How Many Mentally Unstable Republican Gun Nuts Would You Say Are Running A Muck Amongst Society

Joy Behar mocked Pence’s faith: “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you, hearing voices qualifies as a mental illness." Oprah said “Only god can convince me to run for president.”Is liberalism divided about faith?

Thanks for requesting my answer…As true today as when it was first spoken. And I say this AS a registered Democrat.The fact is, the reason why Republicans win elections, even though they stand against the best interests of no less than 90 percent of the American electorate, is because they have moral clarity and the Democrats lack it. Whenever a new issue comes up, the Republicans are always the first ones to declare where they stand on it, and the Democrats are always the team to take the contrary position, even when doing so contradicts positions they’ve taken on other issues. For instance, Democrats are pro-labor, but they’re also in favor of modern-day slave labor, brought to you by illegal immigration. Democrats are all for people’s civil rights and civil liberties… until we start talking about guns. They contradict themselves on these and other issues simply because the Republicans beat them to the punch, as they always do, forcing the Democrats to REact instead of ACT. And that situation is again exemplified by the things you quoted in your question.So, yes, the left is schizophrenic on the issue of religion and many, MANY other issues. One thing is certain, though. No Democratic president is going to remove science from a school’s curriculum. No Democratic president is going to say of evolution, “the jury’s still out.” No Democratic president is going to base his or her foreign policy on the advice of somebody whose title is “reverend.” It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to say the same about Republicans. And as long as that remains the case, the Democrats will always have my vote.Thank you.

What should one do in their 20s to avoid regrets in their 30s and 40s?

Noticed something funny?People in their 30’s purchase a house on a massive loan.Why?So that when they do become old, they can live in it.So what they do is buy a house for a 30 year mortgage or loan and work their ass off for the next 30 years to pay for the loan.Funny thing is - they are working like a dog - spending their entire youth chasing, running and making - so that they can live in a house during their old age.Funny right?And they do not even think of the possibility that - maybe, just maybe - they may die before hand or that something may happen before that - which can change the entire course of their lives.So what these people and many others like them do is - live for the future.First and foremost - How do you know you will live until the age of 40? or 30?How do you know you may not die within 1 year? Next month? Next week?How do you know?The fact is - no one knows!Everyone likes to assume or believe they will live until the ripe old age of 75 or 100. It is nice to have an Optimism Bias but it is better to be practical and realistic.No one knows if you or I will live until the age of 30 or 40.And whatever advice I may give you today - may not be applicable in another few years.Why?Because you have changed, people have changed, the environment has changed and our world has changed.Given a planet where the technology changes every few weeks - you seriously want someone to give you advice for the next 10 years?Well - if you really want something worthwhile to keep in mind and heart….here would be the advice I would give.Live everyday as if it were your last day on the planet.Do everything that needs to be done - so that if you were to die tomorrow - you would live your life knowing - you have no regrets.That doesn’t mean live it recklessly or take a credit card and blow it out it completely. What I mean is - do those things money cannot buy and those things that do not hurt others. And live in a manner that is true to your value system. And where ‘living for the future goes’ - cross that bridge when it arrives.Remember - do not waste what you have right now - for hopes and anticipation for a future you have not seen and do not know if it will ever come.That is why what you have right now - is called “The Present”.Loy Machedo

What is an adoption reunion like for an adoptee?

As a male adoptee I can only describe my feelings on a reunification. From the child’s perspective I believe it would be very satisfying and would relieve so much anxiety about who they really are and what really happened to create these circumstances. So much of what I just described will depend on the events that preceded adoption or fostering.Did you have a previous relationship or was the child a infant or “at birth” giving?Did you lose the child because of neglect or drugs?What is the relationship the child has with the adoptive family?Is the child now a young adult or still a minor?I wrote on Quora several times about finding. other family members, such as: aunts, half brothers, sisters, nieces. Describing that it’s hard to make or accept them as family because all the time and distance that has already elapsed as a adult. However, meeting my mother (again) would of been quite different and create a important closure that could never happen without re-meeting and knowing her personally. That said, it can also create a feeling of inferior pedigree, again depending on the circumstances that preceded the adoption.Two different scenariosIf you gave up a child at birth and spent your life regretting that decision and you remain wholly respectful to the adoptive parents that you are going to surely upset. The child I’m sure will feel awkward but also welcome the knowledge and feeling of wholeness that they have longed for but will also be protective of his new family.If you lost a “of age” child that you previously bonded with and that bond was broken by the legal taking, such as Child Welfare Authorities. I believe this child will forever wonder and long for this meeting and closing of the deep wounds that existed by this loss. There is also mixed feelings and potential anger. Mostly because it is hard to reconcile that their mother may have chosen a life of drugs or other personal misdeeds over the their well-being and love. Most adoptees, especially those “of age” spend the rest of their life believing that it was all a big mistake and fantasize on being famous or wealthy. Unfortunately when they find the truth it’s is hard to handle and can create a feeling of worthlessness.Good Luck, I hope it’s great for you and your son or daughter1 View