How Much Weight Does It Look Like I Need To Lose

How much weight can you lose in 6 weeks?

well they say that healthy weight loss per week is 2-3 pounds... you should NEVER lose more than that. that said, healthy weight loss for 6 weeks would be between 12-18 pounds!

What does a 24 inch waist look like and is it achieved by weight loss alone?

The smallest my waist has ever been is 25 inches and even then it looked pretty tiny, especially considering I still had 37 inch hips!

Yes, it can be achieved by weight loss, but whether in your case that is healthy is another matter. It is also not necessary, no-one needs to have a 24 inch waist unless they are thinking of going into the modelling industry.

HTH : )

Someone at work told me I look like I've lost weight, does this mean she thinks I'm fat?

She said "You look like you've lost weight" and I just awkwardly said "Oh really?" and she said "Yes, have you?" and honestly I was shocked, I know this might be a compliment to some people but I don't consider myself fat, I'm not rake thin but I certainly don't look noticeably fat or anything or at least I THOUGHT I didn't but to say something like this to someone as a compliment and then ask me if I know if I've lost weight must mean she thinks oh yeah he's fat and he's probably actively trying to lose weight therefore if he has lost weight he'd know it because he's probably on those scales everyday like wtf? I feel like this is such a rude thing to say someone now I feel like people are thinking I look fat fantastic right well I was starting to feel ok about myself now I have to feel fat too yay...

How much weight do you have to lose before you feel like you've lost weight?

Typically, people start to notice once you’ve lost about 10% of your body weight. If you weigh more, you have to lose more for people to see it.This is one of the most frustrating things about weight loss success at larger sizes. You can lose 20 pounds, 50 pounds, in extreme cases, 100 pounds, and as far as any casual observer can tell you’re still obese.As Andrew noted, changing more of your body mass to muscle through exercise may result in people noticing you look better at a higher weight. At 5′4″, My ideal weight turns out to be 197 lbs when I have a lot of muscle, and I do not look like a body builder at that weight.Totally aside from the looks of it, building strength is one of the best things you can do for your health. If you are very overweight, you will feel fit a lot sooner if you get your muscles in shape, and that will make everything easier. Not just exercising, but getting around in everyday life, eating (exercise tends to curb your appetite), reducing back and joint pain, and even improving orgasms (better abdominal muscles—this works for women, no idea for men).Obesity is a way more miserable experience than it has to be if you don’t exercise. If you’re carrying extra pounds, take advantage of your extra body weight to get really strong. It’s easier to build strength at a high weight, especially for women.

How Much Weight Does Jennifer Maitland Look Like She Needs To Lose In These Pictures?

The Only Problem Might Be That She Is Said To Be Plus Sized.

How Many Inches Does She Look Like She Needs To Remove From Her Belly,Every Part Of Her Thighs & Her Butt?

Does She Look Like She Has A Bubble Butt In These Pictures?

When I Say Something About A Bubble Butt It Relates To A Big Butt.

If She Has A Bubble Butt Then She Might Want To Reduce The Size Of It.

What Brand Of Open Toe High Heels Do We See Her Wearing In The First Picture That I Have Here?

How Well Would She Look In Either A 1 Piece Bathing Suit,A 1 Piece Leotard Or A 1 Piece Bodysuit?

What Would You Say Would Happen If She Tried To Put On A Light Blue Pair Of Jeans With A Button & A Zipper That Is Either 6 Sizes Smaller Than What Her Body Looks Like In These Pictures Or A Pair That Is 12 Sizes Smaller Than What Her Body Looks Like In These Pictures & Why Do You Say That?

What Should I Do If I See Her Walking Around The Streets While Only Wearing Either The Bra & Underwear That She Is Wearing In The First Picture That I Have Here Or A Black Version Of The Bra & Underwear That She Is Wearing In The Second Picture That I Have Here & At The Same Time I Also See Her Either Wearing A Black Version Of The Open Toe High Heels That She Is Wearing In The First Picture That I Have Here Or Barefoot?

My doctor told me to lose some weight..?

I just got back from the doctor's office, and he suggested that I lose some weight.. Normally I would listen to what my doctor tells me, but I was really offended! I don't think I'm overweight at all, but he said that my BMI was almost too high for my height and age.. do I look like I need to lose weight?