How Much Weight Can You Lose Eating Only 1 Cooked Meal A Day

Can you lose weight by eating one meal a day?

Eating one meal a day is a lifestyle change of getting into Intermittent Fasting (IF). People follow different schedules of IF, which not necessarily mean one meal a day. The most common schedules are 16/8, 20/4 and 24/0. In 16/8, eat all your meals within an 8 hour window and fast for 16 hours. Most people eat (rather drink) zero carb during the 16 hours fasting window in the form of one or two bullet proof coffee or club soda with salt or green tea. In 20/4 schedule, all meals are eaten within a 4 hour window. 24/0 schedule is the one you have asked as one meal at every 24 hours.It takes some time to get used to the schedule one follows. Once used to the schedule, it is easy to follow as body is adapted to ketones (fat) as energy source rather than glycogen (sugar) as energy source. While in ketogenic state, the IF person does not feel hungry except at the scheduled time. Generally it is difficult to eat the entire day’s calorie requirement in a single meal of the day. So people end up eating below their BMR requirements in 24/0 schedule, which leads to weight loss or slower metabolism. But it is possible to meet BMR calorie needs in 16/8 and 20/4 schedules.

If I keep eating one meal a day will I lose weight?

Over the summer, I really lost my appetite and could only eat a meal a day and even then, that was just to show my parents I was still breathing. It wasn't till later that I found out that the heat can kill your appetite. Anyways, I lost weight eating this way and actually gained more energy throughout the day which was a HUGE bonus for me. What you should do is drink a bottle of water in the morning and one at noon. For the meal, I would recommend good old-fashioned home-cooking, avoid any junk food whatsoever, and fruit is always good as a side. If you want to keep it at 500 calories, then just portion it. I lost 8-10 pounds in 2 weeks and I'm still eating this way. However, note that you should think about this. There's pretty much a guarantee that you'll gain the weight back if you stop it, so don't think of it as a diet, think of it as a new lifestyle.

Do we gain weight if we eat one meal a day?

I am glad to see so many responses here, as I thought I had “discovered” this method of losing weight. I was quite a bit overweight (5′10, 245 lbs up until the last few years). Then I started playing Pickleball 6 hours a week and walking several hours a week as well and managed to get down to around 225 lbs, but couldn’t seem to go any lower. Then I began going out more and more to lunch buffets (there are several really excellent ones in Bloomington) and just “coasting” through the afternoon and evening, avoiding all snacks. I have lost steadily using this regimen and now I hover between 176 and 180. I used to eat a light breakfast (steel-cut oats or cereal and milk or half an orange, one egg and one or two pieces of toast) but I find I can do just fine without breakfast.I find several advantages to this method in addition to losing weight. I believe I have more free time due to not having to shop, prepare, or clean up after meals. What’s more, I believe the cost of the ingredients is quite close to what I would have to pay individually and the fridge never gets stuck with unused fruits, veggies, meat, or cheese.Since I am a type II diabetic I also try to avoid all fruit juices except tomato juice and I always leave dessert until last, so as to not spike my blood sugar. I also control blood sugar with Metformin after lunch and later in the afternoon and/or early evening. Not keeping any snacks in the house used to be necessary, but now I find I don’t crave them so much and the extra vitality I feel from not having to carry around all that surplus weight is a great motivator.Finally, I must mention a downside or two: 1) it’s less easy to socialize with people who want to go out for dinner rather than lunch, and 2) I have no more cushion on my butt, so sitting for long periods is not comfortable! I have started doing squats to build up my glutes.Every single person I have told about this method is “certain” they couldn’t go the long period between lunches without eating, but that has become a non-issue for me after a while on this regime. (Of course if you are hypoglycemic or have some other medical condition you shouldn’t try this type of diet without consultation with your physician)

Will I Lose Weight eating Lean Cuisine?

Before judging me, please read my entire question.

I am 5'11, and almost 300 pounds. I am tired of being fat and sloppy in my appearance, but I am not keen on cooking as I get bored easily and its too much work to cook nightly. Plus my new job has me in a new city, in a hotel with NO stove- just microwave, so I cant cook anyways. My normal diet consists of ordering room service of hamburgers, fries, pizza, ice cream, soda pop and plenty of liquor. I eat fattening lunches and most always skip breakfast. So no wonder I'm kind of fat, right?

It dawned on me that if I want to look slim and hot, I must cut this out. So for the next thirty (30) days I will be eating the following diet:

BREAKFAST: Glass of Orange Juice, low fat yogurt & apple
LUNCH: Lean Cuisine
DINNER: Lean Cuisine

Plus bottled water and a One-a-Day multi-vitamin from Bayer. Oh and of course I will do some light exercising like walking and swimming. But honestly your body already burns 2000 calories a day for just living, and I will be eating about 1000 calories, so I will burn anways.

Will I lose a lot of weight?

DO NOT HIT ME UP telling me YOUR version of what I SHOULD be doing. That is not the ******* question on the table. I am asking will I lose weight on this, not what diet plan I should be doing. This is something I chose! Donnot hit me up saying that Lean Cuisine has too much sodium. DUH. But I read the box- two lean cuisines a day only add up to 58% daily intake of sodium, so yeah Im still below the 100%. Donnot hit me up saying that its false advertising, that Im still eating a frozen dinner. Bullshit. Lean Cuisines are packaged, balanced meals with the efficient calorie intake. This is my plan for the next 2 months before I go back home. I need to lose weight and I wanna know if this will do it. I am not eating ice cream, pizza, burgers, soda pop or alcohol anymore. Obviously this has to work. So only answer if you can comply to these guidelines. Thanks.

How much weight could be lost with a 40 day water fast?

whats your start height and weight? I think I lost about 27-35 pounds on my 25 day water fast, but I wasn't tracking my weight accurately enough.

The bigger you are the more you will lose, 20 lbs in the first two weeks is not uncommon, but 8-10 is water weight and will b gained back as soon as you consume sodium.

40 days, you could lose 20-60 pounds I would guess but please hear me: YOU HAVE TO GET WEEKLY BLOOD TESTS BY YOUR DOCTOR to measure your amylase level and most important,your electrolyte levels: if it drops too low you could have a heart attack. If they give you flak tell them youre doing it for spiritual purposes bc you need those tests. Checking sugar and kidney function weekly is also smart.

My doc just gave me a stack of lab forms and every monday I would go in to get a blood draw.

My results after two water fasts (14 days and 25 days) combined with intermittent fasting (24 hour cycle essentially eating one large nutritarian dinner every day) and now eating nutritarian daily 2-3 meals a day:

Comparison Photos:

Start weight to May 2013:

My weight loss is not over, looking to lose 40 more pounds.


Nutritarian meal plan (general gist)
each day eat (as close to this as you can manage, but its ok to build up to it)

1 lb cooked vegetables (eat as much as you want)
1 lb raw vegetables (eat as much as you want)
1 cup beans or lentils (but you can eat more if you want)
1/2 cup quinoa (limit to 1/2 cup a day)
1 oz nuts (limit to 1 oz a day)
4 fruits (but you can eat more if you want)
2 servings chia seeds
lots of water.
MEAT: you can add this in if you choose, but no more than 3 oz a day, grilled or steamed not fried. fish preferably but its up to you.think deck of cards- thats how big your portion of meat should be.

No rice no dairy. If you eat bread (I don't recommend it) make sure its whole grain (but without wheat as wheat spikes insulin and prevents weight loss).

Source: Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman MD
My experience eating Nutritarian (foods high in nutritional content) :

I am proof it works. From 275 to 159 in 9 months. I am currently 159 and aiming to lose 40 more pounds by summers end.

If you eat one really unhealthy meal a day, will there be weight loss?

If you eat one really unhealthy meal a day (at school, lunch). Will it prevent you from losing weight? If not, how fast will you see significant weight loss? Will you see any weight loss?

By the way im not an idiot. Im not trying to starve myself. So if your 'answer' is going to be "Dont starve yourself". Then just dont answer. Because i already know.

If I replace one meal with salad every day, will I lose weight?

Thanks for the A2A!This will only work if you are selective about your replacement meal. Eat salads with fresh spinach or heartier leaves than iceberg. Have shredded carrots, red onion, radishes, grape tomatoes, celery or other raw fresh crunchy veggies. I like frozen peas on my salads - by lunch time the peas have thawed and taste fresh. Skip chopped fruit or have a whole fruit as a snack. Chopped fruit is great, but it can add more calories than you want on your salad.Don't add any cheese or creamy dressings. If you want to watch your calories a lot, just use a vinegar for a dressing - if you can have an extra 50-100 calories, make it an olive oil and vinegar dressing. Don't use crackers or croutons. If you use nuts or seeds, do so sparingly and know how much you are using. Pumpkin seeds are awesome for salads. In other words, you are constructing a meal that has fewer calories that what you used to eat for the same meal and is probably fresher. A hearty lettuce will have more fiber and keep you feeling full longer. Some kind of added fat like the oil or nuts will also help you feel fuller longer, and has the benefit of making sure you can process any fat-soluble vitamins in your salad. Avocado can work too, but if you use it, skip the nuts or skip the oil.Protein can be anything, as long as you know how many calories are in it - lean cooked chicken breast, fish or tofu are all good options as long as you know how much you are using. Lean red meat like steak can be a good option too, in small amountsGood luck!

Does lean cuisine help you loose weight?

Only if you exercise, drink lots of water, and don't eat more than the doctor recommends.