How Many Grams Of Protein Do I Need To Gain Muscle And Weight

If you wanna build muscle, how many grams of protein do you need?

I worked out my chest,shoulders, and triceps yesterday and I ate chicken breast with pasta and a protein shake with a protein bar. What do I eat today how many grams of protein do I need?

How much protein do I need a day if I weight 150?

I weigh 150 lbs and I am 5'9", closer to 5'10". I want to know how much protein I need to eat a day to gain muscle because I have been eating 140 grams of protein a day, some days maybe a little more or little less. I don't want it to make me fat so I want to make sure I am doing it right and I need some help on what to do. I also run 2 miles everyday and usually lift every day with dumbbells and stuff, I don't bench or squat though if that has any impact.

How much protein does one need to gain weight?

One gram of protein contains 4 calories which is equal to carbs. But carbs are easy to digest as compared to protein and thus you wont gain substantial amount of weight by just consuming protein alone.Also, if you are underweight then you should try to gain weight by increasing muscle mass and not by fats. So best strategy is to be in surplus calories while doing some weight training.Its a long process and there is no shortcut if you want to grow bigger in healthy way. Eat clean carbs and include healthy fats with moderate amount of protein. This will automatically help you in weight gain. Don’t go for mass gainer if you are not hitting gym. Just eating access calories for the sake of weight isnt a good solution. If you are just skinny and have no health issues like weakness, difficulty in breathing or sort of problems, you shouldn’t worry about the weight :). Most of the population struggling to loose weight anyways. If you still want to put on some weight, gain muscles and not the fat.Muscle gain is a slow process and requires great amount of patience. Most of the people stop going gym because they dont see frequent changes in their body. My advice is..go to gym and workout seriously without keeping any goal in mind. Goals like, I want six pack abs before New Year or something is not going to help much as your body will take its own time to grow depending upon how much efforts you are putting into it. Plus, never overdo with one particular thing in never helps.Go to gym keeping in mind that you just want to be healthy. Eat healthy and balanced food. You will see the results and you will feel great in sometime.Cheers

How much protein should I eat to gain muscle?

Start out with about 30 grams of protein in a shake or smoothie, work up to 45-50 grams. It takes your body a few days to a week to get use to the extra supplement, at least mine did. also, take your drink within 30 min of your workout for best results.
Always buy high quality whey. I get my stuff from the link below, their forum page also has some good recipes and discussions. good luck

How much protein do you need to build muscle.?

I weigh about 195 pounds. I hear that th general rule is that you should get 1g of protein per pound, which would equal to about 190 grams of protein. This seems like a lot for me, and very expensive! I currently get about 100 grams per day, I'm trying to build muscl.e

How much Protein Do i Need to Build Muscle?

Don't listen to that other guy, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Do not drink Muscle Milk after a workout, it contains casein which is a slow absorbing protein. The money spent on muscle milk could be spent on something actually useful like a 5-10lb tub of Whey.

And if you want to maintain muscle mass, take in 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Since you weigh 145lbs, you need 145 grams of protein. And if you're looking to get bigger, go for 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Of course you also need a balanced diet and effective workout routine.

How much GM protein should be taken to build muscles? My weight is 55 kg.

As a thumb rule, protein requirement for an average adult is 1 g for every Kg of body weight for maintenance on daily basis. Therefore, if you have a body weight of 55 Kg, you require 55 g proteins everyday to meet the requirements.However, this is the requirement for an average person. If you are engaged in any form of physical exertion, the requirement increases in line with the level of exertion and can reach upto 2-3 g per Kg of body weight. To calculate your exact protein requirement based on your age, weight, goal and physical exertion done, visit us.Further, if you are going regularly to gym or sports academy and you want to gain muscle mass or are being advised or taking any supplements, please consider the following:Firstly, you need to make sure that you replenish your muscles with fast acting proteins after exercise. After intense muscular activity muscles are strained and they need to be repaired instantly with fast acting proteins ideally #wheyprotein within half an hour of activity.Most of the Indian brands don’t have whey protein or they have it in negligible quantities. Most popular whey in GYMMING communities are either prohibitively expensive or are unreliable as per latest ASSOCHAM studies reveal 60 to 70 percent of such proteins are fake powders containing dangerous steroids hormones and starch.Ideally good quality Whey protein for gym enthusiast should be consumed 20 G early morning or one hour before exercise, 30 G within 20 mins after exercise and 30 G after dinner before bedtime.Secondly, you need to achieve muscular hypertrophy by providing muscles constantly with slow release protein. As mentioned earlier muscles need ‘quick protein’ in form of whey protein. Similarly, to make muscle grow in size they need to be continually fed with proteins.The best choice would be CASEIN protein which will slowly release amino acids to feed your muscles.CASEIN is ideally consumed as night protein so that it slowly works while you sleep. Ideally to be consumed 40 G at night following dinner.Please consider following points before making buying decision:Look at products addressing specific functionalitiesProducts having Highest proportion of proteinsAll Natural – products do not contain added sugars, sweeteners, preservatives, additives, chemicals or hormones.100% vegetarianAffordable

How many grams of protein should a 165lb male take if trying to gain weight and turn it into muscle. He is 21?

most body builders agree a person should consume 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily to maintain their bmr,if you wish to gain weight remember that 1lb. of body weight is the equivalent of 3000 calories so figure out how much weight you plan on gaining per week and increase calories accordingly.good luck

How much is 85 grams of protein?

that's about 1 can of tuna, 1 whole chicken breast, 1 glass of milk and 2-3 whole eggs