How Many Of You Are From Australia

How many of you are from Australia?

I am not from Australia , but a couple of my contacts are from there and I like them so much , like Australian accents too...hee hee

How many of you are from Australia?

I am from a suburb called Laverton in Victoria, Australia.

How many words can you make from Australia?

aa aal aalii aaliis aals aas ai ail ails air airs airt airts ais ait aits al ala alar alas alias alist alit all alls als alt altar altars altruist altruists alts alula alular ar aria arias aril arils arista aristas arras arris ars arsis art artal artist artists arts as *** assai assail assails assais assault assaults assist assists astasia astasias astir astral astrals at atilt atlas atlatl atlatls atria atrial att attar attars aura aural aurar auras auris aurist aurists austral australs ilia ilial ill ills iris iritis is it its la laari lair lairs lall lalls lar lari lariat lariats laris lars las lass last lasts lat lati latria latrias lats laura lauras li liar liars lilt lilts lira liras liri lis list lists lit litai litas lits litu luau luaus lull lulls lulu lulus lust lustra lustral lusts lusus lutist lutists raia raias rail rails ras rat ratal ratals ratatat ratatats rats rattail rattails ria rial rials rias riata riatas rill rills risus ritual ritualist ritualists rituals rural ruralist ruralists rust rusts rut ruts sail sails sal salal salals salariat salariats sall sals salsa salsas salsilla salsillas salt salts sari saris sarsar sarsars sass sat satara sataras sati satirist satirists satis sau saul sauls sault saults si sial sials sill sills silt silts sir sirra sirras sirs sis sisal sisals sistra sit sitar sitarist sitarists sitars sits situs slat slats slit slits slur slurs slut sluts sri sris stair stairs stall stalls star starlit stars start starts stasis stat statal statist statists stats status still stills stilt stilts stir stirs strait straits strass strata stratal stratas strati stratus stria strut struts stull stulls sturt sturts suit suits sulu sulus sura sural suras surra surras suss susurrus sutra sutras sutta suttas sutural ta tail tails tala talar talaria talars talas tali tall tallis tallit talus tar tars tarsal tarsals tarsi tarsia tarsias tarsus tart tartar tartars tarts tas tass tat tatar tatars tats tau taus taut tauts ti tiara tiaras til till tills tils tilt tilts tirl tirls tis tissual tissular tit titi titis titlist titlists **** titular titulars trail trails trait traits trass trial trials trill trills trull trulls truss trust trusts tsar tsarist tsarists tsars tsuris tuatara tuataras tui tuis turista turistas tussal tussar tussars tussis tussur tussurs tut tuts tutti tuttis tutu tutus ultra ultraist ultraists ultras ulu ulus urari uraris urial urials ursa urus us usual usuals ut uta utas uts

How many beaches are there in Australia? ?

For the best answers, search on this site

NSW has a lot of good beaches not forgetting the famous bondi beach, but the tourist have swamped that now, so here in sydney, we go to Maroubra if you want to surf, or Curl Curl. then for a swim not surfing, theres Malabar, Coogee, Manley,Tamarama, Palm Beach,Bronte and the list goes on

How many of you are from America or Australia?

How many ( as in sum total ) of "YOU" are from America or Australia ?

YOU describes a (single as in one person ) INDIVIDUAL as in ME , I can only reply as to my personal Status , as in I can only answer related to MYSELF .

. so an appropriate question would be are "YOU" from America or Australia

then the questioner could tally up the responses and would have a TOTAL Number ( Sum ) out of the number of responses the collection of response of INDIVIDUALS indicate they are from ( live or were born in ) America or Australia .

I do not have the SUM /Total . that is the intent of doing a POLL to acquire a total or a counting of

I can not provide the SUM or total as in " How many " ?

. I was born in America

I'll let you know.You've encouraged me to go and count them. Given the whole country/continent/island is surrounded by them, and given that there are some superb harbor beaches, I reckon I'll have an answer for you in about twenty years time. The only beach that scares me is the one from which a former Prime Minster disappeared. See:

More Australia Questions...?

So Im a teen (not for long) from The United States I live in New York lets say for privacy issues and its close... But I have lots of questions for someone who could give me an answer....
I would like to move to Australia because I have family there and I love what I hear about Australia. I was wondering if I were to move to Australia and stay I have asked before but what Visa would I need and with any form of Visa could I live in Australia permanently? The family I have there are living with a USA service member but decided to stay there for good so how does that work? Is there anyway I could move there permanently or would I have to just renew visas. As I am a USA citizen I have been told I need to give that up but could regain it under conditions...Is this true? Would I be able to buy a house there on any form of Visa and a car? Whats the best residential area in Australia? Would you recommend moving to Australia from USA? What are the types of Visas?
Im so sorry I have so many questions I just am curious and google can only tell you so much!

How many of you are from America or Australia?

I live in America. Southern California to be specific. It's absolutely gorgeous here... so many great opportunists and such a variety of fun things to do as well. I was born in Canada though, but live in Orange County, CA now. Love it here very much.
God bless America