How Many Races Of Extra Terrestrials Are There And What Are They Doing Here On Earth

Is it possible that any eventual extraterrestrial visitors to the Earth would be benevolent?

Why else would they come here in person?Here’s the thing. Conquering a planet is essentially silly. What would they do with us? Take our resources? They have interstellar space ships. They can go to a million planets that have whatever Earth might have and no population you need to exterminate first. Enslave us? Slaves are problematic and rebellious, and if they have interstellar space ships, surely they have decent robotics, too, for purely manual labour.If they want to exterminate us, because they might, say, be afraid of us, much better to send a few robot probes and then have them throw asteroids at the planet until we’re gone.So, if they shop up here in person, there’s only a pretty narrow range of motivations that make much sense. Research us, maybe. Could be done secretly, could be done publicly. THere’s probably a lot of fascinating research to be done either way. Or could be just diplomacy and friendship.But either way, there’s really no good motivation I can think of that is both hostile and requires them to be here in person.

What are the chances of aliens ever visiting earth?

I think there is very low probability of aliens visiting earth. Any other aliens would live too far away to get from their planet to ours. An alien civilization that is millions of years ahead of us in TECHNOLOGY, might be able to get here almost instantly, but why would they come here? Assuming they are millions of years ahead of us, why would they interrupt all their Business just to visit some planet with "caveman" technology" compared to theirs? The only reason they would come here is for curiosity I think, of studying old civilizations. Not to share technology, not to colonize, not to attack us. I don't think they will ever get here. I may be wrong, but that's what I think.

If Alien Civilization finally made contact, who would represent Earth?

The only intelligent, civilized creatures on the planet, dolphins.

Actually, the United Nations has a response plan for representing Earth to aliens. Of course, what will probably happen is everyone with a ham radio will start chatting away.