How Much Is An Over Dose

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I would never say never, but I have done my fair share of research on how much melatonin is safe for how long; and I have never read about a single case where someone overdosed on melatonin, so that it endangered their lives or brains.Every doctor and specialist I consulted agreed 20 milligrams each night is safe.I have taken this dosage for years.It is not only a mild sleep aid, but a powerful neural antioxidant. I do remember one Danish study that followed 85 women on 75 milligrams of melatonin each night for five years, with no apparent ill effects.A minority of people experience adverse reactions. If you notice these symptoms, then please lower your dosage or stop completely.Grogginess and nightmares, or more serious symptoms, such as low blood pressure, headaches, nausea, dizziness, irritability or anxiety, diarrhea or joint pain.Most people take five milligrams or less.This article provides some guidelines for dosages depending on age.For most adults, dosages under 30 milligrams appear safe.It depends on the individual, so listen to your body.Melatonin Overdose

Depends on the type of pill. Could be just half of a pill, if it's a strong opiate, like oxymorphone. Could take a whole bottle, just depends on what it is. There are some things that won't kill you no matter how many you take, or the lethal dose takes so many you would never have enough to do it. They say, benzos by themselves, no other drug or alcohol mixed with it, would take over 2,000 before it becomes lethal.

How much nutmeg does it take to overdose?

I really thought this Q was a load of crap- but it actually can be toxic! Who knew?

"In low doses, nutmeg produces no noticeable physiological or neurological response. Large doses of 60 g (~12 teaspoons) or more are dangerous, potentially inducing convulsions, palpitations, nausea, eventual dehydration, and generalized body pain[1] In amounts of 10-40 g (~4-8 teaspoons) it is a mild to medium hallucinogen, producing visual distortions and a mild euphoria. Nutmeg contains myristicin, a weak monoamine oxidase inhibitor.

A test was carried out on the substance that showed that, when ingested in large amounts, nutmeg takes on a similar chemical make-up to MDMA (ecstasy)MDMA.. However, use of nutmeg as a recreational drug is unpopular due to its unpleasant taste and its side effects, including dizziness, flushes, dry mouth, accelerated heartbeat, temporary constipation, difficulty in urination, nausea, and panic. A user will not experience a peak until approximately six hours after ingestion, and effects can linger for up to three days afterwards.

A risk in any large-quantity (over 25 g, ~5 teaspoons) ingestion of nutmeg is the onset of 'nutmeg poisoning', an acute psychiatric disorder marked by thought disorder, a sense of impending doom/death, and agitation. Some cases have resulted in hospitalization.

Fatalities occur with lower doses with children. An 8-year-old boy who consumed just two nutmegs fell into a coma, only to die 20 hours later.[2]"

How much Nyquil can cause an overdose?

Nyquil has some alcohol in it and taking a shot of your favorite liquor would do the same thing. If it were me, I would go and purchase an over-the-counter sleep aid. It has the same ingredients in it that Benadryl has. It will make you sleepy within 30 to 60 minutes. Make sure that you take it earlier in the evening and go to bed when you are tired. If you take it too late at night, you will wake up groggy and out of it.

I am answering anonymously for obvious reasons. I lived alone when I took an overdose of several prescriptions and woke up several days later in an intensive care unit and was informed that I had been discovered by a young family member, on her birthday, covered in my own feces and vomit. I had scratches on my face that I only realized much later were from my cat trying to wake me up. I had no kidney function when I “woke up” and only have 50% over a year later and will never have full function. I spent a month in the hospital. My life will never be the same. Every time I see a new doctor to deal with the various other health issues I have, I have to tell them that I tried to take my life and I caused the kidney failure. It’s humiliating.If you are considering taking your life please talk to someone, anyone. I know that sometimes it seems impossible to do it, to admit that you are hurting and need help, but please, please, reach out. I wish I had.

Technically, an amount above that which has been prescribed…In terms of an “overdose” that would cause harmful symptoms, this will be hugely variable between patients.In and of itself, venlafaxine isn’t particularly toxic - it’s a fairly safe thing for most people to take, and taking a larger than normal amount generally would not cause too much of a problem. I’m sure that there is an amount which would be “toxic” (i.e. I bet there’s a LD50 around here somewhere… That’s the dose that’ll kill 50% of rats of mice).The greatest risk is that an overdose (or…. a dose. Or a series of doses…) could lead to serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome, like most things about brains and drugs for brains, is not well understood. Also, what is known… A lot of that is not known by a number of doctors and psychiatrists.But, generally, with newer antidepressants like venlafaxine (a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor or SNRI), other SNRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs, like prozac), and many of the atypical antidepressants the risk of serotonin syndrome is low, even in moderate overdose.If a person does happen to end up with serotonin syndrome, that’s an emergency… And an unpleasant one for them too. So fucking around with antidepressants isn’t a great idea.Most antidepressants, and a whole heap of other medications, can result in serotonin syndrome. Venlafaxine is one of them, but it’s far from being a leading cause of it.

From what I remember.. (I might be mistaken i already did some ‘medicine’ today.) But I once read that the LD-50 (The amount where 50% of subjects died) was…… 1,400 pounds or so. I've yet to meet any one who got close! If your gonna od on pot, good luck. (And put it on you tube!)

A close friend of mine had a serious serious problem with Adderall for over a decade. He’d take his whole prescription in a week or so each month and stay up for days. He would generally take 100 to 200 mg a day before he would run out of his script. I remember one night, when he called me cause he was having a panic attack. He thought he was going to have a heart attack, so I stayed on the phone to comfort him. That night on the phone, I asked him how much Adderall he had taken that day, but he wasn’t able to recall. I guess sometimes he would take so much and be so high over the course of the day that he lost track of his intake at some point. The next day, we counted his remaining pills and learned that he had taken a total of 400 mg in the span of 24 hrs. before he called me. That’s the most I’ve ever heard of anyone taking. He weighed about 185 lbs.

Any amount in excess of what was prescribed is an overdose. Based on age, other medications, and health, doses range from 7.5 mg to 30 mg. Your physician can work with you for dose adjustment or change to a more effective medication. Duration of use should be limited.