How Old Were You When You Started Paying Your Own Cell Phone Bill Vs. Having Your Parents Pay For

Why are my parents making me get a job to pay for my own phone bill when it's the parent’s job to take care of the child?

To take care of a child involves feeding them, clothing them, providing housing and educating them. I don’t see the words “paying for your phone expenses” included in what constitutes taking care of a child. It sounds as though they have been nice enough to buy you a phone and ask that you only pay for how you use it.I have no idea how old you are, but I’m going to assume if they want you to get a job to pay for your phone bill then you must be a teenager. It would be unfortunate for you if you believe everything you want is the responsibility for which your parents are obligated to pay. It sounds to me as though they want you to learn to take care of yourself and to be responsible for providing some niceties of your life. It also may be a way of having you understand the expense of your phone usage so that you are cautious about how it is used.I wish you luck in finding a job that will permit you to enjoy a phone of your own.

Paying for my own phone bill?

you have to get off the family plan and be careful about letting it lying around the house (if they are so high tech lol they might request and online pin # which gets sent to your phone and then they can sign in with your phone number and pin # online and see everything AGAIN).
these days, individual plans get costly...see if you can join one of your friend's plans. that's what i did in the past and i only paid 40 bucks for iPhone plan with internet and everything!! a steal!

If I buy a cell phone and pay my own bill and have a job can my parents take the phone from me?

you do not say how old you are and that makes a difference.Because like to many parents say, You will do as I say as long as your living in my house!!! I always hated that saying!! but yes they can take your phone if they feel its for a good reason until you are old enough to move out.and if you are old enough to move out then start planning to make the move.

Do my parents have a right to take my cell phone away?

You may not like it, but until you are either 18 or legally emancipated, YES, they can do whatever they want to your property. Legally it is not even considered *your* property, even though you paid for it. They can do whatever they want to you except beat you with weapons and leave marks. So long as you are under 18, living in their home, you are considered their "minor child" and they have much more power than you like. I am not saying this to be mean, I'm just telling you the law. In fact, if you ran away to live with the boyfriend, they could legally have you arrested for doing that! They could turn you over as a "ward of the state" and force you to live the next 2 years in YGCs and group homes. I should hope your situation is not THAT bad---being grounded off the phone seems like a pretty minor punishment, but since you are this upset about it, obviously it's a punishment that hits a huge chord with you.

Maybe you should reconsider how "silly" your parents think cleaning whatever you didn't clean is, and then you can reach a compromise so everyone is happy. I'd bet $$ that they think the cleaning issue (or whatever they grounded you for) is not a little thing to them, it was probably more like a "last straw" deal in their minds for them to take your phone. If they pay to support you in every other way, and your chores are pretty minor, I think I would reconsider how "silly" the issue at hand really is, and then meet them in the middle. You only have 2 more years, and when you turn 18 they can toss you out on your butt... and you may not be ready for that then! a lot of stuff changes in 2 years.

If parents pay for the phone and wireless plan, should a 17 year old have to share their location on their phone with their parents if they say so or is that an invasion of privacy?

This is coming from an 18 year old who has been in an emotionally abusive, no-privacy-at-all household for 17 years and 11 months. This past month I've finally moved to live with my dad who respects my privacy to an extent.However, he is my father and expects to know where I am at all times. He knows that I can disable the tracking on my phone at any time however I do not out of my respect for his rules. If I want to go somewhere I clear it with him first. He is a worrier especially as he has come to understand what happened while I was under my mother's care.I think it is perfectly reasonable to have a tracker on the device. ANY objection on grounds of privacy etc. is a red flag that you're doing something you shouldn't be. If you or the teenager was where they were meant to be, there is no reason for there to not be tracking - it gives the parents a peace of mind.I have a tracker both on my truck and phone. I agree with it. If I wreck in the middle of no where with no service - my dad knows exactly where I am. If eventually I sneak off to a party and get too drunk to respond to his texts? He'll pick me up after my curfew passes- and have strong words with me after the hangover passes. It could potentially save me from all manner of hazards and that is why I don't fight it.I'm also not paying for the phone or the truck, they are in his name so he has EVERY right to do whatever the heck he wants to with them. If I want that kind of privacy, I need to buy it myself. OTLDR: not only is having a tracker a good idea, if they are opposed to the idea it means they're doing something they shouldn't be.

How do I pay for my own phone bill?

I'm 17 and dad has anger issues and takes my phone randomly and I've had enough so I've decided that I'm going to pay for my own phone because he can only really say he owns it if he's the one paying the bill. I have a part-time job (minimum wage) and I'm going to start babysitting because that makes me more money. How do I get the bill sorted out though? My phone is under a plan with my mom, dad, and grandmother and as far as I know the bill is paid as a whole. Who do I go to to get a separate bill, Verizon (my phone carrier)? How does this all work?