How Old Would U Guess Me

How old do i look? Guess my age!?

pic 1.

Pic 2. Me golfing

I'm 5'0 tall..110 pounds

How old do i look....and you get 10 points
and Tell my why i look the age you guessed

How old do u have to be to get engaged?

It's not about age, it's about commitment!!! (till death do you part). Getting engageded is a big thing for mature, grown up adults. It's not stuff you throw around with your boyfriends at such a young age. Find out what marraige is about and divorce too while you're at. If you are ready then there is no age limit for engagment, to get married is a different question.

Hope that helps(opens your eyes)

Have you ever guessed someone's age wrong (younger or older)?

Oh yeah and they always smile! I always guess that they are younger for some reason..I have no sense of age..I'm glad I never guessed older...I wouldn't get good responses...

As for me peoiple guess me too be way younger and way older..guess u just can't tell with me!

How old is Gol D Roger?

huh! hard question~ my guessing is more or less same age as Monkey D. Dragon. around 30++ when he is executed...