How Many Calories Should I Aim For

How many calories should you burn at the gym?

What is a good number of calories to burn in a single gym session. Obviously it depends on your age, health, etc. To simplify we could say a 20-35 year old, in decent shape.

How many calories should I aim for on non-fast days on the Alternate Day Fasting Diet?

Well, no.People concentrate on daily calorie intake because it's easier to manage that way; however, your body doesn't know if it's Monday, Tuesday, Wed, etc. Nor do weight loss / weight gain changes happen daily (( you may swear you do, but it's all water weight that is fluctuating)).So, then what? Well, your body sees and create change over the course of a bigger time frame -- let's say a week or a month.Week's are easier to manage than months, naturally, and are more of a realistic timeframe to manage than daily micromanaging. If you're doing ADF (alternate day fasting), I'm going to assume you're going with 4 food and 3 fast days a week.If your body requires 2500 calories/day for maintenance (again, whatever number you're given is just an average figured to make micromanaging easier), then: 2500 kcal * 7 days per week = 17,500 kcal per week for maintenance.If you eat only 4 days, and are eating the same amount of food each day:2500 kcal * 4 days per week = 10,000 kcal for that week. In this scenario, you are in a 7,500 calorie deficit for the week (17,500-10,000) which should typically yield 1 - 2 pounds of weight loss per week.However, this deficit is large enough where you may always feel hungry, even on your food days. This is why people will recommend eating more than usual on your food days. If you consumed 3,500 calories a day:3,500 kcal * 4 days = 14,000 calories for the week, which still leaves you with a 3,500 calorie deficit, yielding about a pound lost per week.So basically eat as much as you need to in order to fend off hunger pangs throughout the week. Just make sure you're not engorging the numbers to the point where combined calories exceed weekly maintenance calories.Notice: I never specified the type of weight loss. It could be general weight loss (muscle, fat, and water) or it could be just the latter two, if you're lucky. You never want to lose muscle! To help yourself out, take up a gym membership and do some heavy resistance training (weights, not cardio) on the mornings of your fast days. Resistance training feeds muscle tissues, which essentially tells your body that these tissues are still alive, well, and should be kept. (Studies available upon request)Your gym time doesn't have to fall in the mornings, but that's when you will feel the best / not weakest.

How many calories should i burn at the gym?

im on a diet and im eating 1,200 calories a day i just need to know how many calories to burn at the gym you dont need to tell me what exercises i need to do just how many calories i need to burn thanks

How many calories should I eat per day to gain weight?

Calculate your maintainance caloriesAdd 200–300 surplus calories for first two weeksLater on add 500 surplus calories daily.I would simply say eat more than you burn but same time include physical activity 3–5 days a week because that's what speed up your whole process in order to gain weight .Now one more thing to add FAT NOT EQUAL TO WEIGHT neither you should think of gaining fat rather focus on build muscle at same time ,how ? Please read my Quora blogs when you get time ,it will help you a big time and thank me later :)Now let's talk about fat and weight.This is one of those things most people logically know and understand but, if/when their weight randomly spikes, they immediately "forget" and wonder why they aren't making any progress.Pay attention and listen close - WEIGHT DOES NOT EQUAL FAT. Just because the scale spikes does not mean you aren't making progress, nor does it mean you gained fat overnight.What it means ?All it means ,is the scale jumped up for any number of reasons and you, technically, weigh more. But weight is SO many things aside from fatWeight is the food you have in your stomach. Weight is the bottle of water you drank.Weight is your bones (which increase in density as you strength train).Weight is your muscles.Weight is your body holding onto water because you had a salty meal.Weight is your body holding onto water because you're physically, mentally, and emotionally stressed out. Seriously!Weight is so Much More than just fat.And many times you'll step on the scale and see it jump a pound or two or maybe even more from the day before. It's not fat - it's physiologically impossible to gain that much fat overnight.It's weight. That's it. Just weight.So don't let it bother you. Don't let the scale dictate your mood. See the number, recognize it's just a number, move on, and keep crushing it .Check out this video for healthy ways to gain weight How To Gain Weight | Gain Healthy Weight | 10 Tips For Gaining Weight For

How many calories does a 13 year old burn daily?

I'm 13 125 lbs and 5ft 4. My school day is about 6 hours .
1st /2nd period
Break (20mins)
Lunch - 50mins

None of these being pe just how many calories on average . I' want to know how much I'm burning so I can know how much I can eat. Today I have had about 1450 calories and I'm running 3 miles tonight

What calorie or portion size should you aim for each meal if you're trying to do 5 small meals a day?

I’m 64, somehow.I graze more, now. I eat a lot of small portions.I’m no longer interested in eating in one sitting a 16-ounce T-bone steak with a rack of pork ribs and 2 gallons of potato salad followed by a pizza and half a pecan pie for dessert. In the old days, I’d eat that and still be hungry.I don’t have the stomach for it, and the thought of it now is kind of gross.I have to pay attention now to what I didn’t before — nutrition. When I ate everything in the universe in large quantities, no problem.Now that I’m picky, I have to be more selective in how I graze.I’m not into excluding foods. I’m into including foods.For instance, if I can only eat a pile of dark green leafy vegetables by smothering them in sweet salad dressing, so be it. I don’t know or care what the net effect is although I assume it’s imperfect from a nutrionist’s standpoint, but I know I ate the green leafy vegetables. Trade off.When I snack, it tends towards cheese, nuts/seeds, rather than chips or cakes.Well, the answer is, I eat smaller portions rather than large meals. I find large meals almost disgusting now — or, rather — impossible, and I’m forced by age to think more deliberately about what I’m eating, which is not a concern for the younger who I encourage to eat all you can whenever you can.

How many calories should I eat a day for weight loss?

You can lose fat by being on a caloric deficit, meaning you expend more calories than you consume. Here’s how to do that:First of all, you have to know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This is the total number of calories your body needs to perform basic bodily functions such as breathing, digesting food, or thinking.Then you have to know your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). This is the total number of calories you use for your current daily activities like walking to work or cleaning the house.Once you know your BMR and TDEE, you can boost your fat loss efforts by setting a lower daily calorie limit and making a plan for increasing your physical activity.For example:Your BMR is 1,700 calories.Your TDEE is 2,600 calories.A healthy way to lower calories without putting too much pressure on yourself is to subtract 500 calories from your TDEE. This ensures that you don’t starve and lack energy. The important thing is for you to be able to sustain your program.So your daily calories for fat loss is 2,100 calories.There are many online calorie calculators you can use to compute for these. There are formulas but I personally think that manually calculating this isn’t very accurate.Make sure that you eat a balance of whole foods. Healthy carbs, protein, and healthy fat—these are called macros. I won’t go into detail with this since we’re only talking about calories.Now that you’ve got that down pat, it’s time to add in exercise to increase your caloric expenditure even more. It’s important to combine cardio with weight training. Cardio helps burn fat stores and weight training helps you build muscles.Since our bodies adapt to change, re-calculate you BMR, TDEE and calories needed for fat loss every 2–4 weeks or when you notice that you’re not losing weight anymore. This way you’ll continuously make progress.Then again, calori counting doesn’t work for some people. Here’s an interesting read about the topic: Why You Should Stop Counting Calories?