How Should I Address This Sitaution

What does "address the situation" mean?

It means to like take on the situation, analyze it, try to make a soulution. To take a look at it and see what options who have to do about it.

How do I address the situation that I am in with a friend?

Like, really? You can ask "How do I address the situation that I am in with a friend?", leave the details blank and not even tell us what the situation is so we can make proper fun of it?The answer to your question and to thousands of others here on Quora is:Talk to [him|her|them|it]. Treat [him|her|them|it] like [a] human being[s] (well, maybe not the last one).

Which of the following situations would a local government address?

*** bonus question

Which of the following situations would a local government address?
presidential election
trade with other nations
support of armed forces
damaged streetlights

How would I address a situation regarding subnetting?


First, I think you mean /23 which also means ( subnet mask of )

To account for the identical office opening in the future, split this in half.
(a) /24 and (b) * adding one more binary '1' to the subnet cuts it in half /24 = subnet mask

for each net then..
you need a subnet with at least 100 users. the next multiple you can use is 128
Production = / ( or /25)
remember with this, the network 'name' is
conventionally, your router will be device 1,
and the broadcast address is the last address;
.. so you have 125 actual host addresses to use.

Accounting needs 25.. the next binary multiple is 32
mgmt needs 7 ( binary multiple is 8, but you may need to use 16 to allow for router, and broadcast)
servers need 5 ( next binary multiple is 8)

working backwards now, to save network address space..

With subnets, you can mask all 32 numbers ( for a zero-host net)
remove 1 bit from the mask, you get 2 addresses ( /31)
remove 2 bits, you get 4 addresses (30)
remove 3 bits, you get 8 addresses, (29)
remove 8 bits and you get 256 addresses ( /24)

servers can have last 8-host subnet /29 ( 248-255)
mgmt can have 16 /28 ( 224-240)
acctg can have 32 /27 ( 192-224)

you keep 2 subnets open, (8 addresses) /29 ( 240-248)
(64 addresses) ( 128-192)

- you could divide these up, or leave them intact in the future.

then mirror this layout on the 170.20.11.x network

Another NPD was gaslighting me. I tried to address the situation directly with him and even reached out to his friends and his girlfriend -- no dice. So I kicked his ass. That worked like a charm. Should I have 'felt his pain' instead?

Narcissists are the biggest cowards ever from my experience. I've never heard of a narcissist manipulating someone capable of kicking their ass male/female narcissist ESPECIALLY males. Their ALL cowards who push limits and test people. I guess this time the narcissist learned its lesson.Don't believe me? Take a look at the answer (Aiden)who's narcissist wrote below. It's evident (Aiden) is in complete shock when his fellow narc brother wasn't able to escape the consequences of manipulating someone which is the norm for narcissist. And in return this person probably grew tired of giving the narc chances decided it was time to lay hands on the delusional "Devil".(Here's what Aiden said)"So wait, let me get this straight. You were being gaslighted, got pissed off, lost control, and got physically violent. A bigger shock is how a few individuals are praising you for “doing the right thing.” The only time someone should use physical violence is if they are in immediate danger. Any other situation seems way too much of a stretch to justify using violence to solve the problem."

How does one maturely address the situation where a girl expects you to pay for everything (assuming both of you live in NYC and are pretty secular professionals)?

I generally dealt with this by insisting that they pay for the entertainment of their choice. No matter how close your tastes are, there are going to be things that she suggests you do. In these cases, let her know that you're fine with doing them as long as she pays. This allows you to budget what you're willing to pay for, and gives her an opportunity to be more of an equal contributor in the finances of the relationship.This policy eventually resulted in me only dating women who were at least marginally self sufficient. The perpetually struggling types often had difficulty connecting the effort of income to the entertainment expenses and had perpetually escalating "satisfaction costs".From Bogdan W Caprita:My question is how do you bring this up without coming across as "cheap", "ungentlemanly," "obnoxious"? thanks"Sure we can do that. Are you paying?" or "That's a little outside of my budget. You wanna chip in?" or "That's kind of expensive, I'll go halvzies with ya..."Negative reactions are generally a defensive measure because you're accusing her of not carrying her weight. If she never wants to pay for anything, then she isn't carrying her weight. Many women feel that the right to have her beautiful self on your arm should be enough of a contribution to the relationship that you'd be willing to pay for everything. I'd avoid that type entirely if I were you.The issue is that there's a social expectation among some women that the man should always pay for everything. If she's the type who feels that kind of relationship is necessary to her self-valuation then there's no dissuading her of it any more than you can dissuade a motor-head that they can live without a nice car.If you set the expectation that you'll pay for everything early in the relationship, then changing it mid-relationship actually is a game changer and needs to be negotiated. Unless you have a significant change in financial status, it's a sure sign that you're losing interest in her and she'll know it. It's much better to set that expectation early. It isn't enough to just give lip service to the idea of not doing all of the spending, either. At one point I even went so far as to ask a woman "Will you still love me when I come to my senses and stop spending beyond my means?" She said "yes", of course. That mistake eventually led to my divorce about fourteen years ago.

What is the proper way to address a French woman whose marital status is unknown? Madame or Mlle.?

Madame (often abbreviated as Mme) is the proper form of address for adult French women when the marital status is unknown. This can also be seen in the headings of general letters and announcements which should be addressed as 'Madame, Monsieur'.

Likewise, if you're speaking to a group of French women, and at least some of them are married (or you're unsure), the term to use is 'Mesdames'