How Many Words Are Too Many In One Chapter In A Novel

How many words is the average novel? And how many per chapter?

I'm writing a fanfic and so far, the chapter I'm writing seems like it's going to end up being 10,000-15,000 words long, more if I don't make the rest of what I wanted in it a whole different chapter. Is that too long for a chapter? What is the average number of words per chapter? Also, the fanfic is already over 70,000 words counting all the chapters and I'm not even halfway done the story and I estimated the story to be about 80 chapters (thinking of that, I just figured that after this long chapter I'm asking about, I'll only be a quarter of the way finsished). So should I cut the chapter into thirds instead of just in halves? Right now, each half will be 10,000-15,000 words. And is the story too long?

About how many words per chapter should a young-adult novel be? And aprox. how many chapters should it have?

The word count varies per chapter for each young adult novel. Most chapters run around 5,000 words, while some may run up to 9,000 words. And it doesn't matter how many chapters there are in any young adult book. The Inheritance Cycle has a lot of chapters, but mostly because they run around three to five pages. Sometimes they run long.

It depends on what you feel you need to do. If you feel the chapter needs to be ended on page fifty five million, go for it. If you feel it needs to end within the first five sentences, go for it.

However, bear in mind that there is a word count limit for first time writers. 100,000 words, maybe a couple thousand over, but no more. Yes, HP and other books have more than that, but those authors have been severely lucky. A lot of beginning writers have difficulties breaking big word counts into the market. So your best bet is to stay at 100,000 words and not ten thousand over.

How many words should there be per chapter in the average YA novel?

Go to the library and look at the top (you define top) YA books similar to what you are writing.  Count the pages in each chapter and divide by 250 to get an answer for what is the average number of words per chapter. Note the number of pages in the book as well, which varies considerably between genres. Remember to look at books similar to what you want to write. Write your scenes as long as they need to be to express the conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist in the setting that causes the twist that changes everything (summarized from Holly's Writing Classes).  When that is accmplished, start on the the next scene.  Then decide where your chapter breaks need to be based on how the scenes play out. Thanks for A2A.

WATTPAD WRITERS: how many words do you have in one chapter?

Like, for a long chapter, how many words are there?
and for a short chapter how many words are there?
'Cuz i wanna start writing but idk if there would be enough words, help a fellow wattpader out!?
oh, and feel free to post your stories here, i'dd be happy to read!!!