How Long Will This Tattoo Take Approx

How long does it take to get a small tattoo???

I have a small Scorpion on my shoulder, about 2" long, took about 1 1/4 hours, in black. Not particularly painful, but then the shoulder is probably the least sensitive area on the body. Good luck

How long does it take to get a small tattoo?

This all depends on the detai of the tattoo. If there isn't much detail, then it should only take a few mins to actually tattoo you. It will take longer because you have to go in, they have to draw it up, they make to make sure everything is clean and sanitary, they have to make a stencil then put it on you, if you don't like where the stencil is then they will need to make another and do it all over again. The process of tattooing you will take just mins, but the entire thing could take about an hour.

How long do tattoos take to heal?

“How long do tattoos take to heal?”Just the tattoos or the skin?Most answers here talk about the tattoo healing in 2–3 weeks, and they’re right, but you need to understand that a healed tattoo doesn’t mean the skin is fully healed and back to normal. While you can have several sessions within three weeks, the skin might not be fully healed.If you take good care of your healing tattoo and follow the instructions of your tattoo artist, your skin might be back to normal in six weeks. Of course, you will feel like everything is healed up when the scabbing phase is over, but some tattoos don’t even scab. I have a month old and a nine day old tattoo right now.The month old tattoo didn’t scab at all and healed incredibly quickly, but if you run that arm under a hot tap, you can still feel the skin is more sensitive than the same skin next to the tattoo. And if you close your eyes and run your fingers over the tattoo, you can still feel some parts of the tattoo as ‘raised skin’.Fresh:One month later:So, a tattoo itself is healed and presentable mostly in 2–3 weeks (depending on size, ink, depth of the tattoo, density and your general health), but the skin might take 6 weeks or longer to become the same as it was before the tattoo.

How long does it take for a tattoo to heal?

I'm planning on getting a tattoo on my shoulder. A week after I'll be taking a trip which involves driving for two days. Being in a car that long isn't that fun anyways. I don't want to make it worse by being uncomfortable.

It would be my fourth tattoo. I have one on my ankle but I got it forever ago and can't remember. I have 2 on my wrists as well but they seemed to heal very quickly there but were super small.

I just want to know how healed it should be a week later?

How long did it take to finish your upper arm tattoo?

I have a dragon tattoo that wraps around my bicep. If I remember correctly it took between 6–8 hours total, in 2 sessions. It’s about half of my bicep in length.The first session was the outline. Right under my armpit hurt like a motherfucker. No, there is no other expression for that pain. I had tears in my eyes.The second session was the shading. My tattoo is black and gray except for the tiniest bit of red in the dragon’s eye. That also hurt like a motherfucker under my pit.Seriously. If you can avoid the area just under your armpit, do it. It sucks.I will say that just getting the outside of the arm, to me, seems incomplete. Only because the arm is round and there’s a lot of empty space on the underside, especially if you are getting a big piece. But that’s just my opinion.

How long does a small tattoo take to heal?

it should heal within a week. two at the most try and leave it uncovered when you can so it will get air, but dont get it dirty, cover it when you shower.

How long should an ankle tattoo take to heal?

I got a mehndi elephant tattoo on my ankle a week ago this tuesday.. this is my fifth and I have been following orders to wash and put Aquaphor on.. it doesnt seem to be peeling and its red in some areas, not swollen, not hot to touch, not oozing.. just tender and red in the darker spots, its raised but not peeling whatsoever.. is this normal for day 5?

How long does it take tattoo swelling to go down?

Had my new tattoo done on my right shoulder on saturday, and whenever I run my finger over the area that has been tattooed, wherever there's ink, its also slightly raised (swollen, maybe?)

So, how long will this take to go? It's been approx.58 hours (2 days and 10 hours) since I was inked.

Thanks in advance, and 10 points for the best answer :)

About roughly how long would a full sleeve tattoo with colour & minimum detail take?

This absolutely depends on the artist doing the work and the actual design of the sleeve.It can also depend on things like how close you are to the artist and how long you will be able to sit for in each session.I'd say 20 hours is the absolute minimum if the design is something close to traditional (standard lines with bold simple colours), a detailed sleeve (both Black and Grey or Colour) could reach up to 60+ hours across many sessions.Your best bet is to ask your artist for an estimate, but even then some will give you their honest opinion that it's extremely tough to tell.