How Much Is Google Worth Now Not 5 Years Ago But Now Since It Has So Rapidly Evolved

Why does everyone use this? Why not google search?

It seems like it's be so much easier to just get a straight answer from google search. And one that's truthful...It's called people it's easy to use for informational purposes!

Since computer technology evolves so rapidly, does it matter if you have 5 or 15 years of experience as e.g. software developer?

Computer technology and programming languages are different things.New programming languages, frameworks, libraries pop up all the time. That’s fine and the market is broad - some of them pick up and become popular while most can’t get traction.Computer technology, on the other hand, doesn’t evolve as rapidly. Desktop computers have been around for decades. Laptops work in the very same way - except for the portability aspect which basically ports existing hardware to mobile formats (adhering to the same architectural standards).So a programmer building software 20 years ago was solving the same problems (more or less) as an engineer does in 2017. Some programming languages and libraries (or frameworks) make that easier by providing the toolkit automating some of those paradigms.But the foundations are the same.Web development is one of the most popular branches of software engineering providing job opportunities. Web developers build software that runs on a web server and is controlled via the browser.A popular web server is Apache released in 1995 along with Internet Explorer launched at the same time.An Apache alternative is nginx (launched in 2004) a bit after Firefox (2002) and before Chrome (2008).Web developers in 2017 still build software that runs on the same technology that was around 22 years ago. Evolution hasn’t progressed fast enough to make browsers and web servers obsolete (replacing them with something completely different).Even if we account for different stacks such as Node.js which can run independently (although commonly paired with nginx), the programming paradigms are still similar to traditional software development. An experienced developer will become productive 10x faster than a beginner in programming that’s just starting out.Software engineering is about solving business problems through technology. New programming languages or frameworks introduce some learning curve which is negligible for an experienced programmer.The actual art of programming revolves around understanding computer architectures and operating systems, writing algorithms managing different data structures, optimizing for performance and stability. As long as you’ve spent enough time building production code, in at least a couple different programming languages, switching to a new one isn’t that much of a challenge.

Why do US made cars lose resale value more rapidly than cars imported into the US?

1.If I went to a family reunion of 300 people ages 1-95 none has  owned an American car  since the 1950s2.If I were given an American car,any modern version,and a condition be that I use it,I would not accept.3.One of the principal unions infiltrated and manipulated by CIA and corrupted by the Teamsters and the mob was the UAW.4.The American Auto industry was owned by the heirs of Ford and GM stock,and operated by salesmen,not engineers.5.I remember a documentary on the German auto industry,where an apprentice has to spend 6 months filing metal,to understand its properties.Read  Jonas Luster's  post on what the apprentice experience is like in Germany to become a cook,now apply this to becoming a mechanic or auto worker.They showed a new German machine tool and the American auto expet responded that there were probably no American Auto Workers who had the skills to operate such a machine.6.For 40 years Consumer Reports has consistently reported that there is nothing made in Detroit that is at the level of quality control as Japanese cars.The only recent progress is that Detroit has reached the level where their cars will hold up for about 1 year.With proper maintenance a Toyota or Honda,let alone their luxury versions,will last a lifetime.7. Most people understand that the cost of maintenance of a Honda or Toyota is much lower than a Detroit car.If repairs should be necessary, the Honda place in Palo Alto is a more pleasant experience than any alternative.8.All these facts have been more or less clear to me most of my life, the fact that others do not agree I put in the same category as not believing in Evolution.

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans did not brush their teeth. What happens if I stop altogether?

I’m obsessed with my teeth. I got braces when I was 7, along with all kinds of apparatuses and headgear, and I saw the orthodontist every month for eight years. As a grown ass adult, I still wear retainers. Because of all the pain and effort and money that went into my teeth, I take care of them compulsively.Several dentists have told me that if everyone had teeth like mine, then they’d be out of business. That’s right. My teeth are so awesome I put dentists out of business. I only get them cleaned once a year, and even still the hygienists are always all “wow, there’s nothing for me to do here…” Dentists literally exclaim at how “beautiful” my teeth are.I don’t mind bragging about my teeth. My parents paid a lot of money to make them awesome, and I have put in an ungodly amount of effort into keeping them awesome.My whole point here is that I know about teeth and how much keeping them clean can pay off. So, when I first met my now-husband, I was horrified at the state of his mouth.I wish I had a picture. His gums weren’t pink — they were kind of purple and grey, and they bled. Seeing as I put my mouth near those gums, I had to confront him about it. I discovered that he hadn’t brushed or flossed or gone to the dentist in five years.I was horrified. By this time I was deeply in love, but I must admit that this made me second guess things, haha.So I packed him off to a dentist. First he had to have a really expensive root canal done by a specialist (apparently his teeth have three roots instead of just two, so he can’t get anything done by a regular dentist). And then they told us that he had periodontitis, which means that he had big pockets in his gums that were filled with calcified “bacteria fortresses” (those are the the dentists actual words).The good news was they thought he was young enough that he could be saved. He had to undergo several “deep cleaning” sessions. These were painful, since the doc had to get right up under the gums to attack the bacteria fortresses. They gave him valium and the gas just to get through the cleanings.Turned out that it was all worth it! Three years later, his gums are pink and healthy, and he doesn’t have any more pockets. Thanks to me, he got fixed up just in time to make a full recovery. If his anti-toothbrush lifestyle had gone on much longer, he would have ended up with irreversible gum damage and possibly even bone loss.So, brush your teeth. Don’t be like my (wonderful) husband.

Is software development really a dead-end job after age 35-40?

A software developer I know recently got a call from a recruiter at Google, asking what it would take for him to come to work for them.This developer had actually already worked for Google, but he left about five years ago to pursue other projects, and he didn’t want to live in one of the cities that have a Google office. Even though he didn’t have a degree in computer science and never took a college course in OOP, he must have impressed them enough to keep him on the recruitment list these years later. The recruiter suggested maybe he could be interested in interviewing with the Project Loon team in Singapore.He gave a little chuckle to the recruiter over the phone, and his first question was: You know how old I am, right? The recruiter confirmed that yes, his date of birth was on file, and that Google didn’t factor age into its recruitment policies. The developer agreed to think about the prospect and they agreed to touch base again in a week.That 66-year-old developer is my father. He is collecting social security while being courted by Google. He had a fulfilling career running his own company, consulting, and being an employee. He made contributions during the early stages of numerous technologies such as TCP networking, USB protocols, 802.11b implementation, and military GPS. Then he was hired by Google in 2008, when he was 58.While at Google, he wrote software in Java, a language that wasn’t even invented until he was 45. And he was an individual contributor, without having any other engineer report to him.One of the great things about software development is it’s all about your passion to learn and ability to perform, which is demonstrated by my dad’s career and the careers of thousands others. If you don’t have those required ingredients, then sure, software development is a dead-end job at any age. But if you have the passion and skill, then it is not a dead-end job after 40, 50, or even 60.

How do I increase period size in google docs?

How do I change all of them at the same time I have like 100 something periods I'm not going through and changing them all by hand that is too much work I'm a lazy ******* I just want to make them all bigger at the same time!

To Non-believers?

Can you give me one piece of evidence toward the earth being older then 6000 or so years in age? Mind you I am going to combat your eviendence.

1) The moon is leaving the earth. It i sgetting farther away each year. It also governs the tides. In the past of course the moon was closer. Causing the tides to be so strong that it would flood all of the earth twice daily. And not that long ago either.

2) The earth is slowing down. They call it a leap second. About every two to three years the earth spins one second slower per year. If you look in the past the earth was spinning faster. You wouldn't have to go that far back and everything on earth would fly off into space because of the speed of the earth's spin thus proving earth can;t be millions and millions of years old.