How Much Should I Get Payed For Babysitting Per Hour

How much do you pay per hour or per day for babysitting?

I babysit kids in my home. I love it. If you have the patience and right attitude it's an awesome way to stay at home with your own kids. Actually, now that my own kids are in school, I enjoy it even more. I don't have to take my time from my own kids for them and it helps my attitude. answer your question. I charge $15/day if the child is potty trained and $18/day if they are still in diapers. That is up to 9 hours (parents 8 hr shift plus drive time). If longer than that they pay an extra $2/hr. I am just under average for my area. I did this so I could get parents to come here in the first place just due to competition. In August I'll be upping my price though to $20/day and $18/day. I live outside of a big city and I know they are much more expensive. $500-$600 per child/month.
Because each area is so different I would suggest going through the phone book or newspaper and calling around to get prices. I did this at first. You may have to pretend to be a parent looking for daycare prices. Ask if they give a discount for more than one child, ask if they provide snacks and lunch and if they do is it included in the daycare price or is it extra? If you'll do preschool also ask those questions as well. I charge a $50/ yr fee for supplies for preschool then I don't charge anything else, preschool is just included in the daycare price. Ask about sick days and vacation days. I get paid on major holidays even though there is no daycare, Christmas, Thanksgiving, (not Easter as that isn't a daycare day) 4th of July, Memorial and Labor day. If I take off other days throughout the year I don't get paid. I have the right though to take up to 2 weeks during the year either together or separate. ( I need this for our own vacation as well as Dr appointments etc. that I don't want to haul daycare kids to.)
I also have my contract set up so it's a flat fee whether they are there or not. This makes the income more stable which is important when you have a parent who is gone 1-2 days a wk. and you are holding a spot for that child but not getting paid for it.
Good luck, I hope this helps.

How much should a babysitter get paid per hour?

It should be dependent on the experience of the babysitter as well as the age and number of children. You know your children best - if your 6 month old screams its head off all the time then it would be much more difficult to babysit that child than a 3 year old that is happy to entertain him/herself. Ask the babysitter what they usually get paid and ask there references what they typically pay them. Also, take into consideration where you live - $6 an hour is probably fine in Idaho but would be an absolute joke in Hawaii or New York...

What hourly rate should I pay my babysitter?

How To Determine What to Pay Your Babysitter?What Factors Influence Babysitting Rates?It’s been a while since you’ve had a date night, or just any time for yourself in general. You’re in need of a little break to step back from your everyday parenting duties. You love your children dearly and your job as a parent is most rewarding but sometimes you just need to re-energize. It’s okay to have a little “me” time now and then to recoup.For some of you, you just need an extra hand so you can have some time to get things done, whether it’s work around the house or errands to run. For others, you may have been called into work last minute and have no one to watch your child.Whatever the case may be, you have decided to hire a babysitter— but now, what to pay them?Go to the source and read the full article below!Source: How To Determine What to Pay Your Babysitter? - The Blog

How much should i be getting paid for babysitting for 10 hours a day?

ok, i've know this lady for awhile and just about every summer she asks me or one of my sisters to watch one of her kids. The girl that i watch is 8 years old. I start at 6 in the morning and end at 4:30. I do this every day almost all summer.The only problem i have with the lady is that she never pays me on time. Plus she just gives me whatever she thinks i should get. And that's usually $60 a week for 10 hours a day. And i makes me mad because there is this other babysitter that she used to go to that charged like $25 a day. But then she sort of took advantage of me by having me babysit for her. So now this way she decides on how much i get paid.
I don't know what to do. Should i tell the her that i think she's under paying me or should i just tell her that i want her to pay me $15 a day? Help!!

What do you expect your babysitter if you pay $1 per hour per kid?

To watch the children and that is it. For that much pay I wouldn't even expect them to make the kids pick up after themselves. The babysitter should just be making sure the kids arent doing anything to harm themselves or others.

Is $5 an hour an acceptable rate of pay for babysitting?

It depends on what your circumstances are and where you live.I always charged about $7 per hour and as a teenager just looking for pocket change that was perfectly fair, in my opinion. But I understand that as the price of living fluctuates from area to area babysitting pay rates likely will as well.Really I’d trust your gut. Do you feel like $30 for six hours was worth your time? If not consider asking for more next time. If yes then don’t worry about running the numbers on your babysitting money or comparing it to the minimum wage; that will only make you unhappy and keep you from enjoying the extra thirty bucks you’ve got now.However I sense you don’t really feel satisfied with this pay rate but are (as you said) uncomfortable with asking for more.In that case you have three options:See it as a gift. Relatives often babysit for one another for free. Obviously that’s not the arrangement you agreed on but you could still apply it. For example if you would prefer $12 per hour to the $5 you are currently getting then see the extra $7 as a gift to them. You’re helping them out since they are your family. Of course that discount wasn’t mutually agreed upon in the beginning so you might end up unhappy with this arrangement. But it avoids a confrontation which you don’t seem to want.Stop babysitting for them. You lose the money but if you feel the labor wasn’t worth the payment then this is a good option.Ask for more money. You say you decided not to do this but if neither of the above options are appealing to you this one is the way to go. It’s also the most straightforward and honest option, in my opinion. If you’re worried about this confrontation you might use some advice I got from a part time tutor who had to ask for more money from time to time: tell them your price has gone up. Or, in your case, that you’re making your business model more formal and you have a fixed rate now. Simply insert that into the conversation next time they ask you to sit for them. If they don’t like it they can simply not have you sit for them any longer.Of course keep in mind the value of your relationship with them versus the money involved. Figure out the value of each for your particular situation and use that to make your ultimate decision.Good luck!