How Many Cities/towns With The Name

How many cities or towns in the U.S. are named Rochester?

There are 14 communites in the United States named Rochester. Here is a list ranked by population.
Rochester, NY (pop. 206759)
Rochester, MN (pop. 99121)
Rochester, NH (pop. 30527)
Rochester, MI (pop. 11031)
Rochester, IN (pop. 6447)
Rochester, MA (pop. 5218)
Rochester, PA (pop. 3680)
Rochester, IL (pop. 3171)
Rochester, WA (pop. 1829)
Rochester, WI (pop. 1180)
Rochester, VT (pop. 1135)
Rochester, TX (pop. 328)
Rochester, KY (pop. 187)
Rochester, OH (pop. 182)

How many cities are named Aurora?

In the United States there are also Aurora's in

Aurora, Illinois
Aurora, Indiana
Aurora, Iowa
Aurora, Kansas
Aurora, Kentucky
Aurora, Maine
Aurora, Minnesota
Aurora, Missouri

Two Aurora's in New York, one in Cayuga County and one in Erie County

Aurora, Nevada
Aurora, North Carolina
Aurora, Ohio
Aurora, Oregon
Aurora, South Dakota
Aurora, Texas
Aurora, Utah
Aurora, West Virginia

Two Aurora's in Wisconsin, one in Florence County and one in Kenosha County.

There also is an Aurora community found within New Orleans, Louisiana

Aurora Township, Steele County, Minnesota

In Australia there is an Aurora which is a suburb of Melbourne

In Canada there is an Aurora, Ontario

In Italy, Aurora is a historical district in the city of Turin

In the Philippines there is an Aurora in the province of Isabela, and one in the province of Zamboanga del Sur

In South Africa, there is an Aurora in Western Cape (a province)

Finally there is an Aurora in the country of Suriname


Why are there so many town and city names with "-ville" in the American South?

There’s everywhere actually -Hicksville, NYRockville Center, NYPlainville, CT and MA and IL, and IN, KS, NJ, OH, PA, WIDanville, Emeryville, Farmersville, Marysville and more CAMarysville, North Bonneville, Oakville, Woodinville and more WAHaysville, Coffeeville and more KSLouisville, Plattville, Starkville, COSo, the point being made is that it’s actually in very common use to include ville in the name of a town.The current modern usage of ville is in French for city or town. It has been in common use since the Middle Ages, and in English usage frequently for names of cities, towns, and finally, the meat of the answer, in villages.It became common in the US after the Revolutionary War, and its use often names for people, family names, or other regions.It’s not just in the South, it’s everywhere, was a most common suffix for a town name though not in as common use today.A town I had planned to move to before flooding was the town of Woodinville, Washington. The town was named in 1871, after Susan Woodin and her husband built a cabin there, built a farm, and then a town grew up around them - and that’s a fairly good example of how -villes came to be.

How many United States towns or cities are named Paris, and in which states are they located?

Paris, Georgia
Paris, Maine
Town of Paris, New York
Paris, Tennessee
Paris, Virginia
New Paris, Indiana
New Paris, Ohio
New Paris, Pennsylvania
Paris, Arkansas
Paris, Dakota Territory
Paris, Idaho
Paris, Illinois
Paris, Kentucky
Paris, Michigan
Paris, Missouri
Paris, New York
Paris, Ohio
Paris, Pennsylvania
Paris, Tennessee
Paris, Texas
Paris, Grant County, Wisconsin
Paris, Kenosha County, Wisconsin
Paris Township, Michigan
South Paris, Maine
St. Paris, Ohio
West Paris, Maine

How Many Cities or Towns in the United States are Named "Detroit"?

There are 6 cities in the United States named Detroit. Here they are listed in order by population. Detroit, MI (pop. 916952)
Detroit, ME (pop. 883)
Detroit, TX (pop. 716)
Detroit, OR (pop. 270)
Detroit, AL (pop. 227)
Detroit, IL (pop. 87)

How many states in the United States have a city or town named Salem?

Salem - Wisconsin - AmericaSalem - West Virginia - AmericaSalem - Virginia - AmericaSalem - Utah - AmericaSalem - Texas - AmericaSalem - Tennessee - AmericaSalem - South Dakota - AmericaSalem - South Carolina - AmericaSalem - Pennsylvania - AmericaSalem - Oregon - AmericaSalem - Oklahoma - AmericaSalem - Ohio - AmericaSalem - North Carolina - AmericaSalem - New York - AmericaSalem - New Mexico - AmericaSalem - New Jersey - AmericaSalem - New Hampshire - AmericaSalem - Nebraska - AmericaSalem - Montana - AmericaSalem - Missouri - AmericaSalem - Mississippi - AmericaSalem - Michigan - AmericaSalem - Massachusetts - AmericaSalem - Maryland - AmericaSalem - Maine - AmericaSalem - Kentucky - AmericaSalem - Kansas - AmericaSalem - Iowa - AmericaSalem - Indiana - AmericaSalem - Illinois - AmericaSalem - Idaho - AmericaSalem - Georgia - AmericaSalem - Florida - AmericaSalem - Connecticut - AmericaSalem - Arkansas - AmericaSalem - Alabama - America