How Not To Be Scared Of Rejection

Why are guys so scared of rejection?

I know so many guys that always stare at me and look at me or maybe even smile at me and flirt with me but they never go ahead and break the ie and just come up to me. How do they know I'm going to reject them? I'm not a b*** nor am I stuck up so pretty much, I'll talk to anyone. Why? Why the nervous gestures and the shyness? (Although that is avery attractive quality) Some of the shyest guys can be the nicest, and best people out there. I just want them to talk to me! I am also shy myself so... This doesn't help my problem.

Why am I so scared of rejection?

Hey man, no worries, a lot of people feel that way. It's a feeling that will go down in time.

While you may be a confident person, the problem is that you're not confident with approaching women. Here's a sure fire guide to help yourself out.

1 - Face you fears. Here's a link that will help you out with that:

2 - Go and get rejected. Remember riding a bike as a kid? Same thing. Go fall off a few times, until you get the hang of it (seriously, approaching women is a skill, it takes practice). Here's another link to help:


Why are women So Scared of rejection?

I see your point. But it has been my personal experience that when I approach guys in any way shape or form, I get shot down. But when I sit back and let the guy approach me, he will chase me to the other side of the earth. It has nothing to do with's just that men and women are wired differently. Please, it would make life a lot easier if I could approach a guy and know that I had a chance. I don't say that pursuing is the man's job...I say that it's the uncertainty of the chase that gets a guy interested. Funny, but I grew up in the eighties, and twenty years or so they were saying the same thing that everyone is saying now...girls can ask boys out, etc etc. And twenty years later we're still a society that expects the man to do it. We can change our thinking, but I guess we can't change our own behavior so easily.

How did you overcome your fear of rejection?

It all boils down to something called detachment from the outcome.As bizarre as it may seem, the idea is to not seek the end-goal of dating someone by asking them out, but rather to enjoy the process of going there and doing your thing. If the outcome is positive, great, but if it isn’t, you simply stop caring about the situation and move on.Rejection is not a bad thing as we like to paint it. Sure, it’s a downer, but consider the following situations.The girl you ask out makes fun of you, says something bad about your character or your appearance and tries to put you down because you dared to risk approaching her. Why would you want to be with someone like that in the first place? Simply move on from her and let that idiot live her life far, far away from you.The girl you ask out says she’s flattered by your approach, but she just isn’t into the idea of you two dating. She doesn’t make a big deal out of it, though, and you both move on. It’s in the past, it’s something that already happened and it’s not going to kill you — in fact, it can be a learning experience, meaning you may need to do something differently in order to be able to seduce someone; however, if you think about it, you are doing something right which is approaching a girl in a respectful way and taking rejection gracefully.In my experience, I learned that the best way to understand how this works is asking girls out even though I was afraid as hell to do so. Once you see it’s not a thing as hard to take as we think it is, it becomes easier to let that out of the way. Good luck with dating!

How to get over my fear of rejection?

Can someone please tell me how to get over my fear of rejection, I cant even ask a girl out because im afraid she'll say No,Im not bad looking im just afraid i'll look stupid if I get rejected...PLEASE HELP

How come you men fear rejection?

How come you guys fear rejection? especially if you never had a girlfriend before or you are ready emotionally and mentally to get married ? and you want to approach or call a woman?

Do I fear ? nope. if the guy doesnt want me , then shame on him. he lost out on something excellent!

You men if you like someone or you just want to get to know a woman , call her to see how she is doing or ask her out. if she says no 2 times then move on... and sometimes if she starts to think hmmmm then she will approach or call you. cause u got her thinking.

How do I get over my huge fear of rejection?

I wanna start walking up to tons of random girls but I CAN'T because I hate not knowing what to expect and you never know the type of female your walking up to, so I get really nervous. And I'm not even a shy guy, so I know I can get over it. I just have no idea how.

Why do so many people fear rejection?

Fear of rejection is one of the most basic human fears, we are all afraid of being rejected be it from a person or a job. I think it has to do with our need of "belonging" as we are social beings and depend in the acceptance of others.

Rejection is usually determined by the perceived importance of the person or the job we’re approaching. If it is important for us, it is normal to feel nervous about being rejected.

Fear is something we all experience the difference is between the person that is afraid and keeps searching, or the person that is afraid and hides in a corner. I think what helps is to know that we are not alone, men feel afraid of being rejected, women feel afraid of being rejected. Look at children and how important is for them to be accepted by their pears. Is part of bonding and belonging to the group.

It helps not to take rejection personally (I know extremely hard). Many times rejection happens because it was just not the right moment, or the right way, nothing about you as a person. Remember most of the time the other person is a s nervous and afraid as you are.

Just some thoughts