How Much Will It Cost For Just Nicktoons And Nothing Else

What do you think of Disney Channel these days?

Most people say they like "the old Disney Channel" but I dont really get that. I mean they couldnt continue making Lizzie McGuire forever right? Anyway, what do you think of Disney Channel these days and if you prefer "the old Disney" please elaborate on that. Thanks

What strong opinions do you hold that could make someone dislike you?

Modern art is terrible but often times hilarious.Cops aren't hunting black people.Today's liberals are (for the most part) racist, sexist, identitarian, extremely intolerant of opposing views, and are happy to silence you if you don't fit the ideological mold.Most of our post 9–11 actions in the middle east were bad choices. That being said, we can't just leave at this point, for so many reasons. Meh.Transgender activists are utterly ridiculous. Can someone please tell me who is oppressing the trans people? The boy scouts? The tyrranical patriarchy (ha)?Why on Earth would gay marriage ever have been illegal? This is America, the land of the free. If your a dude who loves another dude, or a chic who likes chics, what business is it of mine to tell you that's wrong?Not everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is “hate speech”.Speaking of, Donald Trump is a big ol' douche bag.That being said, his administration is doing great things for this country.It really sucks how easy it is to get a gun in America. Think about it, before you are allowed to legally operate a vehicle you have to get a license. In order to get that license you must pass a test in drivers ed. You should have to pass a test to buy a gun.BUT, to put it bluntly, guns exist and are here to stay, because we NEED them.Good guys with guns far outweigh the criminal and mentally ill elements of our society who open fire in classrooms full of children and murder little babies in drive by shootings, and as such shouldn't ever have their guns taken away. I'm not even talking about the 2nd amendment here, I'm talking about protecting what's yours.Green Day sucks.Star Wars the last Jedi was complete and total garbage.SpongeBob SquarePants is easily one of the best nicktoons of all time. Come at me, I will fight you.I have only ever been ticketed by female cops with something to prove, do with that what you will.Addiction is a real disease, not a choice.The book isn't always better than the movie.

Did you ever fall in love with a fictional character?

Reading through this question, I’ve noticed a lot of people listing several characters at once. The question asks “Did you ever fall in love with a fictional character?” and from what I’ve read, most of these are just crushes, or sexual attraction. I’m not trying to take away from these posters, but from what I’ve seen it was never love.But to answer your question, yes. I’ve spent a long time debating whether or not to write this. Just over two years ago, I realised that a crush I had on a specific character was something more. And I still feel the same way. Everything about this girl, to me at least, is perfect. I would do anything for her. I’d die for her if I had to. It’s ridiculous, I know, and a completely nonsensical way to feel about a fictional character. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to make her real, or to become part of that universe. Nothing I wouldn’t do to see her smile,something completely up to writers and animators. Every time I think about her, my stomach burns and my mind goes all fuzzy. And thats a really sucky way to feel about someone who can never feel the same. It’s not fun to feel this way, but for whatever reason, I don’t want to stop feeling it.

What happened to kids tv these days?

I was so bored today so I decided to check out some cartoons. Well, all I found was garbage.

On Nickelodeon the only cartoon they show is Spongebob and some CGI garbage. Everything else is a lame teen sitcom. Why can't they show old nicktoons? Would they're ratings be in jeopardy if they showed cartoons instead of "icarly"

I've always hated Disney channel, and its even worse than before. They should just change the name to "the 24 hour teen sitcom channel". NOTHING to do with Disney whatsoever

Cartoon Network impressed me the most, but still. At least they're showing Tom and Jerry during the day. But they're original shows were sub par. Better than disneychannel and "Nick", but complete garbage compared to older shows.

Why are they feeding kids teen sitcom dating shows and adult swim cartoons that should be on adult swim. I know I'm too old to like cartoons but come on. If I have kids and I see them watching this crap, I should be concerned. How'd we go from jhonny bravo to jhonny test? From Rocko's Modern Life, Doug, Ren and stimpy and angry beavers to just icarly and spongebob? What happened?