How Long Will It Take To Get Abs

How long does it take to get abs?

I don't think this person is fat at 103 pounds and 5 6 there really thin. You need to start eating more protein that will help your muscles grow. Keep away from fats and alot of carbs. Keep the carbs low and the protein high and you will start adding some muscle. Keep doing your crunches and i would start adding flutter kicks as well to help your hip flexors and lower abs. a flutter kick is when you lay on your back and hold your legs 6 inch's of the floor and kick them in the air like your swimming. Russian twist are another good ab move. Get in the sit up position and then raise yourself up about half way then hold your hands together and twist from side to side trying to touch the floor on either side with both fists. To make it a bit tougher you can do this move with a dumbbell or weight of some kind.

How long will it take to get abs?

Ok I'm 13 I'm like 5,6 and 150 pounds. And I go to the gym Monday and friday and my fighting class teustday wensday and Thursday. And I'm just wondering how long it should take to get abs and how many situps or crunches. I have not that much fat on my abdominal area and I need them like alot I'm willing to do anything.

How long will it take to get abs?

Listen carefully
dont drink soda, dont eat sugar. cut down on your food intake. your looking to loose pounds, when you start loosing pounds your ab area will start to look good. dont eat and then go to sleep eat at 6 oclock and dont eat after that. drink a lot of water. remember to do this

now you need to do some intense workouts.
Day 1:
start off with about 40 situps followed by 40 crunches.
Day 2: go for a run, run for 3 minutes. take a 1 minute break and then run 10 minutes.
Day 3: 50 situps followed by 50 crunches.
Day 4: Relax, but remember to not eat and sugar or drink soda and dont start pigging out.
Day 5: 30 situps followed by a 3 minute run. 40 crunches followed by a 1 minute sprint. 50 situps and 50 crunches. take a small break through the different workouts.
Day 6: 60 situps. 40 crunches. 1 minute sprint. 5 minute jog. 50 crunches.
Day 7: relax.

gradually increase the times you do situps and crunches. and slowly increase the time you jog/sprint. remember to get up and do it the hardest part after a day of hard work is to get up and do it again. but youll get the abs your looking for. im 15 also and i play soccer and i have a 6 pac and this is a part of my soccer workout so good luck.

Hope that helped :)

Im a girl but i rly want can i get abs like hers? how long will it take? [pics]?

"Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym". That's damn right Milo!

Here is what you need to know:

Nutrition (Remember, 80% of the deal):

Get your carbs mainly from leafy vegetables and some fruit, get your protein from lean meat and egg whites etc, and make sure you eat enough (good) fat - like almonds.

Do not eat bad carbs like pasta, bread, cereal, rice or any type of grain food. This may come as a surprise but these kind of foods have a nutritional value close to zero and they make you store bodyfat. Simply put, humans aren't designed to eat these artificial foods so it's no wonder people are so obese nowadays.

I (highly) recommend "Mastering the Zone" by Barry Sears. You will need to optimise it for losing bodyfat. In other words, lettuces and cabbages are better than fruits for losing bodyfat.


You can't spot-reduce. You have to reduce overall bodyfat for your abs to show, so concentrate on doing that. You are very close to having "abs" so you could look to do ab-specific work in the near-future. It will give more definition because you're slowly strengthening your abdominal muscles, but remember that this is useless if there is too much fat there to see your abs anyway.

High intensity, short duration, non-machine is what you should be thinking for losing bodyfat. An hour on the exercise bike maybe the norm, but you would be much better off doing simple interval training (go to your local football field and sprint around half the field and walk around the other half. Repeat ten times without rest. Scale according to ability. Do this twice a week at most). There is no-one about at 7:00a.m. so there's no excuse!

Twice a week of 20 minutes running may not sound very much, but it you do it properly (i.e. you're very out of breath at the end) then it will work at least ten times better than medium intensity work (no exaggeration). Interval training is just so simple, but wildly effective.

How long does it take to get abs?

Ignore getting a low enough body fat percentage. I'm just wondering, say you started out with no more muscle in your abs than the average person - how long of working out your abs until feeling tired each day would it roughly take to get a six pack? Of course assume adequate protein intake.

How much time will it take to get abs?

You don't have to "get abs " - you already have them; if you wish to lose belly fat and sculpt your abdominal muscles to a 6-8 pack then train six days per week. Best to do it under supervision of a physical instructor. Perform cardio in the morning for five consecutive days and lift weights most afternoons or evenings. Choose any type of exercise you like, such as walking, cycling on a stationary bike, or using a stair climber, but keep the intensity at your target heart rate, which you calculate like this:(220 - (your age)) x 0.7 = THR (Target Heart Rate)Work out in a gym will show results in 30 days - without a gym and proper instructor, it is difficult to say.Rest completely one day per week. Follow a clean diet along the way to preserve all your muscle—and possibly gain a bit.

How long would it take a 13 year old to get abs?

Hi, I am a 13 yr old and I already a have a six pack. It only takes about 1 month to get one if you follow this:
Start of doing about 50 sit ups a day (2 sets of 25).
After about 2 weeks try to do 2 sets of 50 (100 sit ups total).
If you do this, you are garenteed to get a six pack.!.

How Long Does It Take Girls To Get Abs ?

it depends so much you can not even calculate it. but abs are about musclemass and subsiquent layer of fat. you can have ripped abs and still have a fat layer just big enough to show no abs. if you want that six pack i would alternate high reps of sits up and plank position for as long as possible. then a day break, for muscle regeneration, then do ab workouts with a maximum set of 8 reps. like weighted sit ups and so forth. do not do abs everyday because they will not grow faster than everyother day. work on you diet and cardio to burn those extra calories above the abs. you will not burn ab fat by doing situps, but by running and swimming. drinking protein like milk before and after for maximum gains and you will have abs in no time. give yourself a goal, like i will not look at my abs for 1 month and continue you diet and exercise program. take pictures and compare. do not give up because thats the way people do not have a six pack. best of luck!

How long does it take for a girl to get abs?

This is really a multitask operation. If you're really up to it, you'll be fine.
I'll tell you exactly what you need to do:

You need to start out by doing some exercises for your stomach muscles.
Here's a link to my favorite exercise - it's called the bike.

What's important during the training, is huge movement. Make sure that you get your upper buddy all the way up, and all the way down to the floor each repetition.

You will do at least 100 of these every day. each day - you add two more repetitions every day.

You'll also have to do some running if you have some puppy-fat on your lower stomach.

As for food. It is absolutely crucial that you DO NOT eat fat in direct form. This is things like butter and visible fat in meat. Cut on the fat in your food. For your abs-to grow and your body to raise its metabolism - you have to eat carbohydrates. Eat spaghetti, dark bread, potatoes(boiled - not fried) and rice(boiled). These are sources for carbohydrates that contain a high level of fibers, which makes you stabilizes your metabolism. Eat little, but eat often. Do not go around hungry for too long at each time. Make sure that you eat a little before you go to bed.

Now to the MOST important part. You need to eat stuff with a high level of protein. This you need to do for several reasons. Your brain eats only sugar, protein and amino-acids! So do not cut down on the beef. Eat lots of eggs, tuna, chicken and cow! To spot the "i", you'll have to eat at least 300 grams og vegetables each day- and I don't mean peggles!.

preferable vegetables are:
and red pepper.

If you really want to lose stomach-fat - you should eat lots of chili and jalapenos, that basically explodes your metabolism through the roof.

Side effects:
- Better Concentration
- Pure and beautiful skin
- raised secreted pheromones.
- HOT abs (that will impress every guy you meet)
- higher self-confidence.

Happy training ;)