How Many Days It Will Take To Give An Effect After Abs Activity

Doing 50 situps a day.. effective?

it will help a little just to tone your stomach area. but just by doing sit ups it will not help.
if you want a flat stomach what you should do is go on a healthy diet which means eat just a little portion of meat, lots of vegetables and in between like everyone 2-3 hours eat some kinds of fruit, such as bananas, because this will fill up your stomach and you won't feel hungry.

you also cannot just lose belly fat, you will have to lose some fat everywhere in your body.. so go jogging every other day and also rest plenty and stretch every evening. if you do this for a few months you will lose fat. but you have to be patient!

good luck! :)

Does doing 120 sit ups everyday for like two months give u six pacs.?

That's not the main thing about getting a six-pack. The problem is that there is a layer of fat above your abdominal muscles, which blocks you from seeing them. Do cardiovascular excersize while also working out your abs, and you'll see a much better result.

There are side effects. If you do them improperly you can hurt your back and neck. One of those sit up chairs or the things that are on the ground with a head rest that rotate with you are good.

I'd also suggest various crunches (toe touches, etc), to work all of your abs (Touch your right toe with your left hand).

EDIT: You don't understand. You have to lose the layer of fat for the abdominal muscles to be visible! That is the purpose of the cardiovascular activity. If you just work out your muscles, they'll get larger and you still won't see them because the fat is covering them.

If I do 100 sit-ups 2 times a day how long will it take ?

firstly 700-900 still isnt enough calories to survive on. You will have to eat more to shape your muscles too. If you dont believe me google 'BMR calculator' that will give you the minimum calories you need a day for your vital organs to function!! Protein builds muscle and will not make you gain weight because it will have an effect on your body called 'ketosis' . That is when you eat to fulfil your hunger so that your body doesnt go into starvation mode and start holding onto any fat and the protein contains no carbs, which means no glucose, which means nothing to stop your body from losing weight (glucose from carbs has to be burnt before anything else can be- thats how atkins phase1 works ) Did you also know that the more muscle you have the higher your metabolic rate is ? So firstly , pile up on the protein and vitamins - they wont make you fat I PROMISE!! if you just work out your bmr and reccomended calories for your activity level you will stay the same weight and have enough protein and nutrients to sculpt your body.
It takes me 2 mins (ish) to do 50 sit ups so 200 would take about 8 mins out of your whole day.

By the way, sorry to keep going on about it but I dont hink your eating enough , if you dont believe what I said about ketosis and protein get some 'KETOSTIX' from a pharmacy . Diabetic people use them to monitor the amount of ketones they have in their urine , for a diabetic person losing ketones is a bad thing because ketones are released in the urine when we lose weight/burn calories, for a non-diabetic person it means that we are just losing weight/burning calories without being diabetic . I did an experiment with them, just 15 mins exercise would bump my ketone level up .They are only a couple of quid. If you do try it bare in mind that the lightest colour is a negative result and the darker the colour the more ketones you are losing.
Please just read up on what Ive told you it is all scientifically proved and I think it will really help you get the body you want and relax .
Good luck but please be healthy

How many inches will i lose if i do 200-300 crunches a day for 30 days?

Sit ups will firm up your abs, but not necessarily shed pounds or inches.
If you want to lose lbs. and inches you have to sweat for a minimum of 45 mins. Run/jog , bicycle, eliptical, treadmill ,etc along with sit ups and weight training.
You should also calculated the number of calories you consume in a day so you are able to adjust your intake according to your results,I.E. if you are not losing at the desired rate ,shave a measured number of calories.
Drink water at meals and do not eat after 7:00 pm.

How long does a 6 pack abs last?

I got have a 6 pack abs after working on it for about 3 months. My question is if I stop working out now, how long will it take before my 6 pack will start fading, how long until it would go back to nothing and what effects make you lose it the most ie eating unhealthily or just the fact your not exercising

How many days would it take to build a six pack if I daily run or jog 2/3 kms?

2000 years only.abs are made in kitchen.u can get without doing any exercise.but u need to eat clean and eat in every 90 minutes.but it will took a good time too,so workout,cardio+ weight training + some abs exercises,and then u can get a nice pack of abs in 2–3 months,may be less if u got less fat% age.if it was so easy,then every1 would have done this.u cant make abs ,just by playing pokemon go.

I've been jump roping and my abs are sore!!!!?

Okay ya'll I've been jumping for a little over a week now, the first couple of days my body was aching. Then my arms starting hurting. Now my Abs ARE sore.. Does jumping rope really do all this. Okay heres the deal, I'm trying to loose weight off of my arms , thighs , and tummy, so with working out at the gym and jump roping, how affective will this be?


What can 50 crunches every day do?

Well you need to understand that working consistently on your abdominal muscles a little bit every day will in fact give you little results.So if you really want to burn the fat off your abdomen, then focusing on abdominal exercises will give you very little success. You need to resort to a healthy diet and cardiovascular exercise too.Besides,doing just 50 cruches will make your ab muscles grow larger. You are not burning away much fat at all. So add some fat burning cardiovascular exercises, and eat healthy foods and you will burn that fat for good.And do cruches in 2–3 sets of 20–25 reps and that way you will be able to do more.Also add lying leg raises,reverse cruches,planks and sum squats. Might be hard to do in beginning but surely wil give you better results. Add sum rope skipping too.