How Many Baby Bunnies Do I Feed To My Anaconda

Baby green anaconda wont eat?

How old, and how big is it?
There is many other things besides temps, humidity, and prey type, like the light cycle, hide and size, time of day offered, and even prey size
I know how frustrating it can be when babies don't want to eat, or even adults. Are you sure that it was eating before you bought it? Getting them started can be tricky.I had a baby boa form a litter born in June(2009) , that didn't start eating until 2 months old. Talk about nerve racking, I was about to start tube feeding. He was still finicky, only eating every two or three week, he has been eating weekly since December.He started showing interest after playing with his setup, not temps or humidity, what worked was a paper towel roll for hide. He liked being nice and tight in there. Also he should have started on pinkie rats, but he was shy of them. Well I had to start him on pinkie mice. Keep trying once a week.

Where can I buy a green anaconda?

Pretty guy is right. At the moment, the green anaconda is not on the amendment to the lacey act, but the yellow anaconda is. I personally find that extremely odd. Depending where you are there may be state or local laws & ordinances though, many places have them. Hopefully you have researched that.

And +1 to Rebecca as well. A 10' green annie that is having a bad day, and doesn't want to be moved, touched, or bothered at all by you opening the enclosure, is a very unpleasant animal. And that's putting it mildly.

As for the answer to the actual question, you should look in the usual classifieds, KS and Fauna. And you could also look into the classifieds on the popular online forums, especially the boa forums. Since you've done all of your research, that would mean you know all of those places.

And on the subject of research, since you are making a huge commitment with this animal, (you really are if you do this BTW,) I hope you've done better research on this, and will put more work into this, than you have into spelling, grammar, punctuation, and the english language in general. In theory, if your in America, you should have hopefully spent thirteen years researching that, and it doesn't appear to have payed off.

Best of luck with this endeavor.

Can a anaconda eat a hippo?


Anacondas are able to eat deer, but that's about as big as their jaws can unhinge.

Plus, anacondas are found in South America and hippos are found in Africa. I'm sure they can meet if they both live in a zoo. :-)

Hippos are extremely dangerous. As a matter of fact, they are the most dangerous animals in Africa, resulting in many human deaths.

So, 5 bucks on the Hippo.

Are Yellow Anacondas good pets?

I have owned boas and larger snakes before, and I also work at a pet store, where I deal with all sorts of snakes, but I am really uneducated on anacondas. I was considering buying a male yellow anaconda, still a baby, to fill my empty naturalistic 55 gallon vivarium. Would he be ok in this cage? Any information about care and temperment will be appreciated.

Yellow Anaconda care information?

Their care is really nothing different than that of a boa constrictor. And it seems as some people have yellow anacondas confused with green anacondas, which are the giants. Yellow anaconda males only grow to 8 feet, and females up to 12 feet long. Yes, they can be very aggressive, so buy a captive bred baby and handle it alot. With plenty of handling, they can be very gentle. They can sometimes go off of feed like a ball python. And they don't need a huge area of water like some people think. A regular water dish is fine. I have six adult yellow anacondas.