How Much Money Should A 14 Year Old Girl Take On Holiday

Ow long should a 14 year old girl study for in the holidays ?

6 hours a day? That's rediculous! I literally never study lol, i have never revised in my life haha, your parents sound very stricte, if they are forcing you to do it, i say, flick through it for half an hour, then just put a mag behind the book or break out your ipod,
most say you should do 50 minutes, if yo can do more than 50 seconds your doing better than me :D

How can a British 14 year old girl earn money?

I want to start out by saying I live in Canada so I don't know all the regulations regarding jobs for people your age. Second, I don't know much about online surveys but I do have some other suggestions as to how to make money.First, where I live, some of the newspapers only deliver on weekdays so if there is a similar newspaper where you live I would suggest something along that vein. If there are only papers that deliver all days of the week, you could always find a friend to split the paper route with.Another option is babysitting. If you can do some sort of babysitting course or first aid course I would recommend taking that as well. It looks good to parents when you have a certification and it allows you to charge more. Since you can set your fee, I would look up the minimum wage in the area and start along that price point. As you get more experience, you can increase your fee.If babysitting isn't your thing, you could offer other services to your neighbors like clearing snow, taking leaves, or walking dogs. Start by creating fliers and leave them around your neighbourhood. If there is some sort of community centre or onlince community board, post your services there. A word of caution, never go into a house of someone you don't know.If all else fails, you can always offer to do extra chores and errands for your parents in return for some sort of compensation. Hope this helps!

What to bring on holiday to majorca a for a 14 year old girl?

Im a 14 yer old girl and im going to majorca. To get there i have to go on a long car journey ( 2 hours) and then i think the flight is 3 hours but im not sure. We are going there for 10 days

How much pocket money should a 17 year old girl get? (Living in Europe)

Surely, the answer depends on the demands that the school is making on your daughter. For example, if the school is encouraging her to aim seriously for admission to a prestigious university and expecting her to take sport seriously, then she presumably won't have the time to earn any money during term. (I note from one of the comments that she is in Italy and that in any case kids under 18 are not allowed to work there).Giving her money occasionally is not a good preparation for managing her finances later, something that is often regarded as one of the purposes of pocket money. Much also depends on what she is expected to pay for herself.  From the various comments it seems that it includes clothing, which can be a major item ... I'd tentatively suggest something like 60-80 Euros a month, assuming that everything she needs for school is paid for by you. Does Italy have thrift shops (charity shops)? If so, it might be an idea to encourage her to browse there when she has time.

How can a 14 year old earn money in India?

There are numerous ways through which can earn money online. It can be blogging or freelancing. It can be anything.   Remember your pay will depend on the amount and quality work you do.   Example:- if you submit a guest post on any site like listverse which pay $100 for a successful approval for a article you sent to them. If they approve your article you will get $100.   There are many other sites where you can submit your guest post and earn money. But remember you will be paid only once after your approval. You need to send your new article again and get approved from that website to earn again.   Where as if you try blogging and if your blog get successful and you have a good traffic on your blog or website you can definitely more money regularly then submitting a guest post.  You can try affiliate marketing or Google AdSense or other affiliate programs to monetize your blog and earn money.   To get more work you first need to only trust of employers or people who will pay you for your work.  So, here are 17 ways you didn't know through which you can make money online. Check out:- 17 ways that you didn’t know about how to make money online.

What to bring on holiday to majorca for a 14 year old girl?

Magazines to read on the plane, bit of money to get a drink or bite to eat. Sweets to suck on whilst the plane goes so your ears don't pop. In suitcase: makeup, babywipes or makeup remover, hairbrush,bobbles, hair clips, clothes, shoes,pants,deodorant, swimsuit, towel, sun cream, spending money..have a great holiday!!

How long do you think a 14 year old boy/girl should play video games daily when it is a holiday?

Hi Rigon,i am for the idea of playing video games 2 hours at a time. For a total of 5.5 hours. For the fact that staring at a screen for long periods of time, can cause vision problems. As time goes by. The other reason is because people are developing allergies due to being indoors. Otherwise.Keep on truckin’….& good luck, in the future!!

How much pocket money would you give a 16 year old for a one week school holiday in New York, USA?

Credit or debit card is the best way to go for almost everything. Rather than give them one of yours with a high credit limit, get one just for him/her with a $500 limit in case of emergencies.Give him small bills like singles, fives and tens to buy items under $20. Some places won’t take a credit card for totals under $15 or $20, while others will let you charge anything over a dollar!Teach him/her to watch out for pick-pockets that reach right into your purse, backpack or even your pants pockets or jacket pockets. They should also know to be careful and count their change after purchasing items to make sure it’s correct. They are easy targets because they are distracted, excitedly talking to friends, texting, taking photos and looking at all the new sights.Too often people take their change, giving it just a brief look. A good habit to teach kids (and adults) is to keep their bills separated by value. (All the $1 together, $5’s together, etc.) Fold each stack in half, side to side, so it is easy to quickly pull out just the amount you need. When they get change they’ll have to put the bills back into the right group, forcing them to pay attention to getting the right change.Visiting NY will be a very memorable event and a great learning experience.


I need to find a gift for a 14 year old friend... Its this Friday so idk what to get her!

What are some cute stores, not clothes store, like do you know any crafty stores were she can get gel pens, journals, cases...

Any cute store that has cute bags?

Is target lame?

Doesn't want clothes... Has an iphone, no itunes cards. She has 2 dogs and like gadgets and electronics but I don't have the money!!!



How much money should a 14 year old get for christmas?

My father asked me how much money do I want for christmas. He has plenty of cash because he owns a restaurant, Applebees. Well anyway I was wondering how much do you think I should get.