How So You Know If You Have A Drink Problem

Why is it wrong to drink your problems away?

Its not wrong to do it, its just not the healthiest way to go about coping. For one, it is very easy to become dependant on alcohol and if you continue to run to the bottle when things get rough then in time the issues that drive you to drink will become more trivial. It can easily get to the point where you are drinking too much which causes problems that drive you to drink, its a vicious cycle. For example, you may start off drinking cause your friend died, then because of your drinking, you stop getting up for work cause of hangovers, then you lose your job, then your depressed and bored so you drink more. Before you know it you are a drunk slob who cannot get laid or keep a job and all you have is a bottle of whiskey.

Like any drug, Alcohol can be a useful tool to not only cope with the bad times but to aid in creating some really good times. Like the saying goes "do the dope, dont let the dope you" Dont worry about being stereotyped and ignorant people trying to diagnose psychological problems. If you feel crappy and want a beer, go have one...or two. While having those beers, think about your problems and what you need to do to improve your situation. Life can be great but it takes lots of hard work and resilience.

What made you realize you had a drinking problem?

For me it appeared suddenly after a period of serious depression. My now ex-husband (husband at the time) was traveling on business extensively. I was not feeling very well at all. I was in a lot of physical pain. I was vomiting a lot. I had a gastric bypass about 10 years ago so I thought I had eaten something that had triggered a reaction that set of a “dumping syndrome.” Still in pain, I began drinking more. Then I couldn’t sleep. So I bought some Tylenol PM. Went through about 300 capsules in a month. Bad idea. Unknowingly, I have now sent my liver over the edge. Still in pain. Cannot take more Tylenol. Began drinking more. Not a good idea. Husband still gone. Deep, deep depression. No family to call for help. Hey you can have wine delivered to your doorstep via the internet. Friends, this was the worst decision of my life.This is when I knew I was in trouble. I drank so much that I could not stop. By the time my husband returned, I had acute pancreatitis. I had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital for a 12 day hospital stay. I then entered an intensive outpatient rehab. I successfully completed that. I am now sober for 19 months.But some things are irreversible. I have damaged my executive functioning part of my brain. My husband of 43 years has divorced me.There is no going back. There is only embracing the person you were, the person you are, and the person you will be going forward.

How does someone know that they have a drinking problem?

When a person begins to ask the question whether they have a drinking problem or not—it may be the first warning sign they are aware of that their drinking habits have caught up with them. Usually they ignore other signs such as a partner’s nagging , having her call into work because of a hangover or is in a daze about where the car was last parked.Denial is pervasive as the problem drinker or alcoholic will use any justification or excuse to continue his pattern of disruptive drinking. Even though it is evident to others, the alcoholic in his clouded thinking continues despite adverse consequences.A definite sign of a drinking problem is to be hauled off to the clink and charged with a DUI. This may not be enough for some hard core alcoholics who ignore obvious problems and continue to drink.If lucky, a defendant to a DUI will get a judge who imposes a fine which includes a sentence they complete an alcohol treatment program, where they must face the destructive consequences of their drinking on the family, job and the community. A one year suspended sentence usually includes regular attendance at AA meetings and the aftercare treatment available through the inpatient program they complete successfully.Alcoholism is a complex disorder that isn’t simply about drinking too much but is about the loss of control that occurs sometimes when a person has only one drink. It encompasses the alcoholic, his family, work and community. It impacts his health and the health and well being of his family. It is the direct cause of accidents, deaths and often involves innocent victims as well.

How can I tell if someone has a drinking problem?

You think they have a drinking problem because they hid their glass when they were asked to make a public speech? That's not a sign at all. They may or may not have a problem but it sounds like you don't know them well enough to even venture a guess.My grandmother was a wise woman and had a lot of useful sayings and she was old school on manners and etiquette. She was by no means a teetotaler but one of her life tips was to not be photographed with a drink in your hand. In her day everyone didn't have a phone in their pockets so it's a tougher task in today's world but I think it's a good life tip. In my opinion it's not a good look for a photo and since the person you're referencing was asked to publicly speak there was a good chance people were going to take photos of him. Perhaps he had simply met my grandmother.

I want to drink my problems away but i don't drink. What's a good alternative?

Smoke some weed.

I love my boyfriend but he has a problem when he drinks, he "soils" himself. I love him, what do I do?

Unfortunately soiling himself is not the problem, drinking is. If you love him be patient but take him away from the things that are conducive to drinking. Be patient because he did not learn to drink in a day but if you start now you could save your family from what his drinking might lead to that you cannot clean up.

My boyfriend has drinking problems, what should i do?

He may claim to love you but he obviously loves his drink more than you. He is an addict and for an addict to get better they have to want it, you can't simply make them stop. Your only course of action is to stop taking him back and move on with your life. Maybe when he realizes what a wonderful woman he has lost he will finally realize he needs help.