How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day To Keep My Weight

How many calories per day do I need to burn to lose weight?

A human body consists of fats (in the form of adipose tissue), carbohydrates (in the form of glucose and glycogen) and proteins (in the form of muscle). If I have to lose weight, I ll talk in terms of losing either fat, carbs or proteins. Below is a table lifted off Wikipedia for ready reference.As can be gathered from the table, a gram of 'fat' can release up to 9 kcal of energy, more than double the figure for proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore if you want to lose a pound of fat you will have to burn 0.453*9 kcals ~ 4082 cal. Similarly to lose a pound of carbohydrates you will have to burn 2041 cal. Therefore if you burn lets say a 100 cal, you will be burning a lot less fat (in terms of mass) compared to carbohydrates.Let me elaborate with the help of a story at the end of which you will understand the concept of losing weight.Ram is an athlete and runs regularly. Today he ran 5 km in 25 minutes. Running is the act of contracting a whole range of muscles and releasing them in a synchronous manner. While we may think that running involves only leg muscles, it is a combination of movement of many more areas of the body (arms, shoulders etc.). This requires energy to do so. Energy can be obtained readily from breaking down Adenosine triphosphate. All the substrates (fat, carbs, protein) that we mentioned earlier create energy packed ATP when required. But this conversion of substrates to ATP requires Oxygen (aerobic respiration). No wonder Ram breathes faster while running. But how can Ram ensure that he burns fat only and not the carbohydrates and protein. Ram can't. His brain decides what to burn and in what proportion. There is a way however by which Ram can measure what he is burning. The composition of CO2 while exhaling can tell us how much oxygen was used in burning fat, carbohydrates and protein (a little knowledge in chemical reactions and math will help). Therefore with careful observation, Ram can figure out how much oxygen he has consumed while running and in what ratio has it been used to burn the substrates. Once he has that he will know exactly how much fat and carbs he has utilized.Now the part which is missed by a lot. Ram is also hungry at the end of the run. He eats a peanut butter sandwich which is filled with carbohydrates and fat thereby restoring whatever he had lost as part of the workout. And so he neither loses nor gains any weight. The trick is to outgo more than you inlet energy substrates.Happy Workout

How many calories should I eat a day for weight loss?

You can lose fat by being on a caloric deficit, meaning you expend more calories than you consume. Here’s how to do that:First of all, you have to know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This is the total number of calories your body needs to perform basic bodily functions such as breathing, digesting food, or thinking.Then you have to know your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). This is the total number of calories you use for your current daily activities like walking to work or cleaning the house.Once you know your BMR and TDEE, you can boost your fat loss efforts by setting a lower daily calorie limit and making a plan for increasing your physical activity.For example:Your BMR is 1,700 calories.Your TDEE is 2,600 calories.A healthy way to lower calories without putting too much pressure on yourself is to subtract 500 calories from your TDEE. This ensures that you don’t starve and lack energy. The important thing is for you to be able to sustain your program.So your daily calories for fat loss is 2,100 calories.There are many online calorie calculators you can use to compute for these. There are formulas but I personally think that manually calculating this isn’t very accurate.Make sure that you eat a balance of whole foods. Healthy carbs, protein, and healthy fat—these are called macros. I won’t go into detail with this since we’re only talking about calories.Now that you’ve got that down pat, it’s time to add in exercise to increase your caloric expenditure even more. It’s important to combine cardio with weight training. Cardio helps burn fat stores and weight training helps you build muscles.Since our bodies adapt to change, re-calculate you BMR, TDEE and calories needed for fat loss every 2–4 weeks or when you notice that you’re not losing weight anymore. This way you’ll continuously make progress.Then again, calori counting doesn’t work for some people. Here’s an interesting read about the topic: Why You Should Stop Counting Calories?

If a woman has 300 lbs weight, how many calories does she need per day?

The number of calories a person needs to consume depends on several factors, including weight, age, physical activity and gender. Generally, adults need to consume 1600 to 2400 calories per day to maintain their body weight. However, you can calculate a more specific number based on your personal body weight with a simple formula.If you want to lose weight, you will need to adjust your caloric intake accordingly. One pound of body weight is equal to 3,500 calories. To lose a pound a week, you would need to eat 3,500 fewer calories a week, burn that same number of calories in a week or do a combination of the two in a week. With a few simple changes, you can reduce your caloric intake. Avoid high calorie foods and beverages whenever possible and choose lower calorie options. Eliminate a high-calorie snack from your diet to help you reach your weight loss goals.

How many calories should i eat to lose weight?

ok i have been cutting my calories and only been eating healthy. but i haven't lost anything not even one pound and i really don't know what to do. i tried to do the BMI and the BMR thing but i crazy number came up. so can someone figure it out for me? ok im 18 and i weigh 174 pounds im 5ft5in and im moderately active. now can u tell me the number to maintain that and the number to lose weight? at least 2.5 to 3 pounds a week? please don't tell me for a pound a week. that is way to slow. enough to the point i can lose 10 pounds a month. thank u so much!

5'2 110 lbs. How many calories do I eat per day to be 90 lbs?

How to calculate your needed daily calorie intake.
How many calories do you need to maintain your current weight? How many calories do you need to cut out to lose weight?
Difficulty: Easy
Things You’ll Need:
· exercise
· food labels
· calculator
First, you need to calculate your BMR(basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is how much energy your body requires to function properly.

Women: 655+ (4.3 multiplied by your weight in pounds) + (4.3 multiplied by your height in inches) - (4.3 multiplied by your age in years)

Men: 66 + (6.3 multiplied by weight in pounds) + (12.9 multiplied by height in inches) - (6.8 times age in years)
Then you need to calculate your activity level.
If you are:
Sedentary: BMR x 20 %
Lightly active: BMR x 30 %
Moderately active: BMR x 40 %
Active: BMR x 50%
Add this number to your BMR and you will now know the number of calories you need in a days time to maintain your current weight. Now to lose weight, you need to deduct calories or increase your activity. Doing both of these are actually recommended. It is said that you should reduce your calories by 500 at a time.

Calorie Conversion
1gm carb = 4 cal.
1gm protein = 4 cal.
1gm fat = 9 cal.

1 kcal = 1 Calorie (uppercase).
1 Calorie = 1000 calories (lowercase).

"calorie" is the amount of energy necessary to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree C.
"Calorie" is the amount of energy required to raise 1 kg of water 1 degree C.

"KCAL" and "Calorie" are used interchangeably. Food labels are always in CAL or KCAL, regardless of if they spelled it with the lowercase.

It's confusing, I know, but just remember that Calorie and KCal are the same. Don't really worry about "calories," because commonly it is supposed to be "Calories

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How many calories should i eat in one day?

i am counting calories. i weigh 117 lbs, i am 5'3", and i am 25. i exercise on a regular basis, but not to the extreme. i run about 1 mile everyother day, i do yoga, and light weight repetions for my arms for toning, and i also do ab exercises. i dont like to eat more than 1,000 calories per day. my co-workers freaked out when i told them that. they said they i am depleting my body, especially since i exercise. am i really doing harm to my body? how may calories should i intake to maintain my weight? does my exercise really burn alot of calories?

If i have to eat 1,442 calories a day how many calories do i have to burn to lose 1-2 pounds a week?

A pound of fat is equivelent to roughly 3,200 calories. 3-4 pounds a week is a lot to ask. I'm not telling you it's unsafe. I'm saying it may be more than is possible.

Since you are seeing your DR regularly you should ask his/her advice. Beyond that, a good exersize regimine, combined with your controlled diet will help you knock off the pounds as quickly as possible. Oh and drink water! Helps keep the body running right and burning that many more calories.