How Many Calories Do You Consume On Givings

If I eat only 500 calories and I use up 1,500 calories in a day, (giving a deficit of 1,000 calories) will I lose 1/3 of a pound?

This is a very dangerous practice. The brain needs 500 calories a day for proper function so yes you can starve yourself into an eating disorder very quickly. One that is hard to get out of. To lose weight in a healthy way a woman should take in about 1200 calories a day and a man about 1500 calories a day. There is a nifty little calorie counter for smart phones called NyFitnessPal. It tracts what u eat and exercise protocols. If you exercise you can take in more calories if you wise. With this app you can even look up meals in restaurants. It's really handy. I lost 70 pounds using it. Eat the right things and exercise. Those are the key ingredients to weight loss.

How many calories do you burn giving head?

Not sure, Cut off your head and give it to me and I will let you know.

How many calories do you burn giving birth?

depends how long your in labor, id say for a 15 hrs labor - 1 hr of pushing you've burned a good 800- 1,000.

How many calories do you burn giving an hour swedish massage?

Hi,it's hard work giving a deep massage isn't it? And of course it's going to burn calories, you are walking and using your arms in almost the reverse way of weight lifting, even kissing burns calories!

I found this on a forum for you:

It is an answer to someone asking the same question. It's answered by someone who wore a heart rate monitor during work (last but one answer). He is a big guy, so you would use less, but in a day it looks like it's pretty good going!

I also found this calory burning calculator:

I don't know how accurate it is though. But, you select the activity (it includes an option for giving a massage), the page refreshes and you then input your height and number of minutes you worked, then hit calculate, and it will tell you :)

Hope that helps!


Do I burn calories when I give blood?

Giving the little bit of blood for a blood test hardly causes you to burn calories as the energy spent is minimal. You might spend a few calories while actually donating blood as in a blood bank, but again not much, perhaps no more than when you laying down or sitting on the couch watching tv.

How many calories will I have had if I just licked the seasoning off the bbq chip?

I started licking the seasoning off the chips to avoid calories but then got worried that licking it might be giving me calories.. I already exercised off all but like 94 calories of what I ate today.. I don't want to have too many more..