How Much Does Eating Chocolate/

Why do I feel like eating too much chocolates?

Chocolates are happy harmones inducers .They activate the endorphins and make you feel good and beat the blues.When you are in a stress,or in a depression state,you crave for something to boost your energy and personally my friend chocolates themselves are a mystery in a foodworld. They make you discover your own moods and behavior,that's why people prefer chocolates in different situations.Buy a chocolate,have it and experience the lift in your mood.

Why does venom eat chocolate?

In some incarnations, the symbiote (and, by extension, Venom) requires a certain chemical (most likely Phenethylamine) to stay sane and healthy. It is thought to be a major chemical involved in love. In the comic, they say that this chemical is only found abundantly in two sources: chocolate and human brain tissue. Thus, in these incarnations, Venom is forced to steal/purchase large amounts of chocolate, or become an unwilling cannibal who devours the brains of those he kills.

How does eating too much chocolate make you vomit?

Look, I know this sounds very disgusting, but it can happen. Of course, like many other people, I am a choco-holic. But sometimes this can get very out of hand, and so I vomit every time I eat too much chocolate. Is this a medical anomaly or just a natural process that has to do with your digestive system and hormones?

Can you eat too much chocolate?

Yes and no. The difference between medicine and poison is the dose. Chocolate contains a potentially lethal compound called theobromine. While it's more harmful to other species, it is also toxic to humans. The LD50 (lethal dose 50; the dose that would kill 50% of those exposed to it) of theobromine in humans is 1 g / kg body mass -- about 75g for your average human being.Milk chocolate contains about 200 mg of theobromine per 100 g, and dark chocolate has about 700 mg per 100 g. So, an average person would have to eat 37.5 kg of milk chocolate or 10.7 kg of dark chocolate to reach the toxic dose. I would suggest that it's unreasonable to believe that an average person could manage to consume 10.7 kg of dark chocolate in one sitting.Eating a mere 100 g / day represents such a tiny dose as to be completely negligible. In fact, in these lower doses, it's known to be a gentle stimulant while also acting as a vasodilator (lowers blood pressure). It's sometimes used to treat the effects of heart failure. It's also a demonstrated antitussive (stops coughing), and helps with asthma.At such a low dose, other things in your diet are more likely to pose a greater threat to your overall health.

Is eating chocolate really bad for my cat?

Yes. Theobromine is the harmful ingredient in chocolate. That and cats are lactose intolerant and most chocolates have milk.

Why does my dog eat chocolate so much?

Based on your fake user name, I’m assuming that this is not really a sincere question. However, just in case it is, your dog eats chocolate because you or someone else is giving it to him.Don’t. Dogs should not be given chocolate. There are chemicals in chocolate that can make a dog ill or even kill it in sufficient quantity. Toxicity depends on the dog’s weight and the cacao content. Cacao content can range from 100% (cocoa powder) to essentially zero (white chocolate). The darker the chocolate, the worse for the dog.Click on the link above for a toxicity calculator. A standard candy bar is about 1–1/2 ounces.

Does eating a lot of chocolate cause weight gain?

Some of the other answers have touched on this, but the truth is that it depends on a lot of different factors. What is your current height, weight, and age? What type of chocolate are you eating? How much and how often constitutes eating “a lot” of chocolate? How often are you exercising ? What does the rest of your diet look like?In simple terms, eating until you are past the point of feeling full is rarely a good idea. Chocolate can absolutely be part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, but moderation is the key for weight maintenance and weight loss. Exercising regularly will give you more flexibility with your diet (and the amount of treats you can get away with), but if you are regularly eating more food than your body needs (and this is true of any food, not just chocolate), then you will gain weight.

Can a cat die from eating chocolate ice cream?

I certainly hope not as I give my cat chocolate ice cream regularly!
I know there's a rumor that dogs will die if they eat chocolate, and I think the truth of that is that dogs have a tendency to be allergic to chocolate, and so some may get sick and die if they have any large quantity of it. However, it's not true that all dogs will die! My dog-loving friend explained this to me after I gasped when she fed her dog some chocolate.
Anyway, I wonder if your old Aunt is confusing cats with dogs, or if there was a similar rumor about cats in her day?
For the record, my cat (who I think may actually be human) really loves to eat: milk, cheese, yogurt (all fruit flavours - not too keen on coffee flavour), bread (the yeastier the better), eggs, mushroom-based meat substitute ("Quorn"), and pretty much anything else we might be eating. She actually broke a mug the other day when she hit it as she darted off the table after being caught nibbling at my egg & cheese sandwich! She's very healthy, and I am sure your aunt's cat will be, too!

Is it true that eating too much chocolate can cause death?

As a professional chocolate maker, I spend lots of time studying the chocolate and all it’s benefits, side effects, if it can go bad, harm the consumer etc. In my opinion, I do not think that you can squeeze the amount of chocolate that would kill you in your stomach. Simply the potentially fatal quantity (25lbs +) had to be consumed in relatively short period of time, therefore making it probably impossible for you to be able to chocolate yourself to death. Also, the chocolate gives you feeling of fullness almost instantly, unlike most of the other food, that need approx 15 minutes before you feel full. I am sure you heard that if you drank too much water you could die, so you have better chance of dying by over drinking the water then dying from the chocolate consumption.