How Many Pounds Should A Fit 15 Year Old Be

Is 111 pounds bad? for a 15 year old?

As everyone has mentioned it does depend on your height. If you're over 5'5" you are underweight but if you're about 5' or a little more you're probably the right weight. Also take into account what 'size' you are for muscle weighs more than fat so your weight may not be a true indicator of whether you're fat or skinny. Go by what clothing size you are. Check out the following web page for more info:

I am 15 years old, 5'2 and weigh about 128 pounds. Am I fat?!?

Hey guys. Okay so I feel like I'm fat. My thighs are huge and I hate them. But my legs are muscular so it's not completely all fat. My stomach is fairly flat except for this stupid little tiny flap of fat! I used to be really fat when I was younger but I lost a lot of it but yet I still feel like a fatty. I eat healthy and watch my portions. I don't drink any soda-on a rare occasion I might but it's mainly water. Yeah I might pig out on Oreos now and then but I don't eat junk a lot.
I am in my high school marching band and I get a lot of exercise from that but other than that I try to go walking everyday, do squats, sit ups and stuff. I really want to weigh around 110-115ish.
Idk is weighing 128 pounds for a 5'2 15 year old bad? Oh and sorry I wrote so much....thanks!

I'm a 15 year old girl that weighs 102 pounds and I'm 5'4. How bad is this?

These numbers look very good and are certainly no cause for any medical concern. You’re a thin, average height girl.If you feel bad about your body, especially if you think you’re fat, but really if you have any kind of concern, you should talk about it with at least one adult you can trust. Please tell your one of your parents, your doctor, your school nurse, school counselor, teacher, principal, coach, whoever you’re comfortable with. Take their advice if they suggest you seek professional care.But let’s say you’re like everybody else who thinks their body could be better and wonders how it compares to everyone else’s. That is, let’s say you have a relatively normal level of obsession with your body in this body-obsessed culture of ours.When you go to the doctor about this sort of thing, they send you home with a chart like the one I made for you here. Your stats are indicated by a couple of dots on the 15 year old line. Then you can read your percentile ranks off the curvy lines.You can see you’re at the 50th percentile line for height (curiously called stature on the chart). That’s the median, and means half the girls your age are taller than you and half are shorter. You’re right in the middle. Congratulations, your height is as normal as it gets.You’re in the 25th percentile for weight. That means 75% of girls your age weigh more than you and 25% weigh less. That puts you on the thin side of the population. That’s where you ideally want to be. It’s certainly not anywhere near being so thin as to be unhealthy. Congratulations again.Your size is perfectly normal for a fifteen year old girl. So try not to overly obsess about body issues. If you can’t help it, please seek help.

I'm 15 years old, 5'9", 150 pounds, and I play baseball. How much should I be able to bench?

It depends on how long you have been lifting weights and how intensely you have been training. At 15, I could only bench 140 or so (I weighed around 160). After committing myself to getting stronger over the summer, I could bench well 205 by the time I turned 16. Also, it depends on when you started your puberty. While in your puberty, your testasterone level doesn’t peak until you are out of it.And if you want to be better at baseball, you should mix in exercises that stress your “functional” power. These include pounding a hammer into a tire, cowbell exercises, throwing heavy medicine ball, etc.

How much should a 5'5'' 15-year-old weigh?

What weight should a 15-year-old, who is 5'5, be?Not all 15-year-old boys and girls that are 5′5″ will have the same skeletal structures, or musculature. So the best answer would be if you were to update your question to include your gender. If we assume you are a typical, 15-year-old-girl, it should be somewhere in the range of weights that includes all bone density types, musculoskeletal, heart and head sizes, blood cell counts, your foot size, really, everything that would influence your weight.The range, 98 to 145 lbs., takes everything into consideration, except steroid use and heavy weight lifting. Thus, if you weigh more, or less, than this vast amount, 47 lbs., you are probably under, or overweight.These numbers for minimum and maximum healthy weights are from standard weight charts for a girl your age. If you are male these numbers vary a bit, and can be found by doing a search, or asking your doctor.Unlike what some are claiming, someone is not considered overweight until at the 85th percentile for weight, and underweight is at the 5th percentile. The average weight for someone your height, age and gender is the 50th percentile. This compares the largest, with the smallest, and medium sized, getting the average weight of 120 pounds.Body Mass Index (BMI) Charts

How many pounds should a 15 year old girl weigh at 5'3?

Absolutely not true. Many girls get their period anywhere from age 9-15, but don't stop growing until 15-20. Menstruation occurs at the *beginning* of puberty, not at the beginning of adulthood.

Look at your family history. You will probably be about as tall, and weigh as much, as the average person in your family. Right now you are a perfectly normal and healthy weight for your age and height.

I'm a 15 year old girl, 115 pounds and I'm 5'2. I run several times a week. My diet is healthy, but I don't look fit. How can I improve my figure?

Hit the gym.Running will just burn your muscles away, unless you’re doing HIIT [1]which will get you muscle gainz.But lets assume you run 3 miles several times a week. Then all you’re doing is making your leg muscles longer (not bigger ) so that they can indure more.Now, think of your body as an engine, think of cilinders as your muscles and imagine gasoline as your body fat percentage. A V8 (big muscle) engine will burn gasoline (fat ) way faster than a V4 (little muscle ) engine.The same thing happens with your body. The more muscle mass (V8) you have the faster you will burn fat(gasoline) .How will this help you get fit ?Well, once your muscles start growing you will see the results. Of course the most important part of it is eating right. Without a right diet you will get more muscle mass and a higher body fat percentage.This will take time but luckily you’re 15, so you have many years left to get that body you want in the gym .Goodluck !Footnotes[1] High-intensity interval training - Wikipedia

I am a 5'4" male, 15 years old. How much should I weigh to look fit?

Hello, you should be between 120 to 145 lbs. to look fit. according to the chart below BMI [ body mass index ]. i cut it off at 145 lbs, because above 150 lbs [ which by the charts numbers are still normal ]. But the key word here is ‘look.’ :-}} Good luck ….& keep on truckin’!!

What should a fit 15 year-old be able to bench press (male and female)?

As a former high school athlete, I can at least provide a general answer for a 15 year old male. Generally, a good goal for beginners to shoot for is benching your body weight for one repetition. Now, I can’t give a perfectly appropriate answer, because 15 year old males are at varying stages of development, not to mention training experience and knowledge.If you want some anecdotal information, I started developing earlier than most of my peers at 15 years of age, both physically and in my passion/knowledge of working out. I remember being 15 the summer before I started high school, and all the incoming freshmen who wanted to play football were being tested by the coaches. I think I bench pressed 135lbs for 8 repetitions, which was better than all the other incoming freshmen— but bear in mind, it was my favorite exercise, and I’d been training it intensely since 7th grade. If you’re just reasonably fit for your age, and you don’t try to specialize in lifting weights, then bench pressing your body weight for 1 rep is a good benchmark (pun not intended).For 15 year old females, I’m not so sure. Girls at my school weren’t into lifting weights, and it was only towards my senior year that some coaches required their teams to come in and do some lifting, so I never really witnessed what they were capable of. However, since females have much less upper body strength potential than males, I’d say they could shoot for a 1 rep max of 50–75% of their body weight.Overall though, it’s really important to remember that there are no absolute standards or answers here; it can vary a lot as to what a 15 year old can do physically, due to many factors. The body is still developing at that age, hormone profiles are changing, and people come from different lifestyle backgrounds. The important thing is bettering yourself and striving for an appropriate goal.