How Much Calories Would I Burn Doing These Exercises

How many calories do I burn a day without exercise?

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body will 'burn' while no external physical activity is undertaken. Your approximate range of possible RMRs can be determined by identifying the two major body composition factors that make up your current body weight.Process: Learn your naked body weightIdentify your Body Fat Percentage (BF%)Subtract your BF% from 100% to find your Lean Body Mass Percentage (LBM%)Multiply each of these percentages by your naked body weight in pounds to learn your Body Fat in pounds and your Lean Body Mass in poundsMultiply your Lean Body Mass by 6 and note the answer.  Multiply your LBM by 10 and note that answer separately.Multiply your Body Fat by 2 and note the answer.  Multiply your Body Fat by 4 and note the answer separately.Adding the two lowest numbers from steps 5 and 6 will give you the low end estimate of RMR, or caloric expenditure at rest.  Summing the two highest numbers from steps 5 and 6 will reveal the high end estimate of your RMR.  Depending on genetics, your RMR, as expressed in calories burned in a 24 hour period, will be somewhere between these two values, as determined by your personal genetics and, possibly, your diet.For instance, let's say my internet naked body weight is 200 pounds and I have 12% body fat.  My total body fat weight would be 24 pounds and my lean mass weight would be 176 pounds, so the caloric expenditure for my body fat could range from 48 to 96 kcals per day and my lean mass could range from 1056 to 1760 kcals in a 24 hour period, giving me range brackets of 1104 and 1856 calories expended in a state of complete rest in any 24 hour period.Narrowing in on my precise RMR would, at this point, require a bit of trial and error through the medium of menu choices (while maintaining complete immobility). Obviously, without knowing what you weigh and how much of your body composition is fat versus lean, I cannot begin to estimate how many calories you burn at rest.

Calories these exercises burn?

Hi Guys,

Does anyone have a rough idea of how many calories these exercises burn?

3.5 km 25 minute run at a decent clip where I am breathing hard and sweating...

20 minute cardio workout at home including running in place, jumping jacks, ets at a high rate where I am breathing hard and sweating for 20 min...

Also, is swimming a good cardio exercise??

How many calories is this exercise burning?

First, any activity burns calories.  Generally speaking, mobility with your upper body will burn a ton more than with your lower body. The muscles have to work harder and they're not generally prepared to do these activities.These activities aren't exactly cardio, they're clearly resistance training.As such you probably won't burn many calories at the time, but they will build up muscle strength and mass.  The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest.I wouldn't really concern yourself with the exact calories you're burning with these activities.  I'd guess they're contributing to you burning maybe 50-100 at the time, with maybe 200 throughout the day, but it's difficult to say, really. They're great exercises, but don't focus on quantifying so much.  If you want to simply burn calories, I'd focus on high intensity cardio.  I wouldn't stop doing these drills, though.

How many calories do these exercises burn?

So im a 5ft 9 female. I weigh around 130lbs. Im just wanting to know, because obviously the more calories you burn the more of certain foods you have to eat, and more energy i use and therefore burn calories the more water i need to drink etc...

So at the moment im only doing:

10 push ups, 8 push ups, 6 push ups - Breaks in between. And i repeat this three times. Im going to gradually increase this. How many calories does it burn?

I also do 1 minute of the plank and then repeat this 3 times. I plan on gradually increasing the time. How many calories does this burn?

And 10 sit ups, 8 sit ups, 6 sit ups Breaks in between. Repeat three times. Again im going to gradually increase this. And finally, how many calories does this burn?

How much calories do I burn by doing some skipping 200 times?

200 skips is only around 1m30sec of exercise... NO one can get into shape by just doing that. lol Situps and crunches are a waste of time if ur trying to lose weight, so don't bother.
In short, you will need to find more time to exercise if you want to lose weight, and if ur THAT busy, you will need to sacrifice an hour of your sleep time to fit it in, because you need to do around an hour a day, 3-5 times a week of cardio, if you want to lose weight.
The easiest thing to do is run. Build up to an hour of running, over a few weeks, or just do 30mins, and do another 30 of circuit style training at the gym.
This is the best start you can give urself. If you can't find the time to do at least 30mins of running everyday, you will have to rely on losing weight by lowering your caloric intake alone, which is super hard, and not fun at all.

Calories burned doing lunges and squats?

What matters when it comes to losing weight is burning more calories than you ingest. So, what you want to do (not saying you don't already, since I don't know you, lol!) is eat right, and do cardio exercise to burn the calories. Squats and lunges are good for strength exercise, toning and building your muscles. These exercises aren't going to help you burn calories very much. So, get out there and jog/run/power walk for 30-60 min/day.

If you do not have a cardio exercise plan that you stick with, start out small with baby steps and maybe power walk 15 minutes/day. Do that for a coupe weeks, and then push the time up to 20 min, etc.

It is really important to do cardio every day when trying to lose weight!

Hope this helps and good luck!

How many calories does 50 sit ups burn?

Sit ups do not burn a lot of calories. This statement may surprise you because television commercials have made you, and many other people, believe that sit ups and crunches produce muscular abs. While sit ups do build abdominal muscles, they do not burn the fat covering the abdominal muscles.
To burn calories you need to perform aerobic exercises. Sit ups will build your ab muscles, but if you want your ab muscles to be visible, then you need to jog, swim, hike, jump rope, or climb stairs. These exercises will burn a lot of calories.

How many calories would I burn if I did 50 sit ups?

Sit ups dont burn many calories, they just build muscle. To burn calories you need to do a cardio work out ( exercises that get you sweating, panting and your heart pumping) these include running, skipping and dancing. But to answer you question 50 sit ups would burn around 20-30 calories.