the way: taking laxatives and drinking wacky chemicals won't "cheat" a drug test. It will just make you go to the bathroom! These drug tests are designed by experts who anticipate what the drug user might do.

Be very careful of "remedies" for getting around drug tests. They flat out do not work and could do damage to your body.

Is a gram of weed alot to smoke?

Sounds about right. In order to actually overdose on marijuana you would have to smoke over a thousand grams of weed in less than 10 minutes... You're fine! And yeah a high usually lasts around 4-6 hours

How long will weed/THC stay in my system if I smoked half a gram?

I recently smoked probably half a gram, and currently going to stop smoking weed again cause it got me really sick. This was on The 22nd of December. This was my first time smoking weed in 2 months. How long will it take for the THC to get out of my system. I am 5'11" and 170 pounds. With I think 12% body fat

I smoked about 2 grams 7 days ago, and before that I hadn’t smoked since July. Would it be out of my system by now?

No, the toxins from weed would still be in your system. If you are about to face a drug test for your pre-employment screening, you are in a big trouble!It is important to realize, that which type of drug test you are about to encounter. It may be a urine, hair or saliva drug test. All of these tests can expose you for the drug use.Both the saliva and urine drug test are performed to check the recent use of drugs. Where as, the hair drug test can help examining the use of the drugs up to 3 months back. Thus, it is nearly impossible that your system will be clean from drug toxins.Would you like to avoid the risk of failing this test? If your answer is yes, you certainly would like to read this further!Urine Drug Test: Synthetic urine kit is the best decision that one can take to pass the pre-employment screening test. It is a fake pee manufactured using all the necessary 11 chemical compounds like urea and uric acid. Due to this reason, it is impossible to differentiate between the real & fake urine.Saliva Drug Test: Also known as the mouth swab drug test, is easy to pass using oral clear gum. This gum can neutralize all the toxins present in your saliva or mouth in just 10 minutes and will give you a clear zone for up to 5 hours.Hair Drug Test: It is the most difficult test to pass among the 3 drug tests. It can expose you for the use of drug you might have consumed 3 months back. However, it is possible to pass this test using hair follicle shampoo. This shampoo will mask all the toxins present in your hair within minutes, giving you a clear zone for up to 8 hours.For more specific information about the drug test for weed, you can take a tour of Drug Testing Solutions. If you still have any queries, you can write them in the comments below.

How long does a gram of meth take to get out of your system if you snorted it for the first time?

Plasma half-life = 12-34 hours. This means that by 12-34 hours, the concentration of meth in your blood will be reduced in half.Time to leave the body = 2-10 days. Generally, the heavier the user, the longer it will take for meth to leave the body.Effects of meth use = 8-24 hours.Detection in urine tests = up to 72 hours.

What happens if I smoke 2 grams of weed?

okay so this is my first time smoking marijuana. I just bought 2 grams of "white widdow" (marijuana) and Its all rolled up. I just want to know if I will get high if I smoke the whole thing and how long will I be high. thanks and also I want to know if there are any bad side affects from smoking marijuana. thanks a lot! :)