How Many You Of Watched Putin

Is Putin actually a coward?

When the wall came down in Germany, Putin was second in command, and left in charge, of the KGB Residence in Dresden. A mob thousands strong was surging through the streets looking for Soviet symbols. It took over and wrecked an East German headquarters next door to the Residence, trashing it and emptying all the files. Putin asked for guards from the nearest army post but was told it had to be authorized from Moscow. Moscow wasn’t answering the phone.Then it gathered outside the walls and gate of the Residence where Putin and a few agents and staff were burning documents. Putin walked out of the Residence, a palatial marble palace, and approached the gates.He said “This is an official building of the Soviet Union. It is defended. I have given orders to shoot if anyone crosses this wall or this gate.” There were half a dozen men behind the windows. Putin drew his revolver. “I have 12 shots. I will use eleven on you and one on myself if it is necessary to defend this building. It is my duty and I will do it.”The crowd wasn’t armed with anything lethal (but you couldn’t know that in advance). Putin turned his back and walked slowly to the steps, big marble steps, slowly up them, and entered the house.The mob dispersed.Vladimir Putin saved KGB offices from East German looters

What are your first impressions after watching The Putin Interviews?

For the first time, I get to see the closeup of his luxury IWC watch, that he wears in his right hand.He also showed Oliver his office, where he sits. And the vintage soviet era telephone, chair and lamp.So far I found Oliver Stone’s series of episodes more candid, responsive and informative than ever from any other of his earlier interviews. Some of the stories were completely unknown to us. The camera direction throughout the interview was perfect. And the unusual talk of his daughters like this:

I had a dream about Vladimir Putin?

I can't actually remember that much about the dream, but I do remember moving from a swamp to my bedroom with Putin, and he was only wearing camouflage pants and was lecturing me on how to rule a country. What does this mean?

Has Vladimir Putin been watching too many Robocop movies?

You know…. when somebody else does it, it is cool.But when Russians attempt to do the same thing, it is because Putin watched too many robocop movies.Why is that, I wonder, hmm?There aren’t that many ways to build a human-piloted walking robots, and chances are that modern models will actually resemble fictional mechanisms depicted in the past.For example, stuff like aliens power loader seems incredibly plausible.So a real device made for similar functio nwould likely resemble it.

Do you think Putin has killed bears with his bare hands before?

More likely he poisoned a picnic basket full of goodies with radioactive isotopes and then calmly watched the progress of the bear's death.

I mean, the dude *was* in the KGB, after all.

Is "watch yourself" a threat?

My friend told me on snapchat "watch yourself"

what happened is that yesterday he vandalized my car and i later snapchatted him a picture of the damage and i wrote i am pressing charges, he told me not to press charges. i also went to his story timeline and took a screenshot of his face pic to proof that is his account, so he then asked me why i took a screenshot and i said cuz i can and he then told me "watch yourself"


i took a screenshot of that also to add to the evidence for when i file the report.

Is Vladimar Putin correct ? Obama is either stupid or purposely trying to destroy the American economy?

He's right and I believe he's purposely trying to do this. In fact in my opinion he's like a frontrunner to the Antichrist. He may even know the Antichrist personally who will take over the world. In that case, he will destroy the nation if re-elected.