How Much Lead Must You Consume To Have 10 Ug/dl Of Lead Toxicity

What are your personal experiences with lead exposure?

I think lead is one of the chemicals for which even the EPA guidelines may not be stringent enough (aka it's one of the chemicals for which there really should be no minimum safe exposure). Lead is truly truly nasty stuff due to its chronic and insidious neurological effects. I'm less concerned about EPA guidelines for chemicals whose effects are more acute and less neurological.Even low levels of lead can lead to long-term damage in IQ. The effects are obviously stronger in children, but given the stark magnitude of the effects at such low exposures, I wouldn't even want to expose myself to any of the stuff even when no longer a child.See Intellectual Impairment in Children with Blood Lead Concentrations below 10 μg per Deciliter — NEJMThe findings of this study are startling and counter-intuitive: at lower concentrations of lead in the blood – below 10 µg/dL - children tested for IQ at ages three and five, showed a greater decline in IQ for a rise in blood lead from 1 to 10 µg/dL, than those whose blood lead level went from 10 to 20 µg/dL.“The blood lead concentration was inversely and significantly associated with IQ. In the linear model, each increase of 10 µg per deciliter in the lifetime average blood lead concentration was associated with a 4.6-point decrease in IQ (P=0.004), whereas for the subsample of 101 children whose maximal lead concentrations remained below 10 µg per deciliter, the change in IQ associated with a given change in lead concentration was greater. When estimated in a nonlinear model with the full sample, IQ declined by 7.4 points as lifetime average blood lead concentrations increased from 1 to 10 µg per deciliter.”Also Lead Poisoning: The Ignored ScandalAccording to the Centers for Disease Control, parents should be concerned if their children’s blood lead concentration exceeds five micrograms per deciliter, but studies have found that even infinitesimally low levels—down to one or two micrograms per deciliter—can reduce a child’s IQ and impair her self-control and ability to organize thoughts.I once got my blood lead levels checked and I had levels of 1 ug/dL. Average in the U.S. is 2 ug/dL. I'd say that getting a blood test for lead is probably a good idea. If it's at 1 or 2 ug/dL, I wouldn't worry too much (inasmuch as it would be difficult to get it lower). Anything higher though, and you'd never know what shit it could do to your brain.

What is the toxicity of elemental lead?

Lead. Number 82, in the Periodic Table and named ‘Pb’.[1.0 × 10-5 kg / m3 = μg/dL] Used to classify blood lead levels (Not always- this form of measurement is used to find out the total amount of a substance in most objects)There’s actually a condition for this: ‘Lead Poisoning’.40.0 × 10-5 kg / m3 is the amount of lead that typically will provoke reactions out of adults (However, symptoms are far more likely to occur at 50–60 μg/dL).For children, symptoms start occurring when you have 60 μg/dL of lead.(Adults) Symtoms include, but not limited to at 50–60 μg/dL: Delayed reaction times, irritability, and headaches.Obviously, the higher the blood lead level is, the worse the symptom.Most of the world considers lead poisoning above 10 μg/dL- but nobody can be sure of what the safety level is, since each individual differs by chromosomes, genome, and blood types.Please get your blood tested!Thank you!

What is the chemical formula for lead poisoning?

Blood lead levels (BLL) are reported in "micrograms per deciliter" of blood.


A 165 lb. person will have about 60 deciliters of blood in their system.

OSHA's "Lead In Construction" standard (29 CFR 1926.62) sets worker BBL at 50ug/dl. At that point the worker is "medically removed" from the work place.

As a referance.... A typical construction worker that remodels old homes would have a normal BLL of about 4 to 7 ug/dl.

The CDC sets children BLL's to :

10 ug/dl = "Level of Concern"
15 ug/dl = "Elavated Blood Level"
20 ug/dl = "Poisoned"

For more info please read Its a book I wrote for parents doing re-modeling or having it done. And lead issues in general. It was paid for by a fed/state grant. Which means its your book as much as mine. Education about this subject is my job. For more direct questions please contact me at And feel free to pass this along to others.

Is eating pencil lead dangerous?

No - it is called lead but it isn't lead.

Can lead poisoning cause hypoglycemia?


Lead poisoning usually does not cause noticeable symptoms. Most lead poisoning comes from low levels of exposure over a long period of time. The major organ systems affected are the central nervous system, gastrointestinal (digestive) tract, and the renal system (urinary tract).

Chronic lead exposure may cause the following symptoms.

General physical symptoms in children and adults (usually seen when lead poisoning levels are severe)

Stomachaches, cramping, constipation, or diarrhea
Nausea, vomiting
Persistent, unexplained fatigue
Muscle weakness
Higher rates of tooth decay
Children with chronic low blood lead levels who may not have obvious symptoms of lead poisoning may show slightly lower intelligence and be smaller in size than children their age who do not have low to moderate levels of lead poisoning. A recent study showed that declines in IQ can even be seen in children with blood lead concentrations below 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood (10 µg/dL), the level of concern defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. 11 Chronic exposure to lead may also cause behavioral problems in these children.

Behavioral symptoms in children

Irritability or aggressiveness
Hyperactivity, being easily distracted, impulsiveness
Learning difficulties
Lethargy or less interest in play
Loss of appetite
Behavioral symptoms in adults

Unexplained changes in mood or personality
Changes in sleep patterns
Inability to concentrate
Decreased sex drive
Memory loss
Neurological symptoms (caused by effects of lead on the nervous system)

Poor coordination
Weakness in hands and feet
Diagnosing lead poisoning can be difficult because many other conditions cause similar symptoms.

Severe symptoms of acute lead poisoning can include seizures, unconsciousness, paralysis, or swelling in the brain. However, exposure to such a high level of lead is not common. 1 If you experience these symptoms, seek emergency medical care.

Why is lead not used as a material for kitchen utensils?

Its too heavy for one thing. Old ladies should not be getting broken wrists from stirring soup on the stove.

Can lead poisoning happen through inhalation?

You can be exposed to lead numerous ways.• You may inhale lead dust or fumes• You may ingest led via contaminated water, food, your own hands, clothing or cigarettesWhen a person is exposed to lead it enters the blood stream and is distributed throughout the body, with the majority being accumulated in the bones where it is stored.The lead stored in your bones can be re-released into the blood supply re-exposing body systems for a long time after the initial exposure.Signs And Symptoms Of Lead PoisoningLead is extremely toxic and affects all organs and systems in the body to varying degrees, depending on the amount of exposure.Some of the more common effects include:Acute poisoning• Moderate to severe abdominal pain• Encephalopathy – mania, delirium, seizures, coma and death• Jaundice• Lethargy (from haemolytic anaemia)• Black diarrhoeaChronic poisoning• Mild abdominal pain• Weight loss• Constipation• Anti social behaviour• Aggression• Hearing loss• Headaches• Foot drop (from motor peripheral neuropathy)• Wrist drop• Gout• Autonomic dysfunction• Carpal tunnel syndromeAnd Many OthersWhat Is An Elevated Level?• Above 80 µg/dL is extremely dangerous and may cause permanent health damage• 40 to 80 µg/dL Serious health damage may occur although the person may have no symptoms• 25 to 40 µg/dL there may be some physiological effects• The typical level for adults is less than 10 µg/dL (mean = 3 µg/dL)Hope this helpsDaveFirst Aid

When is lead paint a health hazard? Yes, I know when you eat it; but when is it a hazard for an adult with an IQ above 60?

I believe It’s a health hazard if some other well-meaning renovator has got all down and busy with sandpaper and scourged away at the old paint already, and spread lead dust throughout the house. It got into the Carpet, down into the cracks, on top of the sills and trims. Every time someone stirs up the dust they could be creating a toxic breathing environment. And everyone that comes into the home is being silently affected by it regardless of their dominant IQ’sIf no one has ever touched the paint then of course it’s fine.