How Much Weight Could I Lose In 4 Months With This

How much weight can you lose by not eating for a month?

Well, there’s no way to give a real direct answer. If we assume that you weigh 150 lbs you would need approximately 2100 calories a day to maintain your weight. If you stopped eating entirely you could theoretically lose about 2/3rds of a pound per day. So, in 30 days, without any additional exercise or activity you’d lose approximately 18 pounds.However, if you stop eating, your body will rather quickly go into starvation mode. You need to eat a minimum of 1000 to 1200 calories a day or your body will shut down. Not a wise, nor healthy choice, and virtually impossible to maintain. Your body would very quickly rebound and most likely gain even more weight.

How much weight could i lose in 4 months if...?

Well it depends. DO you mean how much fat you can lose? Losing fat and losing weight are 2 different things.

You may only lose 5 pounds on the scale but lose 10% body fat. In which you'd be less fat and more muscle.

just talking weight loss 30-35 pounds.

How much weight can I lose in 4 months with diet and moderate exercise?

Great question! The truth is, it depends on your starting point.For example, if you’re dramatically overweight or obese, you can expect to safely lose as many as 2–3 pounds per week on a dialed-in diet with moderate exercise.If you’re starting point is much more standard, 140–180 pounds for women and between 160–220 pounds for men (estimates), then you can expect to lose 1–2 pounds per week.So, in short, as many as 36 pounds (on an intensely focused plan), and as few as 12–16 pounds on a more flexible, moderate plan.However, I’d like to point out that while total weight loss is a sticking point for most people, it’s also important to consider quality of weight loss (as well as other factors like increase in lean muscle tissue, overall health, decreased stress levels, etc).Final thoughts: I’d personally aim to lose 1–2 pounds per week, focusing on nutrition (calorie deficit) and strength training 2–4 times per week, with cardio as needed (1–2 times per week, so long as it doesn’t hinder performance during your strength training sessions).Also make sure to keep protein intake moderately high, 0.8–1.2 grams per pounds of target bodyweight.Hope this helps!

How much weight would I lose if I run 10 miles every day for 2 months?

Others have hinted at the answer, but I mostly closely echo Nico's response.The real question isn't how much you'll lose in 2 months, it should be about sustainability. Running 10 miles everyday for 2 months is not sustainable and at the end of those 2 months, your adrenals will be so wiped out, you'll gain all the weight you're trying to lose and more.5'8" and 150 is about ideal for male. For ladies, that may explain the weight need. Running that many miles for that long will shed weight - but it will shed muscle as well. You'll become skinny fat and then shake your fist that you ever started running. If you are serious about the weight loss and it's done in a healthy approach, combine your efforts with nutrition AND exercise. Exercise is only 20% of the equation, truth be told.Assuming you allow 8 weeks for your weight loss, you can reasonably lose 1-2 pounds per week in a safe manner without losing too much muscle. But instead of just turning to running, do some weight lifting. Look up videos about high intensity interval training.HIIT is known to increase your fat metabolism even after you stop exercising. As for your weight loss, you can dramatically lose 5-10 lbs. just in shifting what you are eating. Avoid processed foods, fast foods, carbohydrates as much as you can (less than 50 grams a day) and drink water vs. soda. Not even diet soda as sweeteners can cause an insulin response.Long story short - choose a method that is more sustainable for you and your body. Don't look at your life ending in 2 months. Set it up for success with an approach that you can do from now until you're in your 80's.Best of luck!

If you only drink water for a month, how much weight will you lose?

I stopped drinking sodas and cut pretty much all of the refined sugar out of my diet. I drank only water and unsweetened tea and lost over 60 lbs. in about 4 months. The other changes that I made were drinking a glass of water with fresh lemon juice every morning,along with a bowl of oatmeal. I cut out alot of beef,and ate more chicken and fish. I also started exercising. Exercise is definately necessary,and it doesn't have to be strenuous. Simply taking a walk for 30 min. a day will help alot. Try to eat a small meal every 3-4 hours. It will keep your metabolism working strong. Aso,instead of white bread,white rice,white pasta,etc. eat whole wheat. I guarantee you'll lose weight and feel better.
Also,after a while of not drinking sodas you won't even miss them. Good luck and take care.

How much weight can a 400 pound female lose in a month?

The advantage of being 400 pounds is that you can lose a lot of weight with exercise. Your body burns so many calories per pound of weight according to whatever activity you are performing. Here's something that will help you calculate that:

What you should know is that you do not become that overweight simply be not eating right. Your body's metabolic rate is very slow so do not think for a second that the solution to your problem is to stop eating or to eat less frequently. Begin consuming five to six meals of high protein low fat foods per day. It is very important that you eat regularly.

There is a book called "the six day body makeover" that is geared towards putting you on a diet that will not starve you. The author asserts that you will lose a pant size in a week.

As to how much weight you will lose, that depends on what you do. I knew a girl that was 250 lbs and purchased dance dance revolution for a ps2. She lost 75 lbs in a few months doing something she found enjoyable. That is key in any exercise routine. You need to find a physically strenuous activity that you enjoy in order to lose weight.

And don't fall into the pill idea. Acai berry, colon cleansing, etc, only does so much. Losing weight takes work.

If I starve myself for a month how much weight could I lose?

You'll lose a lot of water weight initially, then lose some fat/muscle. Your metabolism will slow down so when you start eating again (and you will have to, or die) you'll regain the weight very quickly (and probably some extra as your body will want to store fat for the next famine you subject it to). You will have a high chance of being tired all the time, dizzy spells (possibly fainting), low concentration, bowel movements will be disrupted, your period may stop, and a host of other possible health issues because food is fuel for your body and without that fuel it cannot function properly.

Yes, ceasing eating will cause weight loss but the end result is ill health, likely weight gain, and possible serious side effects. What good to lose 20 lbs (just an example, that may or may not happen for you) if you start school, begin eating again, and in a few months gain 30 or 40?

Do it what you eat and exercise. If what you are doing now isn't working, make adjustments to it.You only get one body in this lifetime, don't screw it up just to try to impress others.