How Old Is My Brown Non Clip Marine Corps Tie Clasp

Marine Corps uniform regulation question?

3020. NECKTIE CLASPS (MEN) (See fig. 3-6.)
1. The gold necktie clasp as sold through the Marine Corps Supply System is standard for all male Marines. However, all Marines may purchase at their option approved tie clasps with stamped or superimposed Marine Corps emblems through the Marine Corps exchange or commercial sources. For officers, the optional tie clasp will have a silver-colored emblem; and for all enlisted, a gold-colored emblem.

2. The clasp will always be worn on the necktie when the khaki shirt is worn as the outer garment and it may be worn with the service "A" uniform. It will be placed horizontally on the lower half of the necktie midway between the third and fourth buttons from the top.