How Much Money Should I Give My 10 Year Old Daughter

How much pocket money should i give my 11 year old daughter a week?

nothing. only give her money if she does chores

How much $ I should give my 10 year old daughter for an allowance each week?

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON a ten year old needs 20 dollars a week. That's 80 dollars a month - WHAT is she going to do with that?

I would give her a base amount - say, 10 dollars - ASSUMING her chores and homework and things of that nature are done as they're supposed to be, and if they aren't you make the decision if or how much that effects her allowance. Conversely, if she does extra chores, or does them very well, brings home a great grade, or has just been particularly good, I would slip her an extra few bucks when you give her her allowance. Don't mention it, and don't set an amount for her 'extras', just make it like a good tip in a restaurant. If she's not happy with what you decide, sit her down with your pay stubs and the bills, and include her as a member of the family and show her how your 'allowance' is spent.

Another idea is to give her the option to put some of her money in a savings account - either with you (think Mason jar on top of the fridge) or the bank. Let's say she regularly makes the responsible decision to put some of that money, be it three dollars, or 50 cents, into her 'account', match it at the end of the month. Give her incentives to make good money choices.

How much money for a 7 year old's birthday gift?

Wow.....Gee, thanks Emerson. You have really shown me the error of my thinking.
Get a life!!! NO, I am NOT contemplating $50 to look good in front of my friend.......can you read? Honestly??

I spend $50 because I know that she needs it, she is extremely grateful, and helps out both of them. I would spend $50 on my own daughter, so I spend that much on her. She will always be like a daughter to me. We have joked for years about how I give her more "child support" than the little girl's father. $50 is just the average of what I have always spent. A decent toy and a few decent outfits always added up to that much.

Perhaps if I made it multilpe choice, it would be easier for you:
a) Give her the whole $50 in cash
b) give her some cash, but still get her a gift (although I have no idea what)
c) Just give her a smaller amout of cash and not give her the same value of gift that I always have.

Does that help??

How much money to give a daughter for 13th birthday?

well idd say 200-400 range IF you can afford it
if you are low on money get as much as you can
she deserves it if shes a straight A student it seems like shes doing great in school

dont give her the money because its so much, go shopping with her and pay for it

How much pocket money should a 17 year old girl get? (Living in Europe)

Surely, the answer depends on the demands that the school is making on your daughter. For example, if the school is encouraging her to aim seriously for admission to a prestigious university and expecting her to take sport seriously, then she presumably won't have the time to earn any money during term. (I note from one of the comments that she is in Italy and that in any case kids under 18 are not allowed to work there).Giving her money occasionally is not a good preparation for managing her finances later, something that is often regarded as one of the purposes of pocket money. Much also depends on what she is expected to pay for herself.  From the various comments it seems that it includes clothing, which can be a major item ... I'd tentatively suggest something like 60-80 Euros a month, assuming that everything she needs for school is paid for by you. Does Italy have thrift shops (charity shops)? If so, it might be an idea to encourage her to browse there when she has time.