How Many Dolars You Can Pay Me

How much weed can i get for 5 dollars?

Mids (Regular)
Nickle- .5 Grams = $5
Dime- 1 Gram = $10
Dub- 2 Grams = $20
1/8- 3.5 Grams = $25-30
Qaurter- 7 Grams = $40-50
Half Ounce- 14 Grams = $50-70
Ounce- 28 Grams = $100-120

Dank (High Qaulity/Good weed)
Nickle- .5 Grams = $5-10
Dime- 1 Gram = $15-20
Dub- 2 Grams = $20-25
1/8- 3.5 Grams = $35
Qaurter- 7 Grams = $60
Half Ounce- 14 Grams = $100-150
Ounce- 28 Grams= $200-300

I don't smoke weed but I was bored and googled this.

How do I pay for Pounds in US dollars online?

When paying for something online in a different currency, you will pay in whatever currency is listed.

For example, your bangle is £70, so you will pay £70. Visa/Mastercard will then convert the £70 into american dollars themselves, and on your Visa/Mastercard statment, the amount will be in american dollars.

You can roughly see the amount in USD that you will be paying after Visa/Mastercard has converted the currency for you. Also, remember that you will have to pay customs on top of the bangle.

When I buy things from the US online, Visa automatically converts the amount in USD to CAD for me.

And yes, you would make the payment the same as on an american website provided the website is set up the same. You may also get a phone call from your credit card company. They would call to ask if your card has been stolen because something has been purchased overseas. All you need to do is confirm that you did make the purchase.

EDIT: You should expect to pay 103.24 USD (customs and shipping/handling costs are not included in this cost). I got this number from the currency converter website listed inthe sources.

Can anyone PayPal me 1 million dollars?

I'm Agnostic, which basically means I don't discredit the existence of God because only one who is omnipotent can do that. I also believe that I was put here by an unknown force, greater than my understanding, but I was given free will and inner strength with which to better my life, myself, and those around me, by that power. I provide myself strength and guide my own life by the choices I make of my own free will. I do not believe that a God has already decided the course of my life and that I am just it's puppet. Also, any God that demands my obedience and worship to get into Heaven instead of the good shown through my actions and controls my actions through the fear of going to Hell, is not a God worthy of my faith. Let me be judged by my actions and not whether I worshiped God enough. I believe that each person is capable of good and evil and it is up to that person with which path to follow, not through the influence of God or Satan. When you give all the credit of good and evil to supernatural powers you take away the responsibility of that persons good or evil actions, leaving them little to no accountability for what they have done. In a nut shell. How can you know he does or doesn't exist without seeing it for yourself? Unless you are omnipotent and know everything there is to know in existence, it is impossible to truly know if he exists of not. ( at least not until you die, most likely)