How Many Cigarettes Would Cause Stimulation

How many cigarettes = 21 mg of nicotine?

Actually, it doesn't work this way which makes it very difficult to prescribe nicotine replacement. Your brain knows how much nicotine that it wants at different times of day. You basically smoke "harder" in the am by drawing the smoke in deeper and holding it longer. This gives you the stimulation needed to face the day. At night, you smoke "lighter" by not drawing the smoke in so deep or holding it so long. This gives you a relaxation dose. Nicotine (like Atropine) has different affects at different dosing levels.

This is also why tapering off cigarettes & "light" cigarettes does not work. Your body simply adjusts how you are smoking to get the dose you need. I had a woman in a smoking cessation class who was so proud of herself for tapering down and using light cigarettes. She wanted to start earlier than the rest of the class. She made the comment that her late husband had said she would suck on a cigarette so hard, that she would draw it out of her ***. When we did the oxygen saturations and carbon monoxide levels, her levels were higher than anyone in the entire class.

People simply start smoking a lower number of cigarettes and lighter and gradually dose up as their addiction demands more. The only way to know the amount of nicotine you are inhaling is to get a urine test that detects nicotine in your body. And don't forget the ammonia and other cancer causing chemicals added so you can get the nicotine into your system faster.

Cigarette smoking causes depression?

Ciggs control a stimulate in your brain which controls feelings and emotions. After you have a cigg your brain releases a chemical called dopamine, this chemical gives you a feeling of relaxation for a short time until you want your next cigg. between these ciggs you may feel depressed or anxiety. When you quit smoking your body wants you to have dopamine so you are going to feel depressed and anxiety and more. Every body is different.

Cigarette high?

Yes, periodically I get this feeling as well. Nicotine acts directly on the brain cells by stimulating nicotinic receptors. The neurotransmitter nicotine mimicks is called nicotinamide. Oddly enough, scientist found a receptor that cigarettes worked on, and called it based on that.
Nicotine can affect the sense of motion and balance. Dunhills may contain ammonia or other nitrogen compounds which increase the speed that nicotine crosses the blood-brain barrier, delivering a sudden rush of neurotransmitter-based stimulation to the brain. This is how cigarette companies make sure that people stay hooked.

How much damage do 5 cigarettes a day cause?

1. You may have thought that if diseases due to cigarette smoking were linear in relationship to the amount of cigarettes consumed, a person smoking only 5 cigarettes should be relatively safe. I found the following reference that examined this scenario, because it seems a trend among younger persons to smoke less hoping that the damage would be less. Page on nih.gov2. Here is the key sentence that I found in this reference:“Low levels of tobacco exposure as seen in light smoking (4 to 7 cigarettes per day) has ≈70% of the effect of heavy smoking (≥23 cigarettes per day).”The paper explains that the dose/relationship of cigarette smoker exposure versus cardiovascular disease/cancer risk is NOT linear. This was a big surprise to the researchers. The researchers stated further: “The risk…of light-smoking men and women aged 35 to 39 years who smoke 1 to 4 cigarettes per day is nearly 3 times that of a nonsmoker”. Light-smoking men and women have a risk of getting a heart attack that is 2-fold higher than that of non-smokers. Finally the researchers also found: “The risk of death from aortic aneurysm is nearly 3 times greater in light smokers than in nonsmoking men and women.”ConclusionIf I were you I would not expose myself to the risks of getting a heart attack, an aortic aneurysm or lung cancer, because your risk is still 70% of that of heavy smokers. I have not seen it advertised that there is NOT a linear dose-relationship between cigarette smoke and clinical disease. But this is what this publication found. Your only logical option therefore would be to quit smoking altogether.

I shake when i smoke cigarettes?

If I had to guess- cigarettes have nicotine in them. This stimulates the nicotinic receptors in the body which are cholinergic (where you'd normally get the salivation, gastric movement, etc). Now here's where it gets tricky. This kinda stimulus is normally blocked and causes a depolarizing effect when its used for surgeries, but you can also get that effect by over stimulating the receptors.

I think maybe while smoking, at some point the concentration of nicotine gets high enough to overstimulate some of the colinergic receptors, and it causes your muscles to shake and then not respond to the stimulus. I think at the amounts of nicotine you get in your body its kinda like a freak accident, and you get a quick shake, but it doesn't end up blocking the stimulus.

If you wanna read more about it, look up succinnyl choline. It should work kinda like a one time shake kinda thing. Again, I'm just making an educated guess here- but real talk dude, quit cigs if you can. Normally it takes people 10 trys to finally quit. Find something that motivates you to quit and do it.

Bed wetting due to quitting smoking cigarettes?

So I'm 25 years old. I moved back in to my parents house. And had to quit smoking, They would not allow me to live there if I was smoking cigarettes. so I quit cold turkey from smoking 2 packs a day. I'm 10 days clean of cigarettes and in the past 2 days I have wet the bed 3 times. I have never had a issue with bed wetting before but wondering if this could be caused by the withdraw of smoking?

Would a wealth tax stimulate or harm the economy?

“Would a wealth tax stimulate or harm the economy?”One thing to know about tax is that it is coercively taking money from people. Taxing is a way of inhibiting an activity. If you increase taxes on cigarettes, you are discouraging people from smoking.Another thing to know is that wealth come from offering people services that they want to use. Have you ever seen someone getting rich providing service that no one wants?So, taxing wealth would discourage people from getting wealthier and thus to provide good service for population. The government can, and in most of cases it does, increase taxes on the top of the pyramid to reduce taxes for those on the bottom. But when you reach a certain point, the effort to increase your income is not really worth it because most of your efforts will turn into money given to the government.Another funny fact about taxes is that not of 100% of the revenue from it will go back as an improvement to the population. The ratio varies from country to country but most of the revenue will be used to maintain the status quo of politician. In Brazil, for example, the average return is something about 30%. Wouldn't it be better if 100% of the wealth went to the population? This is simply achieved by letting the rich keep his money and spend it with whichever thing he sees fit.So no, wealth tax would not stimulate the economy. The only way to stimulate the economy is to let people decide what they want to spend their money on and let entrepreneurs develop solutions to people problems.

Why does one feel like pooping after smoking a cigarette?

Cigarettes contain nicotine to which the digestive tract muscles become ”addicted” or dependant rather.Nicotine is an agonist of nicotinic receptors.When you are a long term smoker who tries to quit smoking the peristalsis is disturbed I.E the wave like motion of the GIT the pushes the bowels forward which normally occurs is altered. The regular routine is disturbed.After smoking a cigarette the nicotine causes stimulation of the GIT muscles causing peristalsis thus causing the desire to pass bowelsThis is also why serious addicts tend to be constipated due to not smoking.But we do not know for sure. There hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. A wide variety of chemicals maybe causing this effect by affecting the nervous system. It may also be that various metabolites of these chemicals might be having some effect.Nicotine is highly addictive substance that take mere seconds to reach the brain and show it's effects. Dependance as well as addiction is quick.It's possible that the constipation is a symptom of either of these effects also.

How does smoking cigarettes affect the brain?

Watch an amazing LIVE Science test showing What cigarette Can cause to Your Body!Some of the effects that may be experienced after smoking tobacco include:• initial stimulation, then reduction in activity of the brain and nervous system• increased alertness and concentration• feelings of mild euphoria• feelings of relaxation• increased blood pressure and heart rate• decreased blood flow to fingers and toes• decreased skin temperature• bad breath• decreased appetite• dizziness• nausea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting• headache• coughing, due to smoke irritation.Higher dosesThe effects of very large doses can include:• an increase in the unpleasant effects• feeling faint• confusion• the rapid decrease in blood pressure and breathing rate• seizures• respiratory arrest (stopping breathing) and death.Long-term effects• increased risk of stroke and brain damage• eye cataracts, macular degeneration• loss of sense of smell and taste• yellow teeth, tooth decay and bad breath• cancer of the nose, lip, tongue and mouth• possible hearing loss• laryngeal and pharyngeal cancers• contributes to osteoporosis• shortness of breath• coughing• chronic bronchitis• cancer• triggering asthma• emphysema• heart disease• blockages in blood supply that can lead to a heart attack• high blood pressure (hypertension)• myeloid leukemia, cancer that affects bone marrow• stomach and bladder cancers• stomach ulcers• decreased appetite• grey appearance• early wrinkles• slower healing wounds• damage to blood vessel walls• increased likelihood of back pain• increased susceptibility to infection• lower fertility and increased risk of miscarriage• irregular periods• early menopause• damaged sperm and reduced sperm• impotence.