How Long Will It Take To Lose 10lb If I Don

How long will it take me to gain 10 pounds?

Hi dear,
follow these guidelines to gain healthy weight
- Eat nutritious foods that are high in calories. Examples are whole-grain breads, vegetables such as avocados and potatoes, kidney beans, lean red meat, poultry and fish.
- Increase the caloric value of your meals. Add powdered milk to casseroles for added calories, add avocados and olives to sandwiches, add wheat germ to your cereal, add chopped meat to your pasta sauce, and so on.
- Avoid skipping meals. Knowing how to gain weight involves consistent eating. Eat three meals a day and at least two snacks.
- Increase your normal portion size. Take a second scoop of pasta, or add two bananas to your oatmeal.
- Choose higher-calorie foods when given a choice. For example, corn is higher in calories than green beans.
- Relax - excessive fidgeting and restlessness can burn up a lot of calories.
-Add weight lifting to your exercise program. It helps build muscle mass.
- Balance your caloric intake with the number of calories you're burning. You need to be taking in more than you use up, and you may need to ease up a little on your exercise program.
good luck

How long does it take to lose 1 pound of fat?

Your body can only oxidize fat at a rate of approximately 31 calories per pound of body fat a day, whilst this number may vary based on a whole range of factors, this is why it is generally advised when losing weight to stick to a daily caloric deficit of about 500-600 calories (If your deficit is too aggressive, the body will have to turn to other sources such as muscle to get the additional required energy). The more body fat you have, the higher your caloric deficit can be and still be burning fat. Generally you can lose about 1-2 pounds a week based on your body composition. Long story short - a deficit of 3500 calories in one day would not reflect a pound of fat loss. To lose one pound will take 3-4 days absolute minimum (at around 900 calories deficit a day for an overweight person), but generally is going to take 5-6 days at 700 calories a day deficit.

How long does it take to lose 10 lbs at age 56?

It depends on many factors. It depends on your diet, what exercises you do and methods behind it, possible health issues, your gender, and a lot of other factors.The average persons metabolism decreases 5% every decade after roughly 40 to 30. So in consideration you are most likely 56, it would most likely take 5 to 10 percent longer than if you was 40 or 30.Also a big range of health problems can slow you down a lot. Hyper or hypo thyroid glans can screw with you, making you retain tons of weight or loose it rapidly. Other health problems can also mess with your workout ability.Your diet plays another big role in your weight loss. If you don't know how to plan your diet, you can gain more weight than you loose. Or if you undereat, that can get dangerous.Your gender can affect weight loss a lot because men tend to be able to loose weight faster on average than females.And now my favorite, your exercise method and your exercise. There are a lot of pro weight, or pro cardio when it comes to weight loss in general. If you try to focus on stringth training only, you are bounded to gain weight, not due to fat loss, but due to muscle gain. I know this because I love weight lifting. I gained 20 pounds during a time where I only focused on weight training. If you focus on cardio a lot, you are likely to loose fat, I know because I also had a period of focus on cardio workouts only (I do not like cardio tho) and I lost like a good 5 to 10 pounds.In general, it all depends, do your research.

How long will it take me to gain 10 pounds?

Ten pounds in a month is a lot for someone who doesn't weight a lot. I would be going for more healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, fish, coconut, you said, nuts (and seeds) are good, but there are fattier ones the almonds. Sun flower seeds have a lot of fat.

I would think 5 (or even less) pounds in a month would be more realistic to aim for. You don't want this to be a shock to your body, a gradual change would be better. What percentage of your weight would 10 pounds be? If you only weigh 100 pounds, you're looking to gain 10% of your body weight in one month...that's not necessarily the healthiest. But, I don't know how much you weigh.

Best of luck.

Girls, how long did it take you to lose 10 pounds?

jennifer-laxatives dont get rid of calroes-it gets the nutrients out of your sytem but not the calories-laxatives make you really sick and its kind of gross, also abusing diet pills and over exercising isnt good. you arent losing weight-that 8 pounds that you lost was just all water and you body got rid of all the good nurtrients it needs. please seek some help.

Can I lose 10lbs in 2 months?

Yes, this is pretty easy. Losing weight is simply a matter of staying in a caloric deficit, and 5 pounds a month is a very modest goal. I actually have a program called Lose 5 Pounds a Month- it’s not available right now but I’ll give you an overview of how it works.A pound of fat contains about 3500 calories. Ten pounds is 35,000 calories, and to lose that much in 2 months you need a daily caloric deficit of about 600 calories. Totally doable.Here’s how that can be done in practice. Suppose you eat 3 meals a day. If you cut 150 calories from each meal, that’s 450 a day, bringing you 75% of the way there. You can do this by just removing some of the added fats and carbs from your meals, and replacing them with veggies.Now suppose you exercise 4 days a week, doing 10–15 minutes of weights and 20–30 minutes of cardio, burning 300 calories each workout. That takes you the rest of the way there.Or, if you have a daily between meal snack, you could just cut that out and lose a few hundred calories a day.Or, you could start practicing intermittent fasting- skip breakfast every day, and only eat from noon to 8 PM. Eat one fewer meal a day, and have your meals the same size as before.There are a lot of ways to produce a 600 calorie daily deficit. It’s not hard, but you will probably need to count calories. For a more comprehensive guide, you could try my free fat loss ebook, Lose 2 Inches in 2 Months.

How long does it take an anorexic to lose weight?

Please don't tell me about the health risks and consequences of anorexia because I already know. I'm curious as to how much weight a beginning anorexic could lose during their first week, second week, third week, and so on. Also, when would they notice the weight loss?

I am 13, 5'2.5 and 110 lbs. I want to lose 10 lbs. How can I do that?

Eating less is not the solution, eating the RIGHT foods is the solution. Avoid snacking on things like doritos, ice cream, and potato chips. Don't drink soda or super sugary drinks, try to drink mostly water in your diet and iced tea. Switch from white bread to wheat bread, and eat a lot of fruits and veggies. When you're hungry for snacks in between meals, have things like bananas, a smoothie, tortilla chips and hummus, warm pita bread stuffed with veggies and melted cheese, etc.

But never, I repeat, never ever starve yourself. That could turn into a serious condition. You just need to have the patience for losing weight, otherwise, it's not gonna happen.

But honestly, you do not need to lose 10 pounds at your age and weight. If you want to lose some weight, try aiming your goal for 4 or 5 pounds. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference that makes. Instead of trying to lose the weight, try toning your body. Crunches and leg lifts for your tummy, squats and lunges for your legs, and exercising with dumbbells to tone your arms.