How Much Weight Can A Person Over 2oo Pounds Loose If She Water Fasts

How much weight can I lose after a 10-day water fast?

There's no way any of us could know for sure, it depends on your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), or how many calories you actually need in a day to maintain your weight. Having a higher TDEE while fasting while speed up the process. For example an active, 200 lbs guy whose height is 6-foot-1 will lose much more weight fasting than a sedentary petite woman.

How many pounds will I lose if I water fast?

On a water fast you will net about a poound a day in weight loss.That number will be higher during your first 4 days of te water fast but tat is mostly water weight.If you fast of mor than 7 days your daily loss might go a little below a pound per day.I highly endorse the practice of water fasting. I do it for 5 to 10 day stretches every few months. My priorities aredetoxautophagy (i.e. your body burns up the stuff that doesn’t belong threeMental calrity … I have no clue why it happens but I have a good deal more focus when I am fastingThe weigh loss is a nice side effect, but that is not the main driver for me.If you are really serious about water fasting. Start with a 3 or 4 day fast and work your way up to a longer fast. Also … do a bit of reading on the topic … that will help you understand how the process works.Angus

25 day water fast. How much weight can I expect to lose?

I think you mean that you will consume only water for 25 days. If so, this is risky and will put your body into starvation mode and ketosis. Ketosis causes your kidneys damage and can kill you. Once your body is in ketosis you will drop pounds rapidly--maybe fourteen in the first week? Then your body will try to hold on and may bloat. Once you begin eating, your body will store as many calories as it can as fat.
This is a huge gamble. I would see my doctor first, run a standard panel beforehand--even have him/her take your weight. Then, after two weeks, I'd check in. After 25 days, if you make it that far, I would run the same tests.
Here's the deal: if you start feeling woozy or your chest feels tight, you are low on electrolytes. I almost died from this a couple years ago. My potassium was dangerously low, as were my calcium and my ferratin. My heart actually hurt when it beat!
Good luck. Do check in with your doc.

How much weight will i lose on a 7 day water fast?

Water fasts have been used and prescribed by traditional healers in numerous cultures for thousands of years. However, the primary goal is the flushing of toxins and allowing the body to self-heal, because the enormous amount of energy the body uses to digest food is curbed towards healing itself in the absence of caloric intake. Weight loss is a secondary bonus, but you have to get in the mindset of changing your life habits in order for it to be beneficial. But enough blabbing, you will lose about 7-10 pounds in 7 days. HOWEVER, be sure to eat cooked/steamed vegetables, broth, and fruit/veggie juice for about a week after your fast, then graduate to raw fruits/veggies. Put meat back in your diet about 2 weeks after. Good Luck! AND PUT ABOUT HALF A TEASPOON OF SEA SALT IN A LITER OF WATER A DAY -> it will make sure that you have electrolytes that are necessary for brain and nervous function.

Oh, also:
-Starving and fasting are completely different things...
-It is not stupid...
-You won't die unless you deplete electrolytes, half teaspoon of salt in a liter of water helps...
-Look at the research, water fasting is medically beneficial...

How much weight will i lose with a one week water fast?

I would think you should lose as much as 5-7 pounds if you don't eat for a week. BTW that is not easy to do, and limiting youself to such low intake will put your body in what is called "starvation mode". Eating under 500-750 calories per day will do this to you. Your metabolism will slow down so much that when you start eating your body will store almost all of what you eat. So basically once your water fast is over even if you eat as little as 800 calories a day your body is gonna put back on the weight just as fast as it left.

Weight loss water fasting for 40 days?

this would mean only drinking water for 40 days.
please don't tell me its unhealthy, because i have read up on it alot, at it seems to actually be very good for peoples health.
the only problem is i couldn't find ANYWHERE that said how much weight you would lose?
i'm 5'3, female and 126 lbs. how much do you think i would lose? thanks.

Could you lose 40 pounds in a month by strictly water fasting?

You can certainly lose 40 or more pounds in one month. Some people have the capacity to live weeks or a month without food. Your body will start to break down the glycogen, protein then fats over time. You will have to drink water since the maximum days without water is ~3 days.However! I highly do not recommend fasting on water only for a month. The reasons are you can cause significant harm to your body that can take months to repair. Moreover, your health may deteriorate by the end of the month making you more vulnerable to diseases, health issues, psychological effects, gain the weight back, etc. As I mentioned if you fast for a significant amount of time and you consume food after fasting. Your body would have been in a starvation mode and when you eat food your body will react by storing the food you ate into fat. Why fat? Fat provides high amounts of energy making it efficient for the body to survive. Therefore, fasting for the month you will most likely gain the weight back and plus more because you had your body in a starvation mode. Basically, during starvation mode, your body does not know when you will get food again and turns the food you eat into fat.If you want to lose weight in a healthy way it will take months. At least ~10 pounds a month would be healthy without having too many consequences. Daily workouts, eating healthy, staying motivated to lose weight, find a friend or group to work together to lose weight, learn more about diets/nutrition books will ultimately help you lose weight wisely. Best