How Much Are The State Supplements To Federal Ssi In Oregon And Washington

How do I transfer SNAP benefits to another state if I move to another state but remain resident in the first?

Reporting changes for SNAP requires that you report a change at your application, re-determination or FS IR. It is ILLEGAL to receive SNAP in more than one state though and can be punishable to a 10 year disqualification from the program. You need to cancel your SNAP benefits in the state you are currently receiving and then call the state in which you are moving to and inform them of your move to their state and when your SNAP is ending in the state you came from. If you dont have your driver license or ID card in the new state you can always prove your move by a rent receipt or a bill or something showing you are now living in their state.

How much is ssi/ssdi in oregon?

My wife receives SSI only, and her benefit is $658/mo. She does work, so the amount varies, but most of her earnings are disregarded as well as the expenses for her guide dog. She does receive SNAP benefits of around $600/mo.

Moving to Oregon, pros:

No sales tax.
Cleaner air and water.
Cost of living is lower.
No sales tax.
Not a lot of traffic congestion, except during tourist season.
Friendlier people.
No sales tax.
Vehicle registration is only $58 for 2 years and insurance premiums are lower.
No smog checks.
Did I mention there is no sales tax?

Moving to Oregon, cons:

Lots of Californians who want to get away from California, but then want to make Oregon just like where they lived in California with all the same laws, rules and regulations they left behind in California.
Lots of Californians who tell us, "Well, that's not the way we did it in California" when we tell them how things are done here in Oregon.
Lots of Californians who look down on us Oregonians because we did not come from California, hence we must be a bunch of inbred ridge-running hillbillies.
Lots of Californians.

Edit: JMITW, no, she is not single, which is why she gets around $600/mo. in SNAP. Why? 1. because she is married. 2. because she meets the legal definition of disabled. 3. Because we have 4 persons in the household.

Best states to live in if you're disabled, on SSI?

I'm in Texas, and I'm pretty sure this must be one of the worst - Medicaid here is rated 48 or 49 worst out of 50 states, State Dep't. of Vocational Rehab is a total joke - they pretty much just insult you by telling you you have a bad attitude, and then suggest you go out and volunteer to work for free someplace like shelving books at a library, or ladling soup at a soup kitchen, etc.

Please tell me where I should go to get decent, humane understanding, sympathy and help? The whole country can't be like this, can it?

Does secondary Medicaid cover the deductible cost of a primary insurance plan?

Medicaid usually covers your deductible, but will pay ONLY up to the Medicaid allowable for coinsurance costs.Here’s a simple scenario. You have Medicare Primary and go to a doctor appointment. That office bills $100 for the visit and uses a CPT billing code. That code is plugged into the Medicare Fee Table and the Medicare allowable for that visit is $80, so the doctor gets a check for $80. Now there’s $20 coinsurance balance.The office bills Medicaid for this $20, showing Medicaid the EOB statement that they already got $80 from Medicare.Medicaid has an allowable Fee Table as well for each belling code, and if that amount equals what the doctor was already paid (the $80), then there isn’t any additional payment from Medicaid.Hope I haven’t totally confused everyone.

Should a change of address be notified to the Social Security office?

Sure, but a lot of people don't understand rome wasent built in a day, a lot of people don't have enough time to run out immediately to social security just to change address, like if you're moving to another state to try living with a boyfriend to see if he really loves you enough to live there, well you have to spend weeks with him just to make sure because you don't know if you'll really end up moving completely, my mom still gets my mail back home so its cool, but what happens for the people who are on ssi and move to another state for love and then after you changed adress 2 months later your boyfriend tells you to get lost, excatly you are forced to go back home on something that was really meant for vacation because you didn't know your boyfriend was going to waste your time and energy like that, so you need time before you make it official to the social security office, by the way when I was in california I had to go up to the social security office 4 times just to change my address because they would lie to my face and say they updated my address and never really did, wasting my time, so to that other person yes it is painful to go through social security, its a fucking nightmare and they are rude and don't care and don't do their jobs and then blame the victim