How Much Does It Cost To Travel From Lucena To Pitogo By Bus In Phillipines

How much does it cost to travel from Lucena to Pitogo by bus in Phillipines?

around php 100.00

Is the Philippines expensive or cheap for travelling?

It depends on what kind of travel you’re doing.If you don’t mind the no-frills, backpacker lifestyle, traveling to the Philippines can certainly be cheap.Flights from the US to the Philippines often go on sale for as low as $400 roundtrip. You just have to book them super early and you may have to do several layovers. The cheapest airfares are normally sold by Chinese airlines.The Philippines has recently expanded its routes and it now flies direct to the Philippines from New York, in addition to its routes straight from West Coast cities (LA, SF, etc).In terms of food, I have eaten $1 meals in turo-turo or carinderia. These are local food places (normally a hut or outdoors stand) where you point (turo) and order your food. It normally comes with rice and soup. I used to order food for Php35 (rice plus ulam or meat/veggies) and I order torta (fried eggplant dipped in an egg batter) for Php10. With the current inflation in the Philippines, I’m assuming that local restaurants have increased their prices, but you can still find affordable meals. McDonald’s only charges less than $1 for a burger.I would say that $5 is a reasonable daily budget for food, unless you like to eat out at fancy restaurants. Nicer restaurants typically have prices that are similar to local prices in the US (can be pricier than New York City).In terms of transportation, be aware of local fare pricing or your driver (especially taxis in Manila and in tourist destinations) will gouge their prices. Just be aware that foreigners are an easy target for this because local Filipinos always see $$$ when they see a foreigner.As for accommodations, again, it can be expensive if you prefer to stay in nicer hotels (typically $50 - which is cheaper than most places in the world), but there are TONS of hostels in island and beach spots where you can get a bed for as little as $5.So, the answer is that the Philippines is a cheap place to travel in. Even if you have a taste for luxury, the Philippines offers a lot of these luxury experiences at bargain prices.