How Much Should I Feed My Pet Rat

How often should i feed my pet rats?

They instinctfully store their uneaten food, so they always have food out whether you know about it or not. Some of mine take it out of the bowl and into their hammock RIGHT after I put fresh food in. lol

They do eat whenever they feel like it, so just give food out either once or gradually throughout the day. It doesn't really matter, but giving them food unexpectidly throughout is interesting for them. I hide treats around the cage for them to find on their own. This is a great way to stimulate and keep them occupied for very short periods of time. Just ensure they have enough food available in a bowl if they're lazy or can't find it. Also, check their hiding spots daily for dirtied or spoiled food to remove (moldy veggies, urine soaked pellet, things they shouldn't eat).

How many times a day do I feed a pet rat?

free feed it with lab blocks made for rats to make sure that it's getting a balanced diet, and then you can also give your rat small treats and bits of fruit/veggies during the day. be careful, though, that you're not giving her foods that are bad for her (google rat foods for more information on that). don't be alarmed if she won't take much of the treats or new foods at first - mine tend to try a tiny bit of the new food, then come back for more when they're sure that it won't hurt them.

FYI on the snak shak products that someone else mentioned - these are not good for rats, even though they list rats on the packaging. their primary ingredient is pine, which is highly toxic for rats (which is why you shouldn't have pine bedding), and they're covered in alfalfa which is indigestible for rats.

How many times a day should I feed my pet rat?

they should have fresh water and food at ALL times, they will eat until they are stuffed, they wont keep eating after they're stuffed. so, If they get fat blame the food! Even if they don't eat after their stuffed, the poor quality (the ones with mixes of seeds and food) will make them FAT,and their poop will be smelly. They should eat fresh veggies and fruits (look on google for ones that are BAD and POISONOUS for them) and some foods i recommend as a base diet is: Mazuri Rat and Mouse food, they are available in Petsmart (that is like the ONLY good pellet food, and stuff found in stores, they make them for rabbits, hamsters, tigers, zebras, alligators.. E.c.t. they have a website too if you want to get them shipped but at petsmart they're having a sale - 5 $ for 1 food of mazuri rat food with a petsmart card.) and another BETTER one is HARLAND LAB BLOCKS but they are EXTREMELY hard to find, they are sold on BULK and the people who split the BULK sell them to you... so good luck with that.. they are good HIGH quality stuff, you can find it on
the only problem is that their name is changed to Native Earth. Its pricey but worth it:
this is the protein diet i recommend because the nesting and pregnant rat diet has corn as the main food, and that's bad.
The food with seeds and small pellets are unstable and often the cause of fat..
- you can give it as snacks though, or to give variety to the rats once a week or 3-5 times a month.

How much should I feed my pet rat?

I also have 2 rats and mine never over eat.. Rats and mice like to eat all day long.. Mine nibbles when they are hungry. I always leave them a small bowl of food and they eat whenever they feel like it. I figure I would hate it if I couldn't snack on something when I was hungry. Especially since rats are happiest when nibbling thru out the day and night. Remember rats are awake and up all during the night time. (when you are asleep). So it is best if they can access their food at night and nibble during the day. When you are up during the day the rat will mostly sleep but will get up several times to eat, drink or say hi.. Bacause I am alseep at night I want to make sure my babies have plenty of food and water and don't have to wait for me until I wake up.I always leave a lot of water which I change dailey and a small bowl of food dailey which I throw out if anything is left every 2 days. Good luck.

Pet Rat- What kind of cereal can i feed my pet rat.?

While you can feed your rat any cereal - you want to be careful with the ingredients.

Soy may actually cause tumors in rats.
Some preservatives are very bad for them.
Too much sugar is not good for rats.

Some good cereals are whole grain healthy ones. My rats LOVE organic Flax Flakes. Think Frosted Flakes only healthy. Kashi is a good one. Try your local organic aisle for healthier choices!

Don't forget the oatmeal. Raw or cooked is good - and they LOVE the containers!

Can I feed my rats Cheetos?

I’d strongly recommend against it. I’ve never eaten Cheetos, but from the packaging I’m assuming they’re some kind of cheese puff or something similar. And snacks like that meant for human consumption are much too spicy for rats, even though they might love them, they’re just not good for them, and can lead e.g. to heart disease and tooth decay. Just stick with the corn without the cheese flavouring :)Also, if in doubt, just think of your ratties sensitive tastebuds as those of very small children (and I mean very small, like just starting out on solid foods). They’re not spoilt by the many processed foods we (adult humans) eat, or the amount of salt many adults put in and on everything, and are perfectly happy with food that to us tastes completely bland. Food selection is an integral part of a rat’s live, and spoiling their tastebuds like we humans (well most) do ours cuts into that. And it’s simply not necessary, because there are so many healthier alternatives that rats love like fruit, veggies, nuts, corn, etc., as long as those tastebuds haven’t already been spoilt.

How much food a day do i feed pet my rats?

Rats should access to food and water 24 hours a day. I have 3 girls and they have a very wide diet. Just a mouse/rat seed mix does not provide enough nutrition for ratties. I have 4 different food dishes in my rat cage. For starters I make my own grain mix for them. I add equal parts of, Total, Cheerios, Science Diet dog food, rolled oats, whole grain brown rice and whole grain macaroni.

They also have a dish just for the lab block. If you are only going to feed your rat one food (please don't) make sure it is a lab block. I use Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet. It is the most nutritious lab block that is easily available. Here is a link to check it out.

Rats also need to be given fruits and veggies every day. I buy all kinds of frozen vegetables and mix it with different kinds of beans (They love garbanzo beans!), and keep it in a big tub in my freezer. For fruits I buy seasonal fruit cut it up and freeze it.

Finally, every other night for their "treat", they get either a meat, such as chicken or oysters, or low fat yogurt or soy milk. They really LOVE chicken, even the bones. Poultry bones are safe for rats and good for their teeth. Oysters offer copper, which is important for rats. Liver also contains a lot of copper and is good for them, but they are too gross for me.

Rats are very similar to humans. Why do you think rats are so popular to use for drug trials and other cruel "research"? They require a similar diet as you. Fruits and vegetables are extremely important. They need to have something everyday, preferably a mix of both. Any time you have a fruit or vegetable share it with your rats. The only rules are 1) Males can not have oranges, females can. 2) Do not feed a rat raw potatoes, cooked is fine. 3) Do not feed them raw beans, again cooked is ok for them.

The point is it is very important that they are fed a complete diet. At the very minimum they should be switched to Mazuri and offered a few fruits and veggies every day.

How much and how often should I feed my rat?

I actually used to have a couple rats when I was a teen! So, first, to make sure you're feeding him properly, he should only be fed a food that is SPECIFICALLY for rats. It's referred to as rat block and two of the arguably best brands are Harlan & Teklad and Oxbow. You should have a small ceramic bowl for his food and about a small handful for the dry food, a day. (For one rat) But rats should have a supplemental diet including things such as; fruit, veggies, cooked egg… Now these are AS food, not IN ADDITION to their dry food. Such as the fruit, something like a medium slice of apple or a strawberry, some leaves of something green, a cooked half of an egg… And this is still once a day. Just switch it up. Make sure the dish you serve these things on is different than the dry food dish, or it will dampen the dry food making it undesirable for your friend! But if you see him starting to horde food, that means your giving him too much, so cut back a little. And if he eats it all very quickly, maybe add a little. With new food, though, they will take a bite and leave it alone for awhile, this is their instinct to see if the food is good for their bodies or not. So don't think that he doesn't like it and take it out of the cage. But most importantly, make sure there is always fresh water available. (As for any animal!) Rats need lots of water or can become very ill. Make sure his cage is cleaned AT LEAST once a week, and that includes all the things in it and you should have a pretty happy rat! I hope this helped:)

Can I feed my rat mango?

It’s not usually recommended for males as (like citrus fruits) it contains d-limonene which has been linked to health issues in male rats. Even for females I wouldn’t give much because of the high sugar content. A good list of fruit and veg you can give them is here: Vegetables and Fruits